
Insidegamer.nl Review: Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies

Insidegamer.nl: all of Duty: World at War: Zombies you fight a very tough battle with Nazi zombies. They do everything for you to finish and that's obviously not the intention.

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4 Types of Zombie Games for Different Moods

Adam from GamersFTW writes "Are zombie games meant to be fun, frightening or something else entirely? Zombie media these days is like rubbish after a particularly rough party; it’s everywhere and somebody really should clean it up. So in that spirit let’s better define the different types of games we have in this pile and what mood they’re best played in."

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joedom3174d ago

I love House of the Dead Overkill! Such an underrated game.

Yukes3174d ago

I agree. Great fun with a mate and a few beers.

Yukes3174d ago

Never really thought about discretising zombie games in this way, but have played and enjoyed most of these for various reasons.

House of the Dead Overkill is a laugh. "Critics say it's mother-f***ing good!" Classic.

scarecrow20143174d ago

Personally I found Dead Rising to be hilarious

XxNxWxOxX3174d ago

I definitely reccomend looking at Killing Floor 2. To me, it is the next big thing in survival horror. While it's not exactly "zombies" the horror factor mixed with co-op and customization makes it feel like a standalone CoD zombies title. I just feel as it is only on PC at the moment it doesn't get enough publicity.

Timesplitter143173d ago (Edited 3173d ago )

I was gonna say "where's DayZ" but then I remembered I haven't really noticed the zombies' presence in DayZ for the last 3 years

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Scariest iPhone And iPad Games

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Just because portable games are small and not displayed on 60-inch televisions doesn't mean they don't pack tons of scares.