
iPhone 4 video emerged: "This will have a lasting impact"

The iPhone 4 video from tonight's Apple keynote has found its way into the net. See the full video detailing (and advertising) the device on Cynamite!

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gamelova5109d ago

the droid, are you kidding me, lolololol. That phone is not that great. This new iphone sounds amazing. I live in LA, and over here you are not cool without an iphone, half of the students in my school walk around with an iphone. After reading several comments here, it seems that more people prefer the droid, but thats only because they can't afford an iphone, and hence their bias clouds their judgement.

Halochampian5109d ago

"you are not cool without an iphone, half of the students in my school walk around with an iphone"

And? That statement there just shows what Apple is all about.. showing status. People think that it is good because it costs a lot and because its apple.

You think the apple mac books are any good?

" but thats only because they can't afford an iphone"

Yea. Coming from the guy who probably didnt even pay for his phone.

Go ahead and live in your delusional world where being "cool" is better than being smart.

gamelova5109d ago

Say what you want want, butt hurt android fanboy, the iphone is all that its about. It frustrates me when people criticize something just because they can't afford it. This is the truth. I come from a rich community, many family members and friends, we know the iphone is the best from experience. But who cares, bring on the disagrees, let me have it xD

IzKyD13315109d ago

Can you not get it through your thick head?
1. Buying an iPhone doesn't make you rich
2. Buying something just because it's expensive is probably the stupidest thing you can ever do. Lets see what happens when you grow up. "hmmmm, should I rent this affordable apartment to start my career off, or do I get a mortgage because it's the 'rich' thing to do?"
3. The iPhone is NOT expensive. The iPhone 3GS w/ contract is $99, I don't need to break the bank to buy that. AT&T's new data plan is actually CHEAPER than Verizon's and Sprints. It's ironic that you talk about spending money because you're rich, when you actually save money by getting an iPhone. Using your logic, that makes you uncool because you're not spending money on expensive things

Hideo_Kojima5109d ago (Edited 5109d ago )

I liked iPhones but I hate how the exaggerate...

The 3G network excisted years before iPhone 3g took it on board and why the hell does he act as if Apple invented video calling? I had a SonyEricson phone more than 4 years ago that I used to video call my friend who was right behind me once. The iphone can record at 30 FRAMES PER SECOND! Almost all phones can do that and some have a feature to lower the resolution and record at 120fps.

That guy in the video said it was his first time having a video call and he works with technology... wow just wow.

Edit: as for the screen I wonder whether it will be better than OLED screens seen in many phones lately.

Edit 2: LED flash I've always hated the fact that phones either use LED or Zenon why not a combo so that you can use the LED during the video recording and the flash while you take pictures?

Halochampian5109d ago

Someone is a arrogant spoiled brat. I'm an android fan because i dont like the iphone? Not really. I actually have a windows phone at the moment. Does what i need it to do perfectly.

Guess what? Working with Nasa.. and Nasa engineers (they are rich.. trust me) all the time, I see close to no iphones at all. So my point goes back to it being a smart thing over a status thing.

What is your experience with other phones? How well does your iphone multitask? Just wondering.

Hideo_Kojima5109d ago (Edited 5109d ago )

Even my k800 could multitask and my current phone can open over 10 ups and not slow down.

I can't imagine what its like without multitasking.

What if you want to play a game and change to check something online? Do you start all over again?

Nice to see the iPhone finally got this update and it does look sexy.

BulletBtweenUrEyes5109d ago

Where did you say you were from again? Cuz I've never seen a rich person upclose (Puts on Ski Mask and starts to load the clip of my Chrome Deagle) I was wondering if we could be BFF's. (Cocks the hammer and tucks it in my black hoodie)

Anarki5109d ago (Edited 5109d ago )

Yeah.... that's because most of the people here have an IQ over that of a sheep..

We know what to look for in a phone. We don't follow the next person in buying our products.

I find it hilarious how this guy justifies how good the iPhone is on the basis of "you're not cool if you don't have an iPhone".

jjesso19935109d ago

god you need stop being a sheep why dose matter what other people have if half your school walked around with bombs straped to their chest blowing themself's up would you do that ? why dose matter to you who thinks your cool ? later on in life you will find being yourself and not following like sheep will pay of lot better than stupid up his own arsed prick thinking your cool. also how dose people having diffrnet opinion to yourself define them as poor. most people on here have better set ups than you could dream of.

distorted_reality5108d ago

He has to be a troll, nobody is THAT stupid.

Oh wait, he's from LA.

Sorry, my mistake.

hunter215108d ago

are you f*ing serious "I live in LA, and over here you are NOT COOL without an iphone... thats only because they can't afford an iphone" first of all dont drag LA on your arrogance dude. second i also have an iphone but i'll never go on your level of egotistic. i bet you dont even pay your own phone bills.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5108d ago
IzKyD13315109d ago (Edited 5109d ago )

I can't wait to see all the Apple whores say this is all revolutionary or something. Europe has been doing video to video phone calls for years. The Droid Incredible, the EVO 4G and several other phones on the market already do 720p video recording (and the two phones I mentioned have 8 mp cameras). Multitasking should not have taken 3 years to come. The Nexus One's amoled display is probably the best phone screen on the market.

