
News: Pachter: GoldenEye would 'do better on 360'

Activision's GoldenEye Wii remake would do better on Xbox 360 believes respected industry analyst, Michael Pachter.

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-Alpha5123d ago (Edited 5123d ago )

Does every Pachter announcement need to be posted on N4G? I don't get it, what makes his opinion, which is not only common sense and shared by many others, so much more authoritative and "respected"?

I don't understand.

Anyways, Nintendo is KICKING ASS!

But-but-no hardcore gamez on Wii! Anyone see Reggie address the rumors? I swear he was going to pull out a gun and shoot everybody lol. He looked pretty grim.

New Kirby? New Dragon Quest?

These guys are on a roll!

MexicanAppleThief5123d ago

Nintendo has just made me into a believer. I'm getting the 3DS ASAP.

user8586215123d ago

agreed, nintendo really made this conference all about the hardcore gamers, cant same the same about "wink wink"

GrieverSoul5123d ago

I got lost on the "respected industry analyst" part but hey, he is somekind of celebrity in the medium so his opinion kinda counts.

cobraagent5123d ago

alpha, i don't understand this. Yes the Nintendo conference was the best conference of e3 2010 this far. I just wish the Zelda demo wasn't that bad

Tony-A5123d ago (Edited 5123d ago )

Nintendo's conference was most definitely their best this entire generation. They announced what people wanted and much more, including a solid list of upcoming 3DS games.

FarEastOrient5123d ago

The simple reason is that several make money off of investing in videogame companies, myself included. I don't know who is posting his comments but just like every commentator you make your decisions based on a balance of all of them.

I too believe GoldenEye would've sold better on 360 especially if Rare did the remake.

After watching Microsoft's yesterday I thought the following press conferences were going to be bad. But Nintendo did a great job, why didn't their previous years look like this.

TheAwesomessMan5123d ago

Well I think at the time, their focus on another type of consumer, the casual consumer. Once they established that they were clear to take off and show everyone why Nintendo is known as a Gaming Company.

N4g_null5123d ago

You did play rares perfect dark on the 360 right, remember how much it sucked and how this game with barely even better graphics than the N64 is all sorts of awesome.

Seriously the guys that make 3d shooters should know what makes golden eye tick and activision knows it better than rare.

m235123d ago

That conference was just awesome. They showed so many new games, it's hard to list. They are bringing so many games that people asked for, and more. Donkey Kong just blew me away especially, I used to play that a ton. Kirby was great as well. Nintendo might have just won E3, just gotta wait until Sony is up, I'm pretty sure they will have some surprises as well. Microsoft kinda let me down on the hardcore side, Reach and Gears were awesome though.

Downtown boogey5123d ago

Who are you trying to fool? Same old classic Nintendo games that are technically last-gen.

N4g_null5123d ago

When did being hardcore become last gen, who cares they rocked and 2d gaming rocks too!

vhero5123d ago

Well the original developers of the game formed Free Radical and they are great at developing PS3 games thats why Crytek bought them up.. I would say for that reason it would do better on PS3 however this game isn't gonna get half the success of the original title. FPS on wii?? no chance.. Nintendo no longer have a hardcore market.

Swiftfox5123d ago

Yes, Pather's comments are mostly common knowledge in the gaming community. I to wonder why everything that comes out of his mouth is posted especially considering how looked down on he is at N4G.

As far as Nintendo, while I am happy that they have gone in the direction of games and made them the focus of the presentation, I am upset that these are just the same games over and over with nothing really classified as "new". Save for Epic Mickey which seems to be a blend of the older SNES games and Mario Sunshine.

Donkey Kong, Kirby, Goldeneye...nothing really reached me as new or "that I have to get" cause in essence I've played them before. It is good for those that havn't had the chance which are the majority of Wii owners, but personally, little in the "must have" department.

sikbeta5123d ago

What an Attention-Whøre, he will say whatever crap come into his mind just for a little of exposure, GTFO Pachter, do yourself a favor and Shut UP!

callahan095123d ago (Edited 5123d ago )

Why does it seem like everything Pachter has been saying for the last month has been a veiled 360 endorsement? I mean, he never talks about how 360 exclusive developers would benefit by developing for PS3, but he would constantly talk about how developers like Insomniac "need" to develop for 360. He hypes up the Kinect, he says things like "GoldenEye would be better on 360" ... What the hell is up with him? He's coming off like a Microsoft company shill.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5123d ago
jay25123d ago

Every true Bond fan should storm the studio, no pierce B!

Cevapi885123d ago

i hope they have him as a down-loadable character or have him to play in MP

Rocket Sauce5123d ago (Edited 5123d ago )

I'll get the tank ready.

If you're going to make a game based on Goldeneye, you should probably use the likeness of the guy who starred in it. That's just mind blowing. If you absolutely have to remake something, do it right.

jaredhart5123d ago

but it would be a different game on the 360 or PS3.

JEDI WOLVERINE5123d ago ShowReplies(2)
Fishy Fingers5123d ago

Wow... I wish I was as smart as him...


and the kicker is - he gets paid good money to say stuff like that!

To quote Arnie "I need a vacation"

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Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 start date, time, exciting leaks and how to watch

Here is the start date and time for the Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 with bundles of exciting leaks and how to watch.

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gold_drake17d ago

10AM PT/1PM ET/6PM london time.
on June 9th.

this is so odd. we had ps before the summer fest and now xbox after.

lelo2play15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Summer Fest and the Sony show were both crap, let's hope Microsoft and Ubisoft shows are decent.

