
Everyeye Review: Save the Turtles

Everyeye: The life of sea turtles is very delicate existence, tied hand in glove with the health of the entire ecosystem, and from the first moments characterized by risks and dangers.

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GamesWeasel: Save The Turtles Review

GamesWeasel: After around just one year it’s clear to see that the initial promise for the Nintendo DSi hasn’t quite been met. Rather sadly almost no new games have taken advantage of the extra RAM and CPU power that the DSi features but instead we have seen one or two titles that do use the DSi cameras.

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Game Vortex: Save the Turtles Review

Game Vortex writes: "At heart this is a puzzle game, and yet it looks more open than most. The focus through most of the game is on featuring simple, colorful beach scenes. Turtles are depicted initially as small swirls in the sand, which reveal turtle eggs when rubbed, and turtle shells when tapped repeatedly. The turtles are super cute and iconic, as are their enemies on the beach, such as crabs and birds. The sea is always on the right side of the screen, and your surroundings reflect whatever part of the world you happen to be exploring."

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Gamervision: Save the Turtles Review

For the most part, DSiWare has been largely ignored due to a lack of impressive content. Every week, the Nintendo Shop updates with a number of uninspired puzzle games and clocks, constantly failing to live up to the potential Nintendo promised. It's a shame, because for every week that goes by where nothing comes out, the chances that people will notice a quality game on the platform diminishes. One such gem is Sabarasa's Save the Turtles, a game that has players acting as guardians to sea turtles during the most vulnerable time in their life.

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