
IGN: E3 2010: TerRover Preview

Here, you're a cute little off-roader named TerRover whose sole goal is to explore planets and collect stuff. Screws get you points, nuts give you access to the game's six different TerRovers, and each planet has at least one hard to find egg.


NA PlayStation Plus Update: 50% off Select PSN Titles

Posted by Morgan Haro // Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms -

With Thanksgiving over and the holiday season upon us, our friends over at Sony Online Entertainment and Farsight Studios are offering up some amazing deals on games that everyone in the family can enjoy. Cash Guns Chaos might be a bit much for the kids, but the rest are great for all. So let’s wrap up an amazing November with these great deals!

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Neo Nugget4316d ago

Damn, I remember Untold Legends. I played that on the PSP yeeeeeaaaaaars ago!

hkgamer4315d ago

totally forgot about that game, I don't have that in my PSP collection so someone must have stolen it fro me =@

Soldierone4315d ago

I remember playing Cash Guns Chaos back when PS3 first released....can't believe its still around lol

cruxito4315d ago

o____O no good games again!!!! well i might try sideways NY


El33tonline Review: TerRover (PS3 via PSN)

Oliver at El33tonline writes:

"TerRover is a delightful puzzle platform game from Creat Studios, a developer that has rapidly become a PS3 and PlayStation Network expert with quality releases like SkyFighter, Smash Cars and Digger HD releasing in quick succession. TerRover, however, could just be one of the studio’s best, most polished and well-rounded titles to date, and is certainly my personal favourite of the company’s current selection of games available on the PS Store...

... The closest comparison to TerRover would be a game like Trials HD, or an old PC game called Elastomania… but forget that old chaff! TerRover has a personality and style all its own, and underneath its shiny, cutesy exterior lies a challenging game of thought, patience and grinning robot rovers, and while it can be frustrating at times, it can also be entirely satisfying!"

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PE's TerRover Review

Although most other reviews bashed it, this particular review was quite positive as the reviewer understood the fact that it was not a casual game and accepted the challenge presented by the game. Not for everyone but a great title for the intended audience.