
Hidden Indie Gem: Which

Much like any horror/thriller game, Which provides a dark and atmospheric gameplay environment. Starting the game I instantly felt chills down my spine. Controls are very easy to follow allowing anyone, whether a gamer or not, to enjoy this game. When close to a wall, pictures will provide vague but useful information to progress. The premise of Which is to explore the very dark house for a way to escape; no story is involved. Players will need to find keys, objects, and complete small tasks for an exit to open

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Review: Which [eGamer]

eGamer writes: "Which is an awesome game that uses subtle horror, ambiance and silence to achieve something genuinely special and unique. It’s creepy as hell once you get into it, and the execution is so damn good that I’m more than happy to add it to my list of the best horror games I’ve played. The beauty of it is in its execution, and in this Which is just brilliant. If you like horror, then play this now."

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Has The Horror Genre Moved From Mainstream To Indie?


A conversation with a couple of friends recently brought up the topic of the horror genre in the video games industry, a genre that's become a bit of a personal joke, to say the least. We discussed how it feels like nothing new has been done in the last few years, and even the most visceral of experiences can easily be boiled down to a carnival ride: a few turns, some semi-predictable 'boo!' moments, and a lot of things jumping out at you. At the very worst, we have a series like Resident Evil, which has become an absolute far cry from what it used to be - even then, that wasn't very scary - and at best, we have the remnants of the Silent Hill series that is desperately attempting to relive its psychological glory days. Somewhere in between lay titles like Dead Space. It does a good job in promoting a few scares while at the same time staying close to the 'action shooter' genre that has taken an iron grip over the industry in the past few years. So where do fans of the horror genre have to go to get a decent scare? Apparently, like most things these days, the answer is the online Indie scene.

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mephman4843d ago

It's nice to know there are still some indie developers out there that are trying to keep this genre alive.

ShawnCollier4843d ago

Yeah, there haven't been too many of them lately.

EVILDEAD3604843d ago

The author of the title clearly hasnt played most of these game..

Fatal Frame was absolutely one of the scariest games last gen..unfortunately the future of the series is stuck in Japan on the Wii..I would have loved to have seen a FF make the 360 & the PS3.

Dead Space was the biggest suprise this gen and the sequel is getting plenty of love. The author also missed F.E.A.R. which had a great port onto the 360. Although the sequel didn't match the creepiness of the first, the 3rd title os enlisting John Carpenter to ratchet up the scares.

Props goes to Remedy for Alan Wake, which I hope gets a proper sequel in the future. Resident Evil is definately moved away from it's original horror roots, but no one can blame them for providing one of the best games of ANY gen in RE4.

I still have yet to play Deadly Premonition but it's clear that the title is a cult fave amongst horror heads.

It's tough to say that the genre is on a downward skid, but it's obviously hard for developers to greenlight titles when they arent selling a much as other popular genres this gen.

Only time will tell, but Dead Space 2 charted well in February so there is hope at the end of the tunnel


jeeves864843d ago

Deadly Premonition is a favourite because apparently it's so bad that it's good. I doubt if that does anything positive for the genre.

Hardedge4843d ago

Dead Space was fun the first time, got some scares out of it. But after that it just became another third person shooter in really tight corridors with butt ugly enemies to shoot at.

mephman4843d ago

It's kinda the same with Doom 3. It was pretty scary initially, but then it just becomes another first-person shooter.

DangerTick4843d ago

Horror Games no longer exist. They just turn into action games like shooters.

fozzness4843d ago

Truth... I hate how the Silent Hill games have turned out. Nothing within it even represents anything anymore.. it's all just fan service thus none of it is really frightning

im-12-years-old4843d ago

Sounds exactly like RE5. Man was I disappointed in that game.

Eternus4843d ago

Nowadays mainstream horror game's rely, in my opinion, too much on jump scares, as opposed to really engaging the player on a psychological level and exploiting kind of real fear's that people have.

We are given too much freedom, too much control of what we can often fight back with in these games. A big part of fear is feeling vulnerable and feeling desperate.

Hopefully some developer will realize this and revive what classic horror games used to do.

bobrea4843d ago

Amnesia is a beacon of hope! Support those developers! I pirated the game before it came out and loved it and then as soon as I saw it for sale on Steam, I bought it. I highly recommend that game (along with the Penumbra series, made by the same developers) to anyone who is looking for a seriously scary game. But I agree with this story in the sense that most 'horror' games just turn into regular shooters eventually.

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Scary Escape: Which [Freeware]

Mike Inel's Which is a short adventure game that fits into the horror genre as you try to escape a house by getting the only door open by any means necessary.

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