
Red Dead Redemption: Shooting Style

Lusogamer published Red Dead Redemption gameplay(Shooting Style).

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SeanRL5245d ago

RDR sure is popular on n4g right now.

Jikla5245d ago

Bet it's because it's getting released in 2 days.

The_Kills5245d ago

Have you seen how it's panning out? And also, why not, its a game by R* thats been in development for a while.

SeanRL5245d ago

I know, it looks awesome.

Croaker5245d ago

Is it just me or is no animation for cocking the hammer back after each shot is fired? The revolver he is using is a Colt SAA. It is not a double action revolver.
Maybe I can't see it...

Kashadoo5245d ago

This is actually 1990s and the there were automatic pistols already. You can even buy Mauzer in this game.

Croaker5245d ago (Edited 5245d ago )

No it's not 1990 in the game, yes there were automatics, however you can clearly see that he is using the "cattleman revolver" which is based directly off of the Colt SAA. Ya' know the famous single action revolver that's only in every cowboy film.
Look at it.

Calm down? I was calm to begin with, what the hell are you talking about? Perhaps you should calm down, no?
I noticed something that is out of place. For me this kill immersion. The details matter.

Croaker5245d ago (Edited 5245d ago )


I don't wear panties. Yes, I do know for certain that it is a single action revolver. I own one, you can plainly see that is a Colt SAA in that video. That revolver was never produced as a double action.
Where did I ever say that it'll ruin the game for me? Can you point this out to me?
I recall saying that it'll kill the immersion somewhat, but by no means ruin the experience for me.

I was calm before and I'm still calm now, perhaps you shouldn't assume that people are bent out of shape, yes?

jmare5245d ago (Edited 5245d ago )

Maybe you should calm down about the little shit.

xabmol5245d ago

It's the little shit that makes a good game great.

jmare5245d ago

That's true, but nitpicking tiny details like that makes a good game bad.

@ croaker. No need to get your panties in a bunch. And you don't know for certain that it's a Single Action Army, you are assuming. And out of all the details that are incorrect in this game, or any game for that matter, this one tiny detail ruins it for you? That's why I said calm down.

micro_invader5245d ago

Man, every shot you, and deliver, looks like it really, really hurts.

Few more days.

micro_invader5245d ago

Christ, I must sleep more. I seem to miss out on entire words and my grammar gets fucked.

This is what I wanted to say.

"Man, every shot you take, as well as deliver looks like it really, really hurts."

Much better.

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Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Folders And Red Dead Redemption PC Port

Rockstar Games have leaked GTA 6 PC folders as well as Red Dead Redemption PC port folders in an update for GTA 5.

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Bhuahahaha7d ago

sernando had it 7yrs ago 😁😂
he must be playing gta 7 by now 😂🤣


Red Dead Redemption's PC Port Confirmed Irrefutably After 14 Years

The official PS Store description of Red Dead Redemption has given away the imminent arrival of the game on PC.

OtterX42d ago

The best part about this no doubt will be the modding community. I'm sure some really talented individuals will give it a proper graphical overhaul.

RaidenBlack42d ago

GTA IV pc port was abysmal ... and RDR1 came just after GTA IV ... I am more worried about the base port job than mod support later

just_looken42d ago

Lets hope its not as bad as the ps4 port job

DaReapa42d ago

I'll be getting this despite already having it on PS3. RDR is one of the few series I'd double dip for.

SwiftyMagee42d ago

If you check the Sony store site, the reference to a PC port has been taken down. So right now there is no definitive proof but I imagine some sort of announcement will happen soon, maybe in the coming weeks. I'm picturing a fall release if it happens in 2024.

Number1TailzFan42d ago

Kind of expecting RTX remix for this

TheNamelessOne42d ago

Finally. I'll double-dip for this one, considering it's a solid port.

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Rockstar Considered Red Dead Redemption & GTA Movies, But Ultimately Dropped The Idea

Rockstar Games had considered making Red Dead Redemption and GTA movies at one point, but had ultimately dropped the idea.

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porkChop88d ago

Both would make more sense as a series than as movies, though I think Red Dead would be far easier to adapt.

DarXyde88d ago

RDR would be a great movie. If they allowed Martin Scorsese to work on it, I think it would be outstanding.

MajorLazer87d ago

RDR would work really well. From the GTA universe, IV would work really well because of how gritty and realistic the story is.