
IGN: Red Dead Redemption: The Outlaw

IGN writes: "Whenever given the option in a videogame, I invariably bend toward the darkness. If I'm going to do good deeds I may as well save them for real life where it counts. When it comes to those digital denizens of the videogame world, with their strict and artificial rules, I like to have a little fun. When I got done with a recent six hour play session of Red Dead Redemption, the virtual world didn't know what hit it".

Joule5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

This game looks amazing.

himdeel5251d ago

...I expect with open world games and particularly what I'd expect when you play a bad guy. That being said I'd like to know more about the opportunities to straddle to line between good and bad. I know you can don a bandanna to hide your face so you can commit acts with some anonymity but I hope you don't have to play all one way or another.

The last open world game that I really enjoyed inFamous was awesome but I hated that by not being all good or bad you could lock yourself out of some of the power upgrades.

dardinkay5251d ago

Wow himdeel, anything with red redemption you comment in, I like you style :P. But, open world games always end up having more replay value, anything could happen.

The_Count5251d ago

I am really honestly looking forward to this game.

ah ah ah

Hotel_Moscow5250d ago

i just hope i end up with a house at the end of this game like i didn't use in in gta 4 but knowing i earned a house at the end satisfy me

RAVEN815251d ago

this game is going to be crazy as hell

teedogg805251d ago

You got that right brother. Rockstar FTW!!!

iceman065251d ago

I remember GTA IV fondly!!! I actually liked the game...NO...it wasn't a perfect game like the tons of perfect scores thrown at it. But, it was a very competent and fun game.

electricshadow5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )


tommyth3cat5251d ago

"You don't even have to kill anybody to have some fun. Just drawing your gun on an innocent walking down the road will startle them into a funny reaction. My favorite was a man sitting with his legs up on a table. When I trained my sights on him he fell over backwards into a piano."

This is the kind of pointless fun that I plan to have. RDR is going to be a great sandbox experience!


it's the kind of " organic " moment that you get in a game that R* have perfected and not a lot of other dev's have mastered it at all.

that to me is the real difference between Halo CE and halo 2 & 3 and why many like CE more.

it's the reason GTA is what it is, and R* have built a true next gen engine that pushes this sort of stuff to the next level... mean while, all the other devs seem to just be focusing on lighting and textures.. more lighting and more textures.

This Is why I think I will be picking this game as my game of the year over everything else this year, even games like halo, crysis and all the rest.

it's still early days, but this game looks to be pure magic. thats the only word I can think of right now.

thank you R* and thank you to all the hard working devs who have gone through swet and blood to make this game what it is. I hope they are rewarded well for there efforts. they will be getting my cash for sure.

Redempteur5251d ago

that's great ..but i kinda want to play as a bounty hunter or a sheriff hopefully we'll get more info on that soon

SpitFireAce855251d ago

I belive you can do that they have wanted posters
that say ex. 250$-dead 500$-alive.

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Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Folders And Red Dead Redemption PC Port

Rockstar Games have leaked GTA 6 PC folders as well as Red Dead Redemption PC port folders in an update for GTA 5.

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Bhuahahaha3d ago

sernando had it 7yrs ago 😁😂
he must be playing gta 7 by now 😂🤣


Red Dead Redemption's PC Port Confirmed Irrefutably After 14 Years

The official PS Store description of Red Dead Redemption has given away the imminent arrival of the game on PC.

OtterX39d ago

The best part about this no doubt will be the modding community. I'm sure some really talented individuals will give it a proper graphical overhaul.

RaidenBlack39d ago

GTA IV pc port was abysmal ... and RDR1 came just after GTA IV ... I am more worried about the base port job than mod support later

just_looken39d ago

Lets hope its not as bad as the ps4 port job

DaReapa39d ago

I'll be getting this despite already having it on PS3. RDR is one of the few series I'd double dip for.

SwiftyMagee39d ago

If you check the Sony store site, the reference to a PC port has been taken down. So right now there is no definitive proof but I imagine some sort of announcement will happen soon, maybe in the coming weeks. I'm picturing a fall release if it happens in 2024.

Number1TailzFan39d ago

Kind of expecting RTX remix for this

TheNamelessOne39d ago

Finally. I'll double-dip for this one, considering it's a solid port.

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Rockstar Considered Red Dead Redemption & GTA Movies, But Ultimately Dropped The Idea

Rockstar Games had considered making Red Dead Redemption and GTA movies at one point, but had ultimately dropped the idea.

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porkChop84d ago

Both would make more sense as a series than as movies, though I think Red Dead would be far easier to adapt.

DarXyde84d ago

RDR would be a great movie. If they allowed Martin Scorsese to work on it, I think it would be outstanding.

MajorLazer83d ago

RDR would work really well. From the GTA universe, IV would work really well because of how gritty and realistic the story is.