
World exclusive F.3.A.R. reveal - only in PSM3

The sun is shining, it's almost the weekend, and PSM3 issue 126 is on-sale today. It's a GLORIOUS day to be alive. So there's every reason for you to roll out of the house/office/dungeon today and pick up a copy of the new mag - it's rammed full of PS3 and PSP news, reviews, insight and industry gossip (just wait until E3, then remember where you read it first), the highlight of which is the world-exclusive reveal of horror shooter F.3.A.R. (or FEAR 3, if you prefer).

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GLoRyKnoT5285d ago

Had issue 126 for days! Guess i should look at it.

InfectedDK5285d ago

Well it's an exclusive reveal.. Not a PS3 exclusive game..
The Fear 3 "reveal" is not "news" at at all..
How come this was misunderstood in the first place?
Lawl.. Bad..

presto7175285d ago

Better start lowering my expectations

Christopher5285d ago

F3AR was actually revealed to be in progress two months ago by another magazine, forget which one though. It wasn't a big thing, but it was a mention of things to come in F3AR compared to the first and second game.

N4BmpS5285d ago

Not all too hyped for the game but I do want to play the first two

Cerebellum5285d ago

I agree, as indicated by your increased number of agrees!

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-Alpha5285d ago (Edited 5285d ago )

By "World Exclusive PS3 Game" I assume the article means "World Exclusive: PS3 Game" as in, it's not actually an exclusive but just revealed exclusively in a PS3 magazine, right?

I knew I would be disappointed, these are never big games. I heard FEAR 1 was a pretty good game though, but I heard the second one wasn't so great. Personally I'm trying to stop with the FPS', but you have to admit that for an over saturated genre they do have good games.

Halo Reach and Killzone 3 are going to be my exceptions and then I'm done with the genre. I mean it... This time.

Roper3165285d ago

I really enjoyed both Fear games and look forward to the next.

BeaArthur5285d ago

Wasn't all that impressed by FEAR and I never played FEAR 2 so I will most likely pass on this one.

fallingdove5285d ago

@ Alpha

I am the same way. I am FPSed (and 3PSed for that matter) out. Its too bad that anything other than those genres are a dying breed. I pray that Last Guardian is as good as I am hoping it to be.

-Alpha5285d ago

I keep trying to pull myself out of the genre to diversify my library but its just so hard. I need to catch up on SP games as my multiplayer addiction for FPS's is pretty bad. But I can't justify buying SP games when they tend to be short.

TLG will be my exception though. I am hyping that to be GOTY 2011 (I assume it will get pushed back most likely). Shadow of the Colossus is my gem and I have nothing but sky high expectations for TLG. It's like reading a magical book, Team ICO is art.

Official General5285d ago (Edited 5285d ago )

I really do think that gaming industry is over-saturated with first-person shooters. Dont get me wrong at all, I do like FPS games are very well made and fun to play, eg. COD Modern Warfare series, Killzone 2 etc. I just perosnallly think they are getting a bit too much. However I would not say that I'm 'done with FPS'. I got nothing against those who really love the FPS genre. I just hope that game developers dont devote too much of their creative efforts into making first-person shooters all the time or making them a priority over other genres.

I've already completed COD Modern Warfare 2 and I've only just started playing Killzone 2 now, I'm really enjoying it and I'm having a right blast. But hopefully once I complete KZ2, I really dont think I'm gonna touch another FPS for a long time. They pretty much all end up all being very similar in my personal view. I'm more of a third-person perspective games kinda guy.

On another note, I'd like to see a Mass-Effect style, third-person space shooter/adventure game on the PS3. Thats if the Mass Effect series does not get released for the PS3 of course. Right now, the next games I'm interested in getting for my PS3 are Red Dead Redemption and GTA Episodes from Liberty City. I'm still yet to buy Heavy Rain. I recently completed The Saboteur and I thought that game was real fun and enjoyable.

WildArmed5285d ago

Considering FEAR3 was already confirmed.. I"m kinda disappointed.

