
Gamers trash THQ over UFC 2010 demo delays

Ex: "Earlier this month, THQ announced that anyone who registered on UFC Undisputed 2010's community web site would be given a key redeemable for early access to the UFC 2010 demo on April 29th. The demo would then become available to the public on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network shortly after.

Keys were supposed to be distributed to community members this morning, but due to an overwhelming surge of traffic, the site's forums were forced to shut down. A little later, THQ said on their official Facebook page that keys would begin being distributed in the evening (PDT)."

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tehk1w15259d ago

Holy god...it's a freaking demo for Christ's sake. I'm sure THQ wanted to release it on time. People need to chill the hell out.

Urmomlol5259d ago

I was pretty pumped about the demo too and was disappointed when it didn't come out this morning. That said...WTF, guys?

Dellis5259d ago

It was Scam to get their community registrations

Urmomlol5259d ago

Right...a scam to get members to participate in a community that's built to allow gamers to get the most out of the game.

Those heartless bastards!

halofan2215259d ago

They're giving you something free for taking two seconds to register for a web site. How devious!

poopnscoop5259d ago

Hahaha, this is what dey get for givin PS3 exclusive content LOL

GamersRUs5259d ago

Just finished downloading the demo. It's sick. Well worth the wait IMO.

krisq5259d ago (Edited 5259d ago )

New additions, especially sway and cage systems, are excellent. Graphics didn't improve at all but that doesn't matter when you have great gameplay.

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ThatMiamiGuy4183d ago




Dark_Overlord4183d ago

I think Lego Lord Of The Rings at least deserves an honourable mention

Trophy - One does not simply...

Earned - Walk into Mordor.

Made me laugh :)