
Zombie Cow Presents: Privates

The latest twin-stick shooter is sure to shock some of you out there. Zombie Cow Studios is taking some gamers where they may have never been before, inside a vagina.

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Alcon Caper5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

...the game looks silly as hell, though...

Fishy Fingers5251d ago

Ha, certainly a winner of a headline.

5251d ago
Double Toasted5251d ago

No, looks like PC gamers and soon 360 gamers will be the only ones getting pussy, lol! Jump in!

Rush5251d ago

This has nothing to do with MS you epic moron. MS doesn't own zombie cow studio and they certainly never asked them to make a vagina game. Seriously cut out the 1337 Sony extremist bull crap.

Double Toasted5251d ago

Seriously, theKiller, I wouldn't know why any gaming crowd would want you on their side. You would embarrass them and I must say, your comment is cringe worthy. Seriously...wow...

5251d ago
Rush5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

Dude the PlayStation had a Pamela Anderson sex game where you could put her into any position you want and use sex toys on her.

And guess what there's nothing wrong with that they where exploring the market. Now shut up you epic moron and stop typing because I just owned you in every way possible.

Sony a media company is far more integrated into the porno business the Microsoft a software company will ever be. And there is nothing wrong with that at all.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5250d ago
Nineball21125251d ago

I approved it too, since it's a valid article, but lol...

Also, how ironic that Fishy Fingers is commenting on here, given his name. :p

EvilBlackCat5251d ago

i bet this is the best comment of the day

N4G should have that "Comment of the Day"

ikkeweer5251d ago

atleast it's not about a japanese rape-game

Kratos Spartan5251d ago

Almost spit beer all over my screen. I read the title, thought about it for a sec(the young virgos on LIVE, they always get made fun of on this site in some way or another) and about lost it!!

PRHB HYBRiiD5251d ago

soo having a ps3 means that im not a virgin???....really are you that ignorant??

Dr Face Doctor5251d ago

I feel that this is the one and only opportunity to use a title like this, which means it's about the best title ever. Seriously, how much more perfect could it get? XD

AEtherbane5251d ago

I'm laughing right now. In real life. My day has been made, thank you.

Steve_05251d ago

I love how the news that finally pushed out some of the LBP2 news has to be about vagina's and hot girl gamers. haha

AAACE55251d ago

@ppazuzu... you have to get off the PC and go get some! This will be your first time and you're going to experience it through a game? I guess people really are into the cyber sex stuff.

nveenio5251d ago

If a video game is your first time inside a vagina, you've got bigger problems...

PiTCHBLaCK5251d ago

Not Bigger ones, smaller ones. LOL /Had to say it.

vx5251d ago

to be able to play this :\

DatNJDom815250d ago

The amount of win in that comment is inconcievable!

UltraNova5251d ago

'Britain. Land of Hope and Glory-holes. Where pregnant, waddling teenagers take up the full width of the pavement with their oversized triplet pushchairs, unaware that their rampant, perpetual humping has filled them to the brim with all manner of grotty infections'

Lol! Sad but true! Nowhere in the world can you see more pregnant adolescents or teenagers with babies! I know I lived 5 years in the UK!

But a game for vaginas? Priceless! lol the 360 is really pushing quality and innovation!

DatNJDom815250d ago

This game sounds funny. I mean, this might be the closest to pu$$y the 360 fanboys might get. So yea Jump In.

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-Alpha5251d ago

No thanks, I do that in real life.

Just kidding, I don't have a life.

Interesting game concept I guess. I love how XNA is a really good platform for these... unique games.

Fanb0y5251d ago

I like how you got 4 agrees.

ELite_Ghost5251d ago

lol yea 360 fanboys, "for the first time"

cmrbe5251d ago ShowReplies(2)

I'm sure a lot of Immatures gonna appreciate this.

5251d ago Replies(4)
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