(the way this is going, I'm not asking for good/great shows, simply asking for decent shows...)

I miss E3.

RupeeHoarder15d ago

State of Play is a 30 minute sizzle reel. It is not meant to compete with the yearly Xbox showcase.

gold_drake15d ago

best e3 was when they showcased breath of the wild with the nintendo tree people i watched that quite a few times ha.

Daver15d ago

Diablo 4 expansion? Even if the game is bad.

Crows9015d ago

I'm definitely of the mind that d4 was complete crap at release...but the state of it right this moment is not complete crap. They've simplified a lot which actually helped their overtly stupid itemization.

End game content is still kind of stupid but at least progression and itemization is better.

Daver15d ago (Edited 15d ago )


Maybe but it is still boring. It might be a little bit better but it is not a good game.

Profchaos15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Xbox had typically kept the old e3 dates alive it seems to always fall on Queens / Kings birthday holiday in Aus only reason I've noticed as it used to be a day off to engross myself in e3 showcases but nowadays it's nothing

Lightning7717d ago

The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase. That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff.

There's also suppose to be a Wu Tang Clan game that's a kungfu action RPG featuring the legendary hip hop group New Yorks own Wu Tang Clan. You read right Wu Tang Clan kungfu action RPG.

Sounds weird, random and quirky but hey I'm down to see it.

romulus2315d ago

Bet the title has Shaolin in it.

purple10115d ago

State of decay 3 info is leaking on twitter!

Looks good. Personally don’t play horror/ zombie games, but I appreciate it’s a good game so that’s a win for Xbox fans.

Lord knows they need a win at the moment

ThinkThink15d ago

Appreciate the concern, but I think we'll be just fine. Hope you all enjoy tomorrow's show.

15d ago
Obscure_Observer15d ago

"The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase."

MS had the best showcases in the last few years.

This year, the bar is so low with those last showcases, that imo, MS and Ubisoft doesn´t even need to make much of an effort to beat them.

"That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff."

Grubb was right about the last State of Play. Just a few days for the end of the month, he´d continued and insisted that it was going to happen. And he was right! Sony made a last minute announcement for whatever reason, but the guy was spot on.

Lightning7715d ago

Grubb was only half right. He only got the month down, which was late last month for a PS event but wrong on it being a PS showcase.

Half right at best. He's still not that credible these days. He definitely wasn't spot on.

derek15d ago

Grubb has been pretty spot on in his comments regarding showcases. You can tell he's not guessing, he knows in advance.

Sonic188115d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Microsoft has had the best showcases for the last 3-4 years. The problem with Microsoft and the Xbox division is their reputation and trademark around the world. That's what's really affecting them.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 15d ago
anast16d ago

This show is going to be painful.

Elda15d ago

Hopefully not knowing most games shown will be multiplats & some eventually multiplats.

anast15d ago

The presentation is going to be the painful part. There might be some good games though.

15d ago
15d ago Replies(1)
15d ago
15d ago
15d ago
ArmrdChaos15d ago

You can always make a drinking game out of it for every time they say the words "Made for a modern audience".

Crows9015d ago

I'd like to be able to watch it through to the end though...

15d ago Replies(3)
GotGame81815d ago

Are you 12 or 13 now? 😂🤣

anast15d ago

This is fun. Some back and forth.

No, but those emojis sure seem like you might be.

Crows9015d ago

You'd think that every now and then even these dispassionate fools may do a good job...they've disappointed every single year since before release of Xbox one....that's a really long streak of disappointments...lol

anast15d ago

For sure. they have the money to put on a top tier show, but I'm afraid it will look like an event where super rich people are noticeably trying to be cheap. And they have this strange smile like they know they are trying o get over on people. It just makes for an awkward and tasteless showing.

GotGame81814d ago

My emojis? 😂🤣 Funny kid!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 14d ago
Elda15d ago

I hope it's a good showing knowing most games that will be shown will be multiplats & XB timed exclusives that'll eventually become multi-plats.

Tacoboto15d ago

It is what it is at this point.

At least the good games will have a chance to be bought, take advantage of the superior DualSense, and *maybe* give those studios a better shot at survival.

They'll also have better shadows, and run with higher dynamic res on the PS5 Pro.

Lightning7715d ago (Edited 15d ago )

So if they're multiplat would you suddenly like Xbox games?

You never have before you've made that clear several times over.

Elda15d ago

I have an XBSX. I also own a PS5 & a Switch. What's your point??

Lightning7715d ago

My point is what I said. You don't like Xbox games, you've said it repeatedly. So would you suddenly like Xbox games if they were available on PS5.

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Cheat Provider To Pay Call Of Duty Creator Activision Nearly $15M In Damages

Cheat software provider EngineOwning will pay Call of Duty creator Activision nearly $15 million in damages and legal fees.

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Jin_Sakai24d ago

Cheat providers for competitive games should be illegal.

Rynxie24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

This is what developers and manufacturers should do. I know going after cheat devices/makers is a cat and mouse game, and cost money. However, they can get that money back by sueing these manufacturers of cheat devices. Take a page from Nintendo's playbook.


Activision team is opening a new game studio in Poland 'Elsewhere Entertainment' to build new AAA IP

Microsoft's Activision subsidiary announced today that it is opening a new game development studio to take advantage of the huge talent pool growing in Poland. It'll be the second Activision studio based in the region, joining Infinity Ward Krakow, although this studio is, in fact, not working on Call of Duty.

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Psychonaut8538d ago

They’re not working on Call of Duty? Give it time.