
Bomberman Fantasy Race Coming to PS3/PSP

Bomberman fans can now rejoice as the classic Bomberman Fantasy Race from the PS One is now coming to the PS3/PSP very soon!

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MattyF5131d ago

I remember it being fun, but I wish we would see some other classic Bomberman games release instead.

gintoki7775131d ago

i swear i saw this there on ps store yesterday next to bomberman party edition or is that another game

MightyMark4275131d ago

I wonder if this is coming out tomorrow when the PS Store updates

mprunty5131d ago

This was my first Bomberman title I ever played. It would be nice to jump back into some of that retro action.

thehitman5131d ago

Are they planning on reviving the franchise I use to love this back on n64. Doubt id play the game now though lol but there use to be a lot of game diversity now its just all soldiers w/ guns.

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Memorable Music in Gaming #7

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

We are at it again, with some new lists about some older games that have some particularly memorable music. All of these titles are PlayStation 2 and older, so we have some solid variety for you this week.

Bomberman Fantasy Race (PS1) - Bomber Circuit

If you're anywhere below the age of 15, you may have a hard time placing your finger on the classic and nostalgic status of Bomberman; but slightly older gamers will attest, the Bomberman games were always the highlight of living room gaming parties. Fantasy Race on the original PlayStation is one of the lesser known Bomberman spin-off titles, but it's nothing short of madly entertaining and exciting. A fireworks of color, the game brims with alacrity and effulgence and the soundtrack is one of the best on the console.