
Gamezebo: International Track & Field Review

Track & Field was a huge hit for Konami when it hit arcades back in 1984. They ported it to every system under the sun back then, and even went so far as to license "Chariots of Fire" by Vangelis for the high score music in the Nintendo version. The iPhone edition, called International Track & Field, misses some key components that made the original a hit.

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‘International Track & Field’ Was the Game That Broke Me

Broken skin, mild RSI and hallucinogenic dreams about obscure sports were the signs of a minor obsession.


HD Remakes That Should be Made – Part 3

TGC writes: Survival Horror is still alive and well, what with the multiple Resident Evil titles being released or recently released, which included a couple HD remakes and also three Silent Hill games being released in the same month! There is one game of the genre that I passed up when it was first released and looking back I wish I had experienced it, so this time around my focus is on a universally praised game from the now defunct Darkworks. The final game is simple in execution but delivers exceptional entertainment so you’ll just have to read on to find out what it is.

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solidjun54342d ago

I wouldn't mind seeing a xenogears remake. I've beaten that game at least 5 times.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4342d ago

I loved Cold Fear. I have awesome memories from that game, my only beef? The protagonist was such a douche >_<

Gaming1014342d ago

I don't even remember the protagonist, didn't get through the entire game, but it was ripping off Resident Evil 4 at the time, not very well mind you lol The game design was crap.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4342d ago

Lolz granted when compared to Re4 it looked pretty crappy. But once you got past that & really gave the game a chance it was pretty fun. Still i found that damn Tom Hansen so annoying, maybe it's because i was comparing him to Leon?

Gaming1014341d ago (Edited 4341d ago )

lol I liked it for a bit, it was actually fun for a while and the bad game design caught up with me, eventually I hit something that was unacceptably bad and decided to sell it, not that I can remember what it was. But yeah compared to Leon he was crap with bad writing and nothing relateable about him.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4341d ago (Edited 4341d ago )

I remember there being no map...

They'd say i had to go from X all the way to Y

And i was like wut the f**k!? I'd be running back & forth, up & down the entire ship. I was like 5 yrs old i didn't know where "The bridge" was dammit!! >_<

Gaming1014340d ago

Oh yeah, that was another thing, NO MAP! Even RE4 had a map, the game was just too confusing with the odd camera angles, survival horror has been awful since then in terms of design, and as a result no one bought any survival horror games since they have been for the most part terrible since RE4 (which wasn't survival, more like intense action horror).

As a result no publisher will approve a large budget for any survival horror games because they believe there is no audience for it - the only evidence being that no one has bought any survival horror games en mass the way they have Call of Duty.

What they don't realize is no one bought them because they were all terrible, I mean did you play Amy? Or any of the piss poor Silent Hill games since Silent Hill 2? Or Clocktower? Publishers don't want to take the risk of putting anything too scary out there. This is why Dead Space 3 is going Co-Op, because through "market research" they figured that people were just too scared playing the first 2 games, and would have been less scared had they been able to play with their friends. So what does EA do in an attempt to sell more games to a wider audience? They make the game less scary, more action shooty with shooter cover mechanics, and allow you to play Co-Op with a friend if you're a super pussy.

My only concern is that the campaign will be shorter, and the difficulty won't adjust, meaning either single player will be too hard, or Co-Op will be too easy, adjusting difficulty when you do something like that is going to be very difficult and I doubt the team is up to the task, they aren't exactly AI specialists like you see with other games where enemies get really smart as you go up in difficulty, the enemies just run at you or attack whenever they can, only for DS3 you have a ton of human enemies with guns to fight, which is going to be really annoying, even if they do turn into monsters after you kill them.

erikthegman4342d ago

Agreed sign me up for Xenogears hd loving. Fei Fong Long demands it

GuyThatPlaysGames4342d ago

We should hit part 17 by saturday! -_-

shepdelonge4342d ago

If you read the articles you would realise there are only 3 parts in total, ass-clown.

GuyThatPlaysGames4341d ago

OBVIOUSLY somebody^^^^ can't sense sarcasm

Hanuman4342d ago

Cold Fear is actually the last Xbox(01) game I payed full price for. It sucked balls at the time. The gameplay mechanics were really bad. The stamina system made you feel like you were playing with a heavily asmatic character and the aiming, a la Resident evil, felt really oldskool. Then again, the game had great graphics(on Xbox) with some serious lighting, story and pretty original enviroments.(A friggin' boat)

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PlayStation Plus Update – Launch Week Discounts and More

Posted by Morgan Haro // Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms -

Earlier this month, we delivered a big update to your PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection with the addition of great games like Gotham City Impostors, Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, and Renegade Ops. These three games continue to be free for Plus members, in addition to nine more free AAA games, like LittleBigPlanet 2, inFAMOUS 2, and Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One. That’s not all for this month, though! To round out July (and even getting a bit into August), we’ve got even more goodness for Plus members!

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WeskerChildReborned4352d ago

Still hoping we'll see Deus Ex for PS+ members.

Christopher4352d ago

PS+ has taught me to never buy a game until it's on sale via PS+. You'll save a ton of money that way and typically only have to wait a few months to get the deal.

WeskerChildReborned4352d ago

True, i'm looking forward to Counter Strike.

mewhy324352d ago

wow, that's a lot of bubbles. How did you get so many?

Irishguy954352d ago

He's a mod?
But damn Infamous 2 and RAC...think it's time I invested in PS+

orange-skittle4352d ago ShowReplies(2)
Blastoise4352d ago

Looking forward to Counter strike

mugoldeneagle034352d ago

I have so many friends who haven't played it at all so I'm more than willing to sacrifice the mouse/keyboard for 15+ people playing it. Excited.

And for $15 why not. 10 maps I think, that's more content for the money than most DLC packs for a shooters entirety this day n age

TheFirstClassic4352d ago

Cool hot shots will be free, was considering buying that.

thorstein4352d ago

Free Hot Shots Golf 2? Cool. I already got Infamous 2, PacMan, Gotham City Imposters.... the hits just keep on coming.

SPAM-FRITTER-1234352d ago

is city imposters any good. was thinking of giving it a go at some point.

thorstein4352d ago

For free it is. I don't really do the FPS but I have to admit that it is a break in the run of the mill stuff.

Siren304352d ago

I wish they would add hot shots gold 3 on the ps2 classics. I played that game so much I actually started thinking about taking up golf for real

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