
Virgin Gaming Lauched - it pays to play!

Sudogamer reports: Virgin Gaming launched, and will let gamers access to play the best games in super competitive tournaments with anyone in the world and win the biggest prizes and the most rewards!

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Strange Product Tie-In Games

A look at various product tie-in themed games from Pepsi Invaders on the Atari 2600 in the early 80s to more recent titles like Sneak King for the Xbox 360.

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kaiserfranz3092d ago

I really can't understand retro gaming...

Orionsangel3091d ago

How old are you? Because depending on your age. That might explain a lot.

Heyxyz3092d ago (Edited 3092d ago )

I love Sneak King, I think I even got most of the achievements for it.

thorstein3091d ago

"However, upon closer inspection someone can see something is wrong. What could it be? Wait a second… Magic is powered by Skittles?"

Are you saying it isn't?

MrN3091d ago

I have it on excellent authority that magic is powered by friendship.


Virgin launch 100 day game contest for aspiring game developers

Aspiring game developers have the chance to design and publish a mobile video game if they take part and win Virgin Media’s 100 day game project.

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Virgin Gaming teams up with GameStop for video game tournaments

Virgin Gaming is teaming up with the world’s biggest video game retailer, GameStop, to create online video game tournaments.

The partnership makes Virgin Gaming the preferred online tournament provider for games sold in thousands of U.S. GameStop locations and through GameStop.com. The deal is the first sign that billionaire Richard Branson’s move into gaming with the Virgin Gaming business is getting some traction. If it succeeds, then another big media giant will have a foothold in the increasingly successful video game industry. That means that games matter in the larger entertainment and media market.

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