
7 Minutes of Red Dead Redemption Gameplay!

Here are 7 minutes of brand new red dead redemption gameplay !

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Dave13515187d ago

I wonder if this will be any good, im not a big fan of western games. Ill probly rent it to see it i like it first

toaster5187d ago

Wait.. what western games? There are like... 3 of them, lol.

Western is a nice change of scenery from the modern, urban, and jungle that a lot of games are using this gen.

Mr_Showtime15187d ago

Totally agree with toaster. western games are a relatively unexplored area, mainly because of the fact so many people like Dave1351 are more caught up in stereotypical Urban settings or else the Middle East. I'm so glad Rockstar decided to take this direction with the game, feels like a breath of fresh air.

Rainstorm815187d ago

Oregon Trail, Sunset Riders, Red Dead Revolver, Call of Juarez, and GUN....Is all that comes to mind when it comes to western games.

I feel good about Red Dead Redemption as it looks to trump every western game before it.

Krugsy5187d ago

My thoughts also. All these people who are decrying western games don't really have too much to compare it to. Its taken years of FPS to build up a repertoire of games to compare one to another. If they said they didn't like the western genre in general (like movies/games/books etc) then that would make some small bit of sense as there definitely is a list of genre conventions or cliches' belonging to the Western that some people may not find attractive.

nveenio5187d ago

I agree. I love the idea of an old-west game. I think the reason they never caught on is because the technology didn't support enough "stuff" before now. In the old west, there really wasn't much to see--unlike an urban environment, where everything seems extra busy. But it looks like R* has really worked at making sure there's lots to do here. I hope they pulled it off.

Dave13515187d ago

Ever heard of call of juarez? that game wasnt very good. But im a fan of anything made by rockstar

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Inside_out5187d ago

Yeah...the single player with all the "howdy partner" and "darn tooting" cowboy vernacular could cause some brain bleeding after a while...like after 30 mins...The multi-player looks really good...not sure how the ole west guns handle but it could be worth it by itself....NOT the best clip....May rent or just wait till price gets to $30 or so....There are some great vids out, but they are put together so not really game play vids...

Trey_4_life5187d ago

This will be my horse after 2 hours of me going on a shooting spree around local towns.....


toaster5187d ago

Ok well maybe 3 was an exaggeration. But compared to the countless number of games that use city and jungle the Wild West is different. And There are few western open-world games where you are free to move from one mission to another. GUN did that and gave the player a sense of freedom to go wherever you want to, do whatever you want and to, shoot whatever you want.

Oh.. and Oregon Trail is not what that people think of when they hear Wild West. The gunslinging ranger that roams the plains in search of justice or the outlaw that defies the law and rides into the sunset with a beautiful damsel in distress. NOT Oregon Trail.. lol.

nveenio5187d ago

Agreed. Oregon Trail is NOT a western game, simply for the fact that there was no "West" until the Oregon Trail was run and the west was settled.

If anything, the Oregon Trail is a prequel to the Wild West.

himdeel5187d ago

...but I am looking forward to just getting on my horse and heading out into the wilderness to see what I can see. I'll probably spend a lot of time doing nothing in particular but exploring the west and hunting. Still VERY excited and should've taken the day off like I did when GOW3 dropped but waited too late to put in my request :(

iceman065187d ago

I have a tendency to do that with ALL of my open world games. Sometimes even before I touch any specific goals I will just walk, drive, fly, or whatever method of ambulation is supplied and explore the world. I love to see the little details and the interaction of NPC's in the world. GTA was always great for this, so I am assuming that RDR will just add to this pleasure!

ThanatosDMC5187d ago

Damn, they took that down fast! I didnt get to see it at all.

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RPcinemas5187d ago

yeah the game is very addictive and fun though.

jahcure5187d ago

GTA and Clint Eastwood has a baby. Looks very GTAish tho

Rainstorm815187d ago (Edited 5187d ago )

You can tell its boring from a 7min clip of gameplay with bad quality???

I wish i had your eyes /s

You Noob5187d ago

S-T-U-P-I-D !!!!

