
Pachter Explains Why Hardcore Games Flop on the Wii

"It seems to me that a 'true' hardcore gamer has a Wii to play Nintendo first party titles, and a 360 or PS3 to play everything else. Of course, some true hard core gamers can't afford multiple consoles, but my guess is that the majority of these own a 360 or PS3, since the number of third party and first party 'great' games available vastly exceeds the number of first party, great games on the Wii." - Michael Pachter

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bgrundman5128d ago

There is no market for those games on the console... end of story.

N4GAddict5128d ago

There is but they just buy hardcore Nintendo games.

Bobbykotickrulesz5128d ago

lol what's the point of an explanation, Pachter you idiot?

It's simple. Hardcore games fail because hardcore gamers don't play the effing console. HYUCK HYUCK AND THEN I HAD SEX WITH MA SISTUR

spankipants5128d ago

I see a PC vs Console debate brewing... =P

HolyOrangeCows5127d ago

Wii's userbase just doesn't appreciate those types of games.

And those who were hoping the Wii would get them gave up waiting years ago.

AssassinHD5127d ago (Edited 5127d ago )


It seems to me that SEGA was pleased with the Yakuza 3 sales in the west. What point were you trying to make?

Edit: Crap I clicked the wrong reply button.

Mahr5127d ago

"It seems to me that SEGA was pleased with the Yakuza 3 sales in the west"

Yes, let's look at that PR quote for a moment.

"the initial sales were really positive"

Do you notice that the key word there is 'initial'? Just like the key word in this next link is 'first'?


"The first set of data for Mad World is very encouraging"

So, like I said, Sega is used to disappointment.

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Anon73495128d ago

Yeah, because....

-No More Heroes

-Metroid Prime 3

-Zelda TP

-Monster Hunter Tri

-Mad World

all flopped, oh wait... they didn't.

Patcher is retarded, there isn't much else to say about this. Bad games like the conduit are just generic shooters, the reason why generic shooters and rail shooters don't sell well on the wii is because these "hardcore games" already exist on other console and on the PC, but they're better.

pustulio5128d ago

LOL all of those games suck.

ReservoirDog3165128d ago

Well they didn't exactly sell like they should've with the install base being so ridiculously big.

It just comes down to most people who play core games (at least a good percentage) like having achievements/trophies and good multiplayer with good graphics. Without that, most just skip over those wii games.

And most people do just skip over those hardcore wii games.

joeyda5128d ago

Pretty sure MadWorld didn't pull in the sales Sega wanted.

Mahr5128d ago

"Pretty sure MadWorld didn't pull in the sales Sega wanted."

Sega's used to disappointment. Look at what happened when they tried to bring Yakuza 3 to the West.

Lich1205128d ago

Most of those games aren't what one would consider "hardcore". Don't get me wrong, I played (and really liked) all of them but Monster Hunter.

Also, Mad Worlds sales were not that high and it was a shame. I think if it would have appeared on 360/PS3 it would have seen better numbers.

Mini Mario5128d ago (Edited 5128d ago )

"Well they didn't exactly sell like they should've with the install base being so ridiculously big."

So all the AAA games on the ps2 had over 100 million sales? The ps2 have 120 million or so consoles out there so does that mean every game sells over 100 million.

On a side note if the ps2 had so many hardware sales why didnt they carry on to the ps3. Since the ps2 only have hardcore gamers. *Cough*

Shendow5128d ago

They didn't flop, they bomb, Zelda fail on the Wii, it was much better on the Gamecube then the Wii and Metroid Prime pretty much hasn't change much.

No More Heroes did ok but the 2nd one didn't do to well and now it is coming to PS3 and 360 (Talk about failing on the Wii).

ReservoirDog3165127d ago

Yeah I understand your point and of course the PS2 didn't sell big cause of Jak and Daxter or Kingdom Hearts or MGS2 or MGS3. It sold because of the DVD player, Gran Turismo and casual games. But still, every developer on the Wii that pushes the console to its limits in creativity and power felt disappointed when they don't sell like they should've (I hear nothing but good from Red Steel 2 and that didn't sell well either).

