
PALGN: Beat Hazard Review

PALGN writes: "In the last couple of years, twin-stick shooters have come back into vogue thanks to Independent and small team developers. We have seen the genre come back from relative obscurity with the release and subsequent success of Geometry Wars. Now, Cold Beam Games is trying their luck in the genre with their debut title, Beat Hazard. Beat Hazard is more than just your typical twin-stick shooter, combining the mechanics of the genre with the ability to procedurally generate levels based on your own song collection. While the novelty of playing to your favourite songs can be addictive, the shortcomings prevent what was a brilliant premise from becoming anything more than that."

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Indie Game Haven - Beat Hazard

Chadley of Punch Nerds tries and fails at the game Beat Hazard for Xbox 360 while talking about epilepsy, gaming with swag, ytcracker and more!

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What we’re playing: 21 Feb 2014

Games in Asia: "We’ve got a nice mix of FPS games, mobile games, a rhythm game and a beat-em-up this week. Can you guess what they are?"

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Beat Hazard Now Offers In-Game Rewards To Steam Trading Card Collectors

"Having written about Trading Cards in the past, I’m both pleased and disheartened to see the MMO qualities of this system come to fruition so quickly. I’m interested to see the reaction from the gaming populace at this new DLC method, and whether other indie publishers see fit to lock skins or small gameplay tweaks behind Trading Cards. Only time will tell if this will be a one off oddity or a new horse armor moment for the industry." - Alexander Santa Maria of Geekenstein.com

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