I didn't expect it to be exclusive from the start, (e3 is around the corner after all!).

But i really liked the first n second game.. but i played them very late.. so their gfx/game mechanics seems lackluster.

But Fear 3 sounds awesome..
I'm willing to give it a fair chance. Why hate a game till you try it?

Cold 20005285d ago (Edited 5285d ago )

I cant remember exactly but I think I purchased only one FPS in almost 2 years: MW2 (and I actually bought it for my little brother's birthday).
It's not hard at all, pick your games carefully and dont buy everything that comes out just for the sake of it. Sometimes I see people on this site who say things like" I've got 3 games still unwrapped".

I play fewer games than most people but at least that way I dont feel oversaturated by FPS's.

monkeybizz5285d ago

Both FEARs were amazing, FEAR2 still has some of the best AI I have seen in a game, with enemies always coming form different places.

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Socomer 19795285d ago

its a pc game that sucks balls on consoles.
that crap should be 360 exclusive. Fear 3?
pah lease!

Crossifixxo5285d ago

Yeah!! finally another FEAR, I am a big fan of the series, the first game literally blew my mind away. By the way did you see portal 2 written on the front cover of the magazine( zoom in a little into the picture)?? YEA were getting portal, so that means half-life2 episode 3 as well!!

kingxXx5285d ago

HL2 with the 2 episodes are my all time favorite games, but valve is cheating us by L4D and portal (great games although lol).
Sorry for out the topic, i loved the first fear game the second was not bad i hope this one will be the best with a good MP :)

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10 of the Hardest to Pronounce Game Titles

With games being made all around the world, titles can sometimes be difficult to pronounce. Here are 10 games that can leave people tongue tied.

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PerfidiousSinn3146d ago

I played Ehrgeiz for months and I still say the name wrong.

DiscoKid3146d ago

Even though the announcer says the title?

Jackhass3146d ago

I'm still not sure how I'm supposed to say Disgaea.

DarkOcelet3146d ago

I think its pronounced Dis-Ga-Ya.

ThePsychoGamer3145d ago (Edited 3145d ago )

Pretty sure it more Dis-Guy-ya.

I remember reading an interview with some one who worked on the series since the beginning, and according to him, when they named the series they wanted something that sounded anti-earth, so they came up with Dis using american slang and Gaia, the greek word for earth.

ZaWarudo3146d ago

Deus Ex - They Use X

Ehrgeiz - Ear gease?

Disgaea - This guy ya

Cthulhu - Coo thoo loo

Atelier - Ah teh liar?

DiscoKid3146d ago

Atelier = attle yay
Deus Ex - Dayis X
Ehrgeiz = er-gayz


Steam Summer Sale - Day Nine - Crysis, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, F3AR on Sale

DSOGaming writes: "The ninth day of Steam’s Summer Sale is a go and PC gamers can get today the Crysis Collection with 70% and Deus Ex: Human Revolution, F3AR, Magicka, Dungeon Defenders, Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, Civilization V, and Driver: San Francisco with a 75% discount."

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Disembodied Voices Episode 28: Zachary’s Ascension to Hosthood

TheDVcast.com writes: "Do you love Zachary and hate Stephen? Then holy hand grenades are you in for a treat! Stephen is out of the hosting seat due to a bad case of imploded hard drive, so Zachary takes up the heavy burden of keeping Bryan and Cameron in line. Mass Effect 2, Assassin’s Creed, and Fthreeear (or F3AR if you hate pronouncing things rightly) are included in Games We Have Been Playing As of Late, during which a plethora of fascinating topics can only be touched upon in the already-lengthy segment. Bring Your Own Topic faces the DV cast with a quandary related to stupidly obvious tutorials, which teaches us that one should always flee from the police. An edition of Games to End All Games wants to know what the greatest sports game ever created is; the answer is Sonic Riders. Lastly, this week’s lineup of new released is relayed with the fiery passion of a raging giraffe. So buckle your seat belts and download Disembodied Voices Episode 28 (NOT Episode 29, despite the absurd statements of the panel)!"

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