
Exclusive GameSpot ModNation Racers DLC Giveaway

Meet Air Raid: Ace Pilot and ModNation Racer. Whether he's soaring through the skies off jumps or shooting Hydra missiles at his latest opponent, he will not stop at nothing to win the race. Once he has you in the crosshairs of his one-of-a-kind Fighter Plane Kart, you better say your prayers.

Air Raid comes complete with accessories and parts that you can modify your own creations with! Complete any look with a genuine AIRMEN CAP and FLIGHT JACKET and tweak out your kart with a YOKE steering wheel or CROSSHAIR HOOD ORNAMENT.

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xTruthx5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

Got my code :)

N4GAddict5252d ago

Got mines as well. Now to wait for the game.

-Alpha5252d ago

Got mine too :D Just have to wait for the game now, unfortunately code doesn't work just yet.

ReservoirDog3165252d ago

Got one but saw it will probably expire before I get to buy it so here's a code for someone who's too lazy to click the link.


subzero-085252d ago

Awesome. Got my code. Now I just need the game :P.

skip2mylou5252d ago

lets go i wanna b a bad a$$ flyer :)

pody5252d ago

Hope this works with the european version of the game.

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5 Best Kart Racers That Aren't Mario Kart

Mario Kart has always reigned supreme when it comes to the best kart racers out there to play, but there are still a few other racers that are must-plays.

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Modnation Racers and LittleBigPlanet Karting Servers Shutting Down

Sony Interactive Entertainment will be shutting the servers down for two PS3 racing games in July.

Teflon022358d ago

Sad, hopefully they make a new Modnation racers game. wait, is it completely shutting down or can you still download tracks?

pody2358d ago

This is what I'm wondering also. There's so much quality maps available online and it would be unfortunate if people couldn't download those anymore.

Teflon022357d ago

Yeah, I didn't play much online anyways. But I always use to play local multi with my cousin and download so many amazing levels. Sadly 8 didn't get to platinum it. Had only the create trophy, level 30 and 100 races i think left. I had I believe 87 last time 8 checked lol. Might go on to see if I can get my last few lol. Remember my win ratio was decent since I did around 160 races maybe, 170 ranked

pody2357d ago

Yeah same here, but I actually jumped in not too long ago to play again and it's still holds up great for a 8 year old game. It's was a really good game when it came out and it still is.

Chaos_Order2358d ago

I had some good memories playing Modnation. :( Sad to see it go, but it was inevitable.


RPG players don't want to pay for DLC, new survey from Obsidian says

PC Aficionado: "Obsidian published a survey in early October, asking for responses from players concerning DLC. Now, 55,000 responses have been noted, and the final results are out."

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bigmalky2510d ago (Edited 2510d ago )

Nobody wants to pay for DLC... Tell that to the idiots who are killing gaming by buying into the current microtransactiin trend without a fight.

I'm willing to pay for expansions. Those things we used to get that were of proportionate price to the base game's content and was worth the money.

fenome2510d ago

Exactly, I'll happily pay for DLC that actually adds to the base game, new areas, enemies, etc.. Actual chunks of gameplay. I'll support developers that actually put in work to enhance the base game.

This bullshit MT crap that takes no effort from the devs and paying real money for things that are left up to RNGesus just needs to stop.

FPS_D3TH2510d ago

Looking at you... overwatch

2510d ago
Many-hat52510d ago (Edited 2510d ago )

They'll use this to plan future DLC. Yep, lots of small games with loads of DLC is incoming. Just MT's to get them used to now. Nearly, there guys. Way to kill the industry.

GrimReaperGamer2510d ago (Edited 2510d ago )

Fvck DLC. Either put the content in the base game or piss off.

Yeah I'm talking to you EA, Activision, Ubisoft, etc.

Goldby2510d ago

i think you are mistaken, DLc in the forms of expansions are welcome, its the stupid MT that needs to crawl into the corner

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