
No Trilogy for White Knight Chronicles

Kusuda Yoshiaki confirmed today via Twitter that the White Knight Chronicles series on the PlayStation 3 will end on the second game.

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ShadyDevil5247d ago

It was said to be a trilogy so it should. Kinda dumb to back out now

N4GAddict5247d ago

Trilogy instead for Dark Cloud series?

MightyMark4275247d ago

the first one is average. I hope the second game will be a lot better.

MightyMark4275247d ago

maybe poor sales affected it?

N4GAddict5247d ago

That may be true. I don't think the first one sold well outside of Japan.

DevilVergilX5247d ago

WKC was really generic in story and gameplay was ok... I rather have them make Rogue Galaxy 2 or DC3 or A new JRPG thats takes us in a new era of rpgs...

ClownBelt5247d ago

I think they want to focus their attention now on making Dark Cloud 3 with coop.

qface645247d ago (Edited 5247d ago )

what made you think that?
in fact what's making anyone think they are even working on dark cloud 3 im not saying they can't be im saying there is no indication whatsoever that would make people think they are working on DC3

im guessing they aren't working on a trilogy because the game hasn't been received well

ClownBelt5247d ago

Because Dark Cloud 3 is requested by everyone. Because Dark Cloud franchise is quite received by the media. I mean really, what made you ask this question? That should be the one you're asking to yourself.

qface645247d ago (Edited 5247d ago )

just because something is well received and requested doesn't mean it will be made *points to megeman legends 3* there are soo many other games that were well received and requested yet no sequels were ever made

gamelova5247d ago

qface64, it has been heavily rumored by many that they are working on Dark Cloud 3. This is a blessing if it's true. I would prefer DC3 over WKC.

washingmachine5247d ago

who said games needed a trilogy anyway

Lucreto5247d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Dark Cloud 3 will be announced at E3 or more likely TGS.

I have to play the first WKC it was released too close to FF XIII.

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RETRO Review - White Knight Chronicles (PS3)

Grab your longsword, shield and round up the fantasy archetypes - there are Ice Dragons afoot!

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Memorable Music in Gaming #21

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

I am kicking things off by going back to a familiar well here - with a song from the Neverwinter Nights soundtrack. This is still arguably one of my favorite music scores in a video game ever, but I decided to lead off with it and then create something of a theme as I decided to pull all of this edition's songs from RPG games.

Neverwinter Nights (PC) - Battle - Forest Boss

I touched on the somewhat mystical quality of another Neverwinter Nights song last week when discussing City Docks Day. There were a lot of really good battle tunes in this one, but the Forest Boss song always stood out in my mind. The battle itself was not even the most memorable one, but right around the one minute mark, it reaches an epic level that just stuck with me.


The ten last-gen games that should have "HD Remasters"

Digitally Downloaded writes: "Below are the ten games we'd like to see make their way to the new generation of consoles this year. Or, perhaps, game collections that could be pulled together into a single disc package for even better value as we have seen other recent HD/ Remaster releases."

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Snookies123538d ago

B-But FFXII isn't last-gen. I'd love to see it remastered regardless though. Brilliantly fun game, I just disliked the story unfortunately.

hkgamer3538d ago (Edited 3538d ago )

story was ok, but very unlike the other ff storylines where there is a clear villian.

i just want the game for vita/ps4. international zodiac version would be interesting to play but i hope that the original glitches(?) are still there.

i had more fun breaking the game then playing the game properly.

would also be cool if they added dual wielding. would make some rare weapons actually useful.

MrSwankSinatra3538d ago

I really would like to see a HD Remaster of both Twilight Princess & Skyward Sword. Those games deserve to be in HD

Relientk773538d ago

Are you saying that they could make Ni no Kuni look even better, because I would like to see that.

hkgamer3538d ago

they could easily make that game look better. just make it as detailed as the animation. the 3d models had a lot less detail.

not saying it didnt look nice, just saying it could be improved a lot.

DougLord3538d ago

NONE - lets keep remakes to games from 2-3 gens ago!

PeaSFor3538d ago

what i want to see:

Patapon HD Collection
FFIX & FFVII Remastered
MadWorld HD
Thrasher:Skate&Destroy HD
EA Skate series HD
Lumines Collection
VibRibbon remastered
Mario Galaxy 1&2 Remastered
BF1942 Remastered

WheatBread3538d ago

Screw that we need new games

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