
No Live Games for Natal?

Mucu from GamesOnSmash.com writes, "Now, this brings up an interesting point. Does this mean that Natal will not have to use a HDD. If they are going to bundle it with the Arcade version then this certainly seems so. Also, what does this mean for Live Natal titles? Either there simply are not going to be any or they are going to have to be really small in order to fit on that memory card."

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red2tango5237d ago (Edited 5237d ago )

An Arcade Bundle is definitely in the works. Wonder how much this Microsoft product will cost alone? If the 360 wireless adapter is any indication, it looks like it's going to cost a lot.

red2tango5237d ago

lol @ disagree, MCV confirmed Natal being $149.99. If Sony pulls the same kind of shit they both won't sell. Motion control will fade...

Farmhand5237d ago

is that really a bad thing?

Inside_out5237d ago (Edited 5237d ago )

Well...Arcade comes with 512 intergrated and 512 card...still not much...will have to wait for E3...Computer...run program...

BTW..Natal will be the best deal out there...lol...

niceguywii605237d ago (Edited 5237d ago )

Microsoft has not confirmed the price of Natal. That's a rumor based on "supposed insider source" Considering what Natal will come with, That price isn't bad considering the overall expense of the competition's offerings.

Sony fans worried about E3 and Natal hence their fixation with Natal related news.

SPARTANVI5237d ago (Edited 5237d ago )

I can live without flailing wildly in front of my Xbox/PS3/Wii.

Slightly bad for gamers with spouses/friends/family that are otherwise uninterested in video games, though. Motion controls for Wii were the only thing that got my fiance casually interested in games. But it's only played at family get-togthers... so twice a month? I don't speak for everyone of course.

HolyOrangeCows5237d ago

"That's a rumor based on "supposed insider source" Considering what Natal will come with"
And more than three European chains that posted it with the same price.

And "considering that natal comes with...." ...what? Do YOU have some sort of insider source?? lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5237d ago
Cueil5237d ago

no only that, but people seem to forget you can use USB sticks now

DelbertGrady5237d ago

I've used a Transcend 16gb for movies, and to move profiles, but I still don't believe it works so I'll have to disagree with you too.

avengers19785237d ago

@niceguywii60, first off Playstation has said that the move will come packaged with a game controler and hdmi camera for 100 dollars that makes it considerably cheaper than 150 Natal price.
Secondly Natal may not even be cable of going online with games of any kind.
I don't think sony fans have anything to worry about because first off the move is not going to be needed if you don't want it. Second they will have online multi, they do support current PSN titles like Pain, and have actually shown Move working with regular "hardcore games" like LBP, and Socom 4.

Bzone245237d ago

If Natal is $150, Move will be cheaper when buying for one person. When buying for multiple people, Natal will be cheaper. You only need one Natal.

Wrathman5237d ago

wow! an hdmi camera? you dont even get an hdmi lead with the ps3.


8thnightvolley5237d ago

not fussed yet ... let see the thing work first then we can talk about live capabilities later

ProjectVulcan5237d ago (Edited 5237d ago )

We have to see what the true latency also is. Local gaming can put up with a little more lag but when you go online it will only increase the response time beyond usefulness. Potentially could make a lot of titles unplayable

AAACE55237d ago (Edited 5237d ago )

They are controllers and will be priced as such. If anything, Natal and PS move will cost about $80. Don't fall for all this BS they are spreading. Both companies know they need to keep the price reasonable.

If they release either for over $100, I would be extremely shocked and would finally have proof that they are out of touch with us gamers!

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5237d ago (Edited 5237d ago )

How the Fanboys will worried about Sony when they have to show more than 30 Exclusives for PS3? Included the games for Move.

Besides, there are coming for PS Eye, playing without controller.

Yes, now you are worry.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5237d ago
Cueil5237d ago

memory cards? The Arcades have 512megs of internal memory build in... they handle Live just fine...

Mr Logic5237d ago

I think they meant live marketplace.

Hallmark Moment5237d ago

I don't see Natal being sold in the beginning without Software bundled with it.

And a arcade bungle with Natal will come with software because Arcade units always come with games to begin with.

The rumored Slim will probably replace all 360 sku's except for Elites with 250 drives.

Anon19745237d ago

I'm sure a year from now we'll all be talking about the Xbox 360 Natal/Arcade bungle if the $150 price for Natal turns out to be true. :)

Anorexorcist5237d ago (Edited 5237d ago )

in order to be cached or stored within external memory cards. That already doesn't sound like a promising feature. But this assumption is purely based on the decision to bundle Natal with the Arcade SKU.

I don't quite see it as being a set-in-stone testimonial though. But then again Microsoft is very brash in they very well may just assume and demand Xbox 360 sycophants to go out and purchase an HDD if they want to fully experience Natal.

crapgamer5237d ago

Microsoft is probably loving all the press they are getting up to E3. I am guessing these people are way off. I don't see Natal being $150 and if packaged with anything it would be the Elite. You cant even find an arcade anywhere these days. I think they are fazing them out.

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TheNamelessOne10d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv729d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

8d ago