How the hell you can judge from 7 min clip? -.-"

sak5005187d ago

Instead of driving cars across towns now you'll get weird missions across teh map and you have a horse to ride. I'll pass for now.

viperfx5187d ago

What is so good about this game? I don't understand the reviews and praises its been getting. Someone please tell me!

retrofly5187d ago

Why don't you go to the official website and check out the videos.


BeaArthur5187d ago

What don't you understand about it? Games come out, people review them. You have never played it so you would have no idea. You probably just don't like the GTA series so you assume this game is going to suck.

PiTCHBLaCK5187d ago

I Been hearing allot about this game, Looks awesome and western to boot!, Got to check this out.

Maybe you don't understand it because It's Western? how many Western games are there?

retrofly5187d ago

Wow 2 disagrees for trying to help someone, nice community we have here.....



What is NOT so good about it then, You tell us...

What games do you think are better and why ?

Name one game with multiplayer doing what this game does...

Name the game with the same level of animation, physics, lighting - while being open world ( twice the size of San-andreas ) and still managing to have multiplayer ( co-op will be added later via DLC ) etc.

There have been some great open world games this gen but most of them have been great at one thing and lacking in something else.

Red Dead manages to cover everything and still do something none of the others have done well at all ... and it still manages to look gorgeous.

How many other games have such "alive" organic environments.

If you really can't see what people are loving about this game, then I have to wonder what do you love about any game ?

Are you the type of gamer that only plays exclusives so you can look at the textures and particle effects for 8 hours and then say it's the best game ever ?

If you don't like Western theme, cool.. that's understandable.

But I guess I am in the same boat, I don't understand how someone cannot see why this game is going to be so great and why it does not deserve such high praise.

sak5005187d ago (Edited 5187d ago )

It's GTAIV with western skins. The cars are now horses. Same hype of GTAIV and now this. I think it will become boring faster than Wii.

Reminds me of Assassins Creed and how it got boring fast.

bjornbear5187d ago

you have the best euphoria engine iteration

you have a massive world with constant action with or without your presence

various things to do: hunting, saving people, hunting bounties, escaping bounties, saloon games, working with the law, robbing people, protecting a carriage/ hijacking a carriage, STORY MISSIONs,

ONlLINE WORLD with your posse where you can: play matches, roam around to gether and hunt, mess around, race, do co-op missions, take down gang hide outs...

and all of this with a great death animations and graphics:

what IS there missing? SOME ONE PLEASE TELL ME

Akagi5187d ago (Edited 5187d ago )

Pc gamer, eh? I'd join you too in the hating except I have a PS3.

viperfx5187d ago

Guess alot of people are ughh "Passionate" about this game. Ok ok, i just meant that i have not seen much of the game, such as good quality ingame footage, some action sequences etc.
I do have a ps3 and PC, so that's not the matter here.
I have seen written reviews but not any videos. Maybe I westerns arent my thing. Just like broke back mountain wasn't.... ok bad joke.

I will defiantly look out for some VIDEO reviews so I can decide whether to give this game a try or not.

was expecting a ton of disagrees lol, so thanks :)

PS360PCROCKS5187d ago

Yeah you got lucky Viper. I said the EXACT same thing you said yesterday I was wondering what the hype was all about and I got like 9 disagrees and people telling me I'm "trolling"

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5187d ago Replies(1)
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Rockstar Considered Red Dead Redemption & GTA Movies, But Ultimately Dropped The Idea

Rockstar Games had considered making Red Dead Redemption and GTA movies at one point, but had ultimately dropped the idea.

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porkChop27d ago

Both would make more sense as a series than as movies, though I think Red Dead would be far easier to adapt.

DarXyde27d ago

RDR would be a great movie. If they allowed Martin Scorsese to work on it, I think it would be outstanding.

MajorLazer27d ago

RDR would work really well. From the GTA universe, IV would work really well because of how gritty and realistic the story is.


Red Dead Redemption 1 Isn't As Good As People Remember It To Be

RDR 1 was a great game, but the lack of screen time for some characters, boring horse riding, and lack of mission variety takes away the fun at times.