It's nothing against the console but a lot of people skip games that aren't called Mario or Zelda.

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Lou-Cipher5128d ago (Edited 5128d ago )

Most hardcore gamers dont like motion controls.

Hardcore gamers dont play 15 minutes at a time like casual gamers do, they play for hours at a time. (I personally logged over 27 hours of Mass Effect 2 in one sitting)so how on earth am I supposed to play video games standing up for longer than an hour or two?

God of War/Halo/Gran Turismo/World of Warcraft would be called casual games too, if you had to stand up while playing. There is no such thing as a hardcore game that only uses motion control. That is why hardcore games fail on the Wii.(if there was any)

Hardcore gamers look at video games the same way they look at twinkies. They aren't supposed to be a healthy form of exercise, they are supposed to be delicious.

gta28005128d ago

I don't need an explanation from Patcher to figure that out. I wish I could glue Patchers mouth shut. My ass hole has spewed better shit than the shit this retard spews out of his mouth.

AEtherbane5127d ago

I buy hardcore Wii games because after all, they are still really awesome (as long as they aren't on-rails), but he makes a point, my attention typically focuses the hardcore games on the 360 and ps3 rather than hardcore on the wii. Sure i bought conduit and played it a bunch, but it doesn't compare to how much i played MWF2 or something. Then again, i give just as much attention to Nintendo titles like Metroid: other M and Zelda as i would to any 360 and PS3 title.

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N4GAddict5128d ago

Wii gamers need to buy Muramasa

joeyda5128d ago (Edited 5128d ago )

Shit yes. That game was gorgeous, engaging and addictive.

God, what a great game.

SinnedNogara5128d ago (Edited 5128d ago )

Didn't anyone mention that Call of Duty and Resident Evil games sell well on Wii? Conduit sold well, they're making a sequel.

MadWorld didn't sell well because it's black and white, short, repetitive, no replay value, and because there is a guy with a chainsaw on the cover (red box art would have helped it greatly). House of the Dead Overkill didn't sell, but House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return sold about 900,000, close ot 1 million.

saint_john_paul_ii5128d ago

welcome to next gen, were games such as Red Dead Redemption needed to sell 4 million copies to break even and succeed. So yes...

cayal5128d ago

There is a difference between XBOX/PS3 and Wii developments.

Mini Mario5128d ago

"welcome to next gen, were games such as Red Dead Redemption needed to sell 4 million copies to break even and succeed. So yes... "

On the HD twins, yes. Not so much on the wii.

Trroy5128d ago

Using the most expensive game ever made, as an example of how much the typical game needs to profit, is called "spin".

RDR cost 5x as much as the typical HD crossplat. If it needs 4M to break even, wouldn't that mean the typical HD crossplat needs 800K?

VTHockey4115127d ago

Call of Duty: World at War and Modern Warfare 2: Reflex Wii both sold less than a million copies on the Wii. Resident Evil 4 was just over 1 million.

Considering the Wii has a HUGE North American userbase of roughly 34 million, 1 million is not much of a success. The fact is, a game like MW2 sells 7 or 8 million on the Xbox 360 and barely 1 million on the Wii, which has a bigger userbase, which means it should have bigger sales to be a true success.

Convas5128d ago

... I stop caring after seeing the "Pachter Explains" bit.

Whoooop5128d ago

What he should explain is how he got his job in the first place...

qface645128d ago

im still trying to figure what his job is exactly
who is paying him and why?

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-Foxtrot9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I think it's best we leave these games we're they belong...in the past

Secret Rings, Unleashed, Black Knight etc, they weren't the best at least enough for a remaster

Generations is getting one because they had something easy to shove Shadow into before the Sonic 3 film and it's probably the better ones they've did over the past decade or so.

rayford158d ago

Unleashed was one of my favorite P3 games would love a remastered version

NSANiTY7d ago

Minus the Werehog levels and I'm in.

Redgrave8d ago

Would be called.... Sonic Re-Leashed

Father__Merrin7d ago

Wouldn't mind a sonic 06 re release


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