
IGN: Red Dead Redemption: The Hero

IGN writes: "After six hours of Red Dead Redemption, I don't see how anyone could play this game as an outlaw. The title toys with your emotions – anger, love, sympathy, guilt – and casts you into a world that's crying out for a hero. There were plenty of situations I encountered where a bullet to the head would've made my mission easier, but these weren't just faceless folks in a videogame world – I needed to help them. I can pinpoint the moment when the depravity of the henchmen I was up against made me sick to my stomach and I knew that being good was the only way for me to play this game".

skynidas5248d ago

Really good article, I recommend everyone to read it.

ThanatosDMC5248d ago

F***! Why did i read that?! Stupid curiosity! I'm so hyped up for this game i forgot that i dont want anything spoiled for me.

For those who dont want anything spoiled before playing the game and want to be surprised about what they will find in the game, DO NOT READ IT! You can click though for hits.


Final_Rpg5247d ago

Thankyou Thanatos, not going to read it now.

himdeel5248d ago

...read the article but I thought it was a good read too. After reading both the good and bad I think they should do a 3rd piece on straddling the line. I'll only have to comment on RDR for 8 more days then I can post comment about what I like and dislike about the game :)

pody5248d ago

Yeah! I was waiting for this one! I'm always mr. goodie two-shoes.

psman0125248d ago

I have to preorder NOW! :D

Redlogic5248d ago

and use Amazon so you can get a $20 gift card

psman0125241d ago

Funny you mention that...

TheBand1t5248d ago

I can't bring myself to be a bad guy in most games.

BYE5248d ago

I will try to be good in this game except for occasional masked train robberys.

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Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Folders And Red Dead Redemption PC Port

Rockstar Games have leaked GTA 6 PC folders as well as Red Dead Redemption PC port folders in an update for GTA 5.

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Bhuahahaha3d ago

sernando had it 7yrs ago 😁😂
he must be playing gta 7 by now 😂🤣


Red Dead Redemption's PC Port Confirmed Irrefutably After 14 Years

The official PS Store description of Red Dead Redemption has given away the imminent arrival of the game on PC.

OtterX39d ago

The best part about this no doubt will be the modding community. I'm sure some really talented individuals will give it a proper graphical overhaul.

RaidenBlack39d ago

GTA IV pc port was abysmal ... and RDR1 came just after GTA IV ... I am more worried about the base port job than mod support later

just_looken39d ago

Lets hope its not as bad as the ps4 port job

DaReapa39d ago

I'll be getting this despite already having it on PS3. RDR is one of the few series I'd double dip for.

SwiftyMagee39d ago

If you check the Sony store site, the reference to a PC port has been taken down. So right now there is no definitive proof but I imagine some sort of announcement will happen soon, maybe in the coming weeks. I'm picturing a fall release if it happens in 2024.

Number1TailzFan39d ago

Kind of expecting RTX remix for this

TheNamelessOne39d ago

Finally. I'll double-dip for this one, considering it's a solid port.

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Rockstar Considered Red Dead Redemption & GTA Movies, But Ultimately Dropped The Idea

Rockstar Games had considered making Red Dead Redemption and GTA movies at one point, but had ultimately dropped the idea.

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porkChop84d ago

Both would make more sense as a series than as movies, though I think Red Dead would be far easier to adapt.

DarXyde84d ago

RDR would be a great movie. If they allowed Martin Scorsese to work on it, I think it would be outstanding.

MajorLazer83d ago

RDR would work really well. From the GTA universe, IV would work really well because of how gritty and realistic the story is.