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jambola37d ago

It's as good as you remember
Feels like one of those "10 HARSH realities of Re-watching" articles

just_looken36d ago

I love how it seems a extreme few remember that red dead redemption is red dead revolver 2.

red dead revolver now that is rough red dead redemption for its time was groundbreaking and it still has way better cover system/dlc/mp content then red dead 2.

I remember all the bugs the game had day one like donkey lady so dam funny

Cacabunga36d ago

RDR1 is a legendary game!!!

Really how to cope with a slow news day…

just_looken36d ago


I know i said that

Oh boy let me guess no one here knows what red dead revolver is

Or you all never played version 1.0 of rdr 1 i bet its that so many on here have the stench of being in gaming for 10 years at most.

Cacabunga36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

Stop pretending being superior in knowledge to everyone else..

The article title is about RDR1 and the thumbnail also confirma that. No one (at least i dont) care about what you say about RDRev.

You are the only one who spoke off topic abt another game.
If it makes you glad that you are the only one who knows what RDRev is then congratulations.. just pathetic

“ red dead revolver now that is rough red dead redemption for its time was groundbreaking and it still has way better cover system/dlc/mp content then red dead 2.”

Oh and thanks for the laugh ..

jznrpg36d ago

They didn’t name it Red Dead Revolver 2. They named it Red Dead Redemption

neutralgamer199236d ago


It was made by Capcom until they gave up and R* bought the IP. Hopefully one day we get a complete remake of the original to bring it in line with rest of the series along with other quality if life features. Another great is Gun very under rated

On topic:

If we are going to compare RDR to current generation games then we will surly find some stuff that's lacking but for it's time it was a masterpiece and for me it's one of the best games I have ever played. I hope it ends up on Pc where nodding community can take full advantage and make the game even better. Other than that's no it's not overrated at all. We don't even get that many western games and it's to me the best one (yes better then RDR2)

jeromeface36d ago

is also so damn funny how no one agrees with you

just_looken33d ago


Really so that gaint R symbol on the box is just a myth


the disagrees with actual evidence just shows how many on this site ignore truth fact.

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shinoff218337d ago

Junk article. Game was dope and still is. The swimming part sucks though.

just_looken36d ago

It does but the game was made originally for ps2 back after san andreas so for the dev window and timeline it makes sense.

just_looken36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

red dead revolver was back in 2004

after this they were making gta iv and a squeal that became read dead redemption

But you all will hate this because facts are scary

"Red Dead [Redemption] has been in production for six years (mainly because of horrible management/lack of direction due to fear of disrespecting Rockstar NY) and it will never get the money back in sales it cost to create for those six years," claimed another source.

From a 2010 article hmm what is 2010 - 6 hmmm


The swimming in red dead one made sense for the time period and dev hell it was in

Again though it seems alot on here have 0 game knowledge before 2018.

jambola36d ago

Nobody asked about or mentioned revolver
Why are you bringing it up in every reply?

shinoff218336d ago (Edited 36d ago )

Just looken

I could agree with you about the swimming part but I was swimming my ass off in San Andreas which pre dates

Either way it's not a deal breaker and the game was dope af

-Foxtrot36d ago

I liked it a bit better because I didn’t think it had many “small nitpicky” things RDR2 had that on its own meant nothing but when a lot built up it was annoying. For example getting off your horse and you had to reselect your weapons again or walking around the camp slowly. None issues but built up with others sometimes it was a little frustrating at times.

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The Best Cowboy Games on the PS4

Yeeehaw! Howdy, partner! Saddle up and mosey on down to check out the best western-themed video games you can rustle up on the PS4 today.

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SimpleSlave46d ago

While not on the PS4, if you want a pretty imaginative and downright fun Cowboy game you should check out Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. Not only is it a great arcade FPS in its own right but one that has some Narrative Elements that interact with the Gameplay in a pretty surprising and novel way. Something a few of the AAAAAAAA games should be looking at in order to marry the Narrative with the Gameplay better.

The best part is that you can get it for a few dollars on GOG or STEAM during their sales.