
Ace Combat X2 Joint Assault: New Trailer, Screenshots and Info

Namco Bandai released a new trailer, a new batch of screenshots and new information about the newest PSP chapter of the Ace Combat series, Ace Combat X2: Joint Assault.

The most juicy piece of information is definitely the multiplayer mode, that not only will allow up to eight players to duel in the virtual skies both via infrastructure and ad-hoc connection, but, for the first time in the series, will include a four-players cooperative mode during the campaign.

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Saeveth5259d ago

I'm guilty of being the sort that would need that beginner's mode. Granted, I don't by flight sims anyway, I may just need practice?

Abriael5259d ago

Yay, I finally found one! :P

saint_john_paul_ii5259d ago

AC4 will always be the best in the series.

Abriael5259d ago

Personally my favourite is 5, with 3 being the close second (just the Japanese edition though, can't care for the maimed western ones).
The story on those two was really the best, while the 4 stroke me as a bit too dry and impersonal.

TheBand1t5259d ago

In all honesty, I thought Zero had some of the best dogfights in the series. And a beast soundtrack.

04 had better story telling though.

Abriael5259d ago

Zero was very nice, the sountrack was absolutely great (the flamenco take on the Ace Combat theme was epic), though the story was again a bit weak and disjointed. I would say.

RememberThe3575259d ago

Were all great. I never got my hands on the first two. But ever since the series left the PS2, I've felt let down. I didn't even finish Ace Combat 6 it was so boring. Ace Combat X wasn't too bad so hopefully this title improves on it's predecessor.

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Philaroni5259d ago

Wish they would give us a PS3 and Xbox AC game. I'm surprised we have not got another one by now.

Abriael5259d ago

They just trademarked the title: "Ace Combat: Assault Horizon"

Though I'm definitely not sure what for. It might even be the European title for Joint Assault for what we know. Though I hope it's not, I'd love a PS3/360 game with co-op.

Z5015259d ago

This video is about a week or 2 old.

Abriael5259d ago (Edited 5259d ago )

It's been uploaded oficially only 3 days ago as far as I know, but since no one posted it, i went on and added it to the mix :D

Greysturm5259d ago

¿You guys up to making an infraestrucutre squadron when it launches?

Abriael5259d ago

My only problem with that is that there's no news about any voice support. Without voice, it'd be a bit messy. I can only dream of a similar game on PSN or Xbox Live, with full voice support. Now that'd be lovely :D

Greysturm5259d ago

No loud music, distracting conversation or annoying people. I think it would be ok as long as they add Metal gear-short messages and attack markers.

I think id only want:

Formation tab = On your six/three/nine, Form on me and Right above/below you.

Attack tab= Ground attack run, Air assault, Focus on that.

Help tab= Help, Boogey on my six and Receiving AA ground fire.

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Top PSP Travel Games -- Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo And More


Traveling is usually the most stressful part of the holidays. You’ve bought presents, finished up at work or school and now you’re being rewarded with a few days off for the holidays. How do you spend it? By traveling across the country to see friends and family. The friends and family part is usually fantastic, getting there however is a nightmare.

The entire nation has been struck with crazy weather. It’s been rain here in California for a week and other parts of the country have been snowed in. No matter where you’re going you can expect delays, layovers, and traffic. As a state-certified video game specialist I feel that it’s my duty to let you know you don’t have to have a miserable traveling experience. All you need is a handheld gaming console. Whether you have a Nintendo DS, a Sony PSP, or even one of Apple's miracle devices, a world of entertainment could be at your fingertips. Here are the best PSP games to travel with.


How to use the PSP to make the holidays less unbearable

Play-mag: "Travelling. Being away from your beloved consoles. Not having anything to do. Battling boredom. Avoiding having to talk to people you hate. The PSP is a useful tool in this situation, so here are some games you should buy to get you through the holidays."

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SnakeMustDie5032d ago

Put Porn and music in it. Games+Music+Porn=ENTERTAINMENT !!!


Ace Combat: Joint Assault Now Available Worldwide

TGH Writes:"You like planes? You like blowing stuff up? You like planes AND blowing stuff up while your away from your console of choice? Well then you are in luck! Ace Combat: Joint Assault has launched for the PSP in the UK.

While gamers in other parts of the world were able to enjoy this title since late August, UK and European gamers are just now getting a taste of the air to air combat."

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