
Rumor: New Tales (PS3) Game Coming & Nariki Dungeon X Release Date Incoming

There have been several rumors going on in Japan of a new Tales game in development for the PS3 and the release date of Tales of Phantasia: Nariki Dungeon X.

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ClownBelt5151d ago

Namco giving love to the PS3? I never thought I would see the day. Of course, this is still a rumor, but still...

Dragun6195151d ago

A Tales game exclusive to the PS3 could be possible since NamcoBandai is releasing 13 ps3 titles and 8 titles for the Xbox360 for this Fiscal Year. It could be one of those 5 games that there releasing for the PS3.


If this is true and Valkyrie Profile 3 for the PS3 is true then either MS stopped their pursuit for Jrpgs or Japanese RPG Developers realized where their core audience is. It just occurred to me but Magna Carta 2 port could also be one of those 5 PS3 games too.

ClownBelt5151d ago

VP3 is a big title. I don't think MS will ignore that. If they can get FF 13, then they can get any JRPG title out there not owned by Sony.

Reibooi5151d ago (Edited 5151d ago )


While I do agree with you that VP3 is a big game it's really only a big game for RPG fans. The series while incredible has always been somewhat overlooked. The media praises the series time and time again but again it some how always gets overlooked.

Now this coupled with the fact that Final Fantasy XIII didn't do as well for MS as they had hoped(despite all their advertising for the 360 version and none from Sony it still sold better on PS3) They may not deem it necessary to buy another exclusive JRPG.

Is that a 100%? No it's MS here so they will probably try. I'm just saying they have less reason to do it. I would personally love to see VP3 be PS3 exclusive and try to push the console like Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 and see how it would look. The VP world is gorgeous and it would be nice to see it in HD on PS3 with Uncharted 2 level graphics.

SaiyanFury5151d ago

In my opinion the new Tales game is in fact the definitive version of Tales of Vesperia localised for the west. I don't know a lot about the exclusives they've got planned for the system, but ToV strikes me as being the first in a line of titles in which things were excluded from the 360 version, most notably the pirate chick. I can't remember her name. I just want this game to come over here already, dammit!

ceedubya95151d ago

I'd be open to buying it on the PS3 all over again for considerable upgrades and content.

Reibooi5151d ago

I really hope you are right. I really want the PS3 version. So much was added that it would almost be like playing a different game. I would tend to think that if it's ever coming to the US that it will be announced at E3 and if not then it's more then likely never happening.

There would be a slight chance they would announce it at TGS but it would make no sense to announce a US version of a game at a Japanese gaming expo.

ShadyDevil5151d ago

Only if Tales of Vesperia comes to PS3 then aI will be happy

Godmars2905151d ago

If it comes to the West you mean. With a decent turnaround for localization a plus.

sinncross5151d ago

Yeah I want ToV PS3 to be announced for the West during E3.

Acquiesc35151d ago

Well Vesperia PS3 on Japan was very successful and at this point, I really just want it to come to NA. Got pretty far on the 360 version, but I had to sell it along with the system before I could finish. :(

MightyMark4275151d ago

Boo, Tales of Vesperia is indeed good. I still need to finish it though =/

Obama5151d ago

Namco finally realized that Tales games only sell on the ps3?

SaiyanFury5151d ago

Most fans of the Tales series started on the original PS. Tales of Destiny was great, but was only seen by a few of us. Tales of Eternia (aka Tales of Destiny 2) was also great and expanded the first game. We also saw some great Tales games on PS2 beyond the original PS, unfortunately the best Tales game of the last gen only saw a GameCube appearance in the form of Tales of Symphonia. It was released on the PS2 in Japan but not over here. ToV is the best game so far this gen, and Namco has a PS3 version available in Japan as I type this. I've played the demo from the Japanese PS Store, and it rocks. Now they need to get off their collective asses and bring it over here. I have no doubt they will, but I'm still waiting for a release date.

ceedubya95151d ago

Its hard to ignore the 360 install base in the west. There are people out there that had PS1s and PS2s back in the day but only have a 360 now. And they are RPG gamers.
For a nich genre like this, even if the game pulls in only 3-400,000 sold, then its still a sale. Now, if making for two separate consoles ends up costing more in the long run, then a business decision should be made.
But, during these times, i see no reason why any of these 3rd party RPGs should be exclusive anymore.

