
This Game has 25 Million Levels... AlphaBounce

DIYgamer.com writes: "There are a number of reasons why I'm curious about this new indie Nintendo DSi game, Alpha Bounce. First and foremost is their claim that the game has "more than 25 million levels to play." Second, they also claim their game is the first "brick-breaker RPG"… whatever that is. I mean, I what a brick breaker game is, but how do you combine that into an RPG?"

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jay25175d ago

Intreasting, might go for it.

young juice5174d ago

im gonna emulate the sh*t outa this game!!!11oneone

AAACE55174d ago

Don't worry, some guy in Korea will have it beat in 2 months! :)

G4drake5174d ago

25 million????? how many years you will take to get 100% of it

fatstarr5174d ago

lo0oks pretty interesting. it seems like its for the hardcore brick breaker fans 25mill = epic amounds.
and its an rpg. dam sometimes i wish i had an I insted of lite.

Kratos Spartan5174d ago

I swear that game had endless amounts of levels. Maybe not 25 mil, but alot none the less.

DlocDaBudSmoka5174d ago

i remember playing BB for hours upon hours upon hours and didnt reach the end of that damn game. even more disappointing is that we had it co-op and still didnt make it to the end. =(

sinclaircrown5174d ago

One of my fave old school games on the Commodore Amiga. Infact, two of my all time faves were on the AMiga. BB and Wings. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE an HD remake of Wings. Change nothing but graphics, that game was EPIC too.

jjesso19935174d ago

if every level took 1 minute it would 416 hours to complete 17 days and the levels are not going to last for minute i reckon about 3-4 minuites i dont think you would get the end but think they should have like little code and you win somthing

CadDad5174d ago

Is a little wonky.

25,000,000 minutes = 416,666 hours = 17,361 days = 47.56 years @ 1 min per level. ;)


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WiiWareWave review - AlphaBounce

Remember the story in Super Mario Sunshine where Mario convicted for a crime he did not committed on Isle Delfino. His punishment is to clean up the entire island, which Mario is happy to do, he is saving the residents of Isle Delfino and Yoshi after all. In AlphaBounce the story is actually the opposite. You’re playing a prisoner, the higher the difficulty the lesser the sympathy towards the character you’re playing as. The punishment is to clean up the entire galaxy and unlike Mario’s acceptance; you must help the prisoner escape the ordeal by finding the coordinates to Earth. Finally, instead of a platformer, AlphaBounce is an action RPG with a disguise as a block-breaking genre.

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Pocket Gamer: AlphaBounce Review

Pocket Gamer: The Breakout genre is in dire need of a good old gaming burial – a sending off into the heavens of video game past.

The fact that the concept's roots can be traced back to Pong, one of the earliest video games ever, should be an indication that it's time to move on.

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D+PAD: AlphaBounce DSiWare Reviewed

D+PAD Magazine reviews new DSiWare title AlphaBounce, from Mad Monkey Studio.

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