EDIT @ gamelova

iPhone w/ 2 year contract: $199
Droid Incredible w/ 2 year contract: $199

They can't afford the iPhone? It's the same price as the higher end android phones. And are you 12? "you are not cool without an iPhone"

gamelova5109d ago

People can't afford the payment plan. My plan is $114, and well worth the money.

IzKyD13315109d ago

I wrote this in my other post above:

AT&T's data plan is now CHEAPER than Verizon's and Sprint's. Unlimited minutes is 69.99 for all three carriers. Get your head out of steve job's ass and stop blindly following Apple

Hideo_Kojima5109d ago

I have a 800x480 2.7" OLED screen on my phone and even when I watch 360p DVD rips people ask me if its HD because the quality is amazing.

OLED is the future seriously especially in the dark where if your watching a movie the black bars at the top and bottom just disappear they switch off completely and emit no light at all its really worth it to put OLED screens in phones.

Microsoft Xbox 3605108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

AMOLED is probably the worse display tech right now. The screen absolutely blows in outdoor conditions.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5108d ago
jay25109d ago

video calling over WiFi PMSL. Come on, I've been able to video call WITHOUT WiFi since I got my Nokia 6280. And that was, oh yeah in 2006. it's just like the iPad, have a look at the cheaper, and better (specs wise) We tab, so backwards and over piced apple are.

StarScream4Ever5109d ago

Problem is with ATT over flooded network. Its not IMPOSSIBLE just not plausible at this moment. There's simply too many iPhone users clogging the network that any attempt to perform an over air Video Calling is simply laggy, like trying to play FPS on Dial-Up.

Its only wi-fi this year only, next year an update will allow it to used over air 3G.

krisq5109d ago (Edited 5109d ago )

Apple invented never seen before video calling, man!
And they are changing the future with it!

Sheeple should stop being ignorant, seriously. I could do it on my 5 year old N70.

NYPunk885109d ago (Edited 5109d ago )

In the U.S.? Really? Who exactly did you chat with? How was the video quality? Did you use it on a daily basis? Did you use video more than voice? My guess is that you hardly ever used this feature because you didn't have anyone to conference with.

Have any of these companies brought these features to the mainstream? Yeah no they haven't and that's what Apple is talking about. And blame ATT for not being able to video chat over 3G.

krisq5109d ago (Edited 5109d ago )

I'm not from the states. That's why I find it even more pathetic.
US == World to Apple, apparently. Would it hurt them to add 'in the United States'? No. It 'blows their minds' instead. It blowed mine too, 5 years ago...

-SIXAXIS-5109d ago

Well, Apple is an American company. And obviously they can do and say whatever they want. If you don't like it, then make a company in your country that is as successful as Apple and then you can say whatever you like.

krisq5109d ago (Edited 5109d ago )

But it is so easy for Apple to talk with such dishonesty when they're introducing "never seen before" features. It makes me puke. Seriously. Don't get me wrong, I do not hate on the iPhone4. I actually find it to be great piece of hardware and software. I just won't be getting one, simply because of Apple and their ways.

Microsoft Xbox 3605108d ago

Uhh... Not once did they mention that these so called features were "never before seen" or anything like that in their WWDC conference or in that video above.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5108d ago
hoops5109d ago

This "new" iPhone has finally caught up to Android phones in SOME areas.

5109d ago
electricshadow5109d ago

Apple invented video calling. :P

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Apple officially allows retro game emulators on the App Store

Retro gaming console emulator apps are now welcome on the Apple App Store and can even offer downloadable games.

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-Foxtrot56d ago

Nintendo is probably preparing their battle stations as we speak.

purple10156d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Yep most probably
Definitely infact

It’s just since apple got official dualsense support a while ago, (ios 14.5, it was 2 years ago now) I thought it useful to post here

fsfsxii56d ago

Lmao imagine thinking nintendo has a chance against Apple

Profchaos56d ago

The beaten quite a few prolific companies the past like universal so it's not unwinable

H956d ago

Nintendo be like: we were supposed to bully them together


10 Weirdest Game Consoles of All Time

From systems that could keep your beer cool, to oddities trying to get in on the popularity of VHS and laserdisc, you’ve got some very, very weird video game consoles out there.

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darthv7258d ago

I had the LaserActive... it was a nice collectors piece but not very practical. Especially when it came to needing recapping. I think i paid all of about $50 for the floor model from an incredible Universe back in the day. I ended up selling it many years later for $300 at the time due to it needing a new laser and the aforementioned recapping.

An honorable mention not on the list would be the VM Labs Nuon. It basically looked like any regular DVD player but it had ports on it for controllers to play specific games. one of which is still exclusive to it with Tempest 3000. It also offered nuon enhanced DVD movies with extra content not accessible by regular players.

_Decadent_Descent58d ago

Wasn't there some KFC console, or am I mistaken?

CoNn3rB58d ago

It was announced but it never actually came out as far as I know


Why Epic's Win Against Apple And Google Paves The Way For The Future Of Mobile Gaming

Epic Games winning its cases against both Apple and Google is shaping the way forward for the future of mobile gaming.

shinoff218381d ago

I feel alot of mobile gamers are kids which will at some point probably turn to console or pc. Mobile gaming just doesn't cut it for me.

AlterRecs80d ago

tru dat, but i feel like it's gonna be a lot more viable for people who travel a lot or don't want to invest in a full gaming rig. Think of it as a Switch on drugs, with a LOT more room for free illegal downloads.