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New Tales Of Series Discount Campaign Launched On The Japanese PSN

A new discount campaign has been launched today on the Japanese PSN, discounting four Tales of Rebirth, Tales Of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X, Tales Of The World: Radiant Mythology 3 and Tales Of Hearts R

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Tales Of PSP Games Getting PSN Digital Releases

All the Tales Of games released on PSP are going to become available soon on the Japanese Playstation Store. The games will all be compatible with PsVita and PsVita TV

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Snookies123860d ago

A lot of people would be happy with this being released outside of Japan... Hint... Hint, hint... I'm giving a hint. RELEASE THEM OUTSIDE OF JAPAN!

DarkBlood3860d ago

getting little angry are we? :p

Xof3859d ago

A couple of them are already localized, so it's not like it would be difficult.

But Namco-Bandai has demonstrated ZERO desire, so it's unlikely.

Whxian3859d ago

they don't care about what we want, if the games were already translated then they would have had a chance, but they probably wont bother just like they refuse to localize the vita's games.

Nate-Dog3859d ago

Don't care what we want? We just got Xillia in the West and are getting Xillia 2 pretty soon, we're getting Symphonia and Dawn of the New World in a HD collection, and we're most likely getting a new PS3 game after that AND they're probably going to begin working on their first PS4 game pretty soon even though Baba seems more interested in putting out at least 1-2 more titles on PS3 first. Don't act like we're getting nothing in the West. I know people want the PSP and Vita games brought over and understand that, but we're still getting games, it's not like Namco are sitting on their asses staring at the wall.

Hicken3859d ago

Well, even if they ARE sitting on their asses and staring at the wall, they're still managing to bring over a good amount of games.

Now Sega... they're doing nothing. Hopefully, their acquisition of ATLUS will change that, though, as their localization skills are top-notch.

Whxian3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

their excuse was that not enough people own the vita in the west for them to localize it, and although i dont think that issue has been resolved yet, they did get alot of requests to localize the games, but still refused to, even though they were one of the most requested when sony asked what games people wanted localized.....

i know they've localized the last 4-5 maintitles on one homeconsole or another, but they clearly ignore most of the portables, my comment was not even about the homeconsole games, as this post was about the psp ones.

Inception3859d ago


"my comment was not even about the homeconsole games, as this post was about the psp ones."

I don't see you mentioning PSP in your 1st comment, only Vita. And Namdai did localize Tales of Eternia for PSP and Tales of the Abyss for 3DS. Just buy it from Amazon or Ebay if you really want to play it.

And it's true Namdai doesn't localize Tales for NDS & Vita such as Innocence / Hearts. But their reason is logical because not enough people buying Tales for handheld. Just like Tales of the Abyss 3DS that sold poorly in the west. If one of the best Tales in the series sold poorly for the most popular handheld this gen, than it makes sense to hold the localization process until there's enough request to do it.

tiffac0083859d ago

Well guys historically, Bamco has never been kind to localizing their games on handhelds.

That is why we never saw Tales of Innocence, Tales of Hearts and Tales of Tempest localized in the DS, as well as the games listed on this article for the PSP.

Even the Tales of Hearts R released on the iOS in Japan is staying in Japan.

Its just so sad...


I still have my doubts with Sega but at least they will let Atlus do their thing.

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Inception3859d ago

They CARE what RPG fans in the west really want. But too bad the majority of western gamer still buying that crappy CoD year after year like a sheep :/

Knightofelemia3859d ago

Port the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia as we'll these titles I am getting for sure.

Whxian3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

@Inception even if i didnt write the word "psp", the article is about those games thus i meant to them and ofc the vita titles which i mentioned.

tales of the abyss? already localized for ps2, otherwise would not have seen the light of day outside of japan. any tales of fan, would have probably played the game 1-3+ times already.
as for why it sold poorly, well not very hard to answer.

1. old game with no improvements, simple port (why would u buy a game u already own and played, with no additions? if it was something like persona 4 golden, then maybe)

2. fanbase of tales games are mostly sony console owners.

and i did say almost never, because they did have few exceptions, but we are missing most of the handheld games.

defending their choice to ignore us for handhelds wont really help get us any more games, but i guess you're content with just 1 game out of 2-3 that they might release every few years.