
New Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon trailer

THQ released a brand new E3 Trailer for the upcoming Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon-game, which is in development for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Click the link below to watch the video.

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THQ Nordic - What's Next?

What games from the back catalogue will THQ Nordic bring back to life. Player 2 makes a few educated guesses as to which games would be a good fit with modern audiences.

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SpamnJam2871d ago

Nice choices, I would like them to bring back MTX Vs ATV. Been ages since we have had a good offroad bike game.

crazychris41242871d ago

Destroy All Humans with the destruction of Red Faction would be awesome

BlackIceJoe2871d ago

I'd like to see a new De Blob and Stuntman, but I'm most likely the only one.

TheCommentator2871d ago

Didn't they say in a recent article that they had 13 titles already in development? That would mean most of the THQ games already are in development.

blackblades2871d ago

What's next is that they need to fix the only online trophy on the ps3 version of darksiders 2. Then they can do whatever they what.

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Should you listen to BioShock in the dark? - Garry Schyman Interview

GamingUnion.net just released their most recent episode of Gaming Music FM with a special interview with Garry Schyman, the composer of BioShock and Dante's Inferno:

"An exciting interview is what we have for you this time around as Brian sits down with Garry Schyman, the composer for BioShock and Dante's Inferno. Listen in to hear where Garry grew up, how he got into music, and his journey as a composer in the video game industry.

In addition, Garry will be appearing at the Anaheim Comic Convention in a few days. Also, Garry’s music will be performed live on May 9th from his work on BioShock, Dante's Inferno, as well as the 2nd movement from his very own classical composition.

Listen in to hear his story and how you can see him in person and hear his music live! Gaming Music FM is one of the GamingUnion.net podcast series which focuses on music from the gaming industry and you can subscribe on iTunes."

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tweex4806d ago

I tried that once, and it scared the heebee jeebees out of me. Excellent interview. It's cool to hear about a composer who actually steps out of the games industry and then comes back. Garry seems like a really cool guy

JDouglasGU4806d ago

makes me want to replay both games, well... maybe dante's slightly less so.

Hardedge4806d ago

I feel like playing it again..

ShawnCollier4806d ago

I really need to get into this series one of these days.

tweex4806d ago

You really do, especially since BioShock Infinite is gonna be out soon-ish.

No_Pantaloons4806d ago

Time must move differently in your world. The closest rumor on its release is 2/6/2012, which is more than 9 months away. Beating Bio1&2 would take less than a week for busy individuals, a gamer could likely knock em both out in the same day.

tweex4806d ago

@No_Pantaloons Hence why I said "soon-ish"

Rybakov4806d ago

i want infinite.....makes me sad i still have to wait a year for it

Zydake4806d ago

omg i still have my bioshock and i think i was going crazy with only hearing the sounds

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Top 10 Badass Video Game Aliens

From the PlanetXbox360.com feature top 10 list:

"Mankind has had a fascination with beings from beyond the stars ever since someone first realized that it was possible. They make feature appearances in our television shows, books, films, and even our music. Sometimes they're benevolent creatures that wish to learn from each other's culture and murderous experiences. Other times they're rampant predators with no goal more complex than using us as incubators for their young. Whether they're coincidentally humanoid or unbelievably hideous, they still captivate our imaginations. With the recent release of Aliens vs. Predator on the Xbox 360 we thought it would be a perfect time to list the top 10 virtual aliens, which show up in video games throughout this generation."

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LaurenKB1235238d ago

I wish Aliens vs. Predator had been a better game, cool list though!

markfrost5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

A game based on a movie franchise that is based on a combination of two movie franchises. It was born to fail as a game.

IrishAssa5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

The movies are based on the original games.

Edit- Review for the 2nd one
AvP is more suited to games than movies

UltimaEnder5238d ago

My favorites are the ones from Halo and Mass Effect....

UP5238d ago

This article should not be in the ps3 section.

SinnedNogara5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

I would have expected to see the Chimera on there, but still, a well done list. The only stupid thing is that the list is on 3 pages.