
Blu-ray vs DVD: Is it only a matter of disc swapping?

As more games fully utilizing the whole storage potential of the Blu-ray hit the shelves, the gaming community is startly to wonder if the DVD-9 is still a viable format to support the most advanced AAA releases.

A comparison between the pros and cons of the Blu-ray solution on PS3 and DVD-9 one on the Xbox 360.

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SasanovaS19875284d ago

damage control? we all already know the difference, we didnt need a useless article

SnuggleBandit5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

Damage control? How was it damage control? Blu-ray has already proven its worth

And he is just reiterating that BD >>> DVD for making games...

Icyhot5284d ago

Why are people even having this discussion? Blu-Rays are superior end of discussion. You can be in denial all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that games like GOW3 which use more than 40GB of space absolutely cannot be pulled off on the 360 without sacrificing the graphics due to compression (like FF13 where Resolution took a hit). 360 fanboys can go bububu we can have 7 disc with 6.8GB in each disc, are you stupid? Even in the PS2 days I have never seen a game go above 4 disc lol.

Also, mandatory installation are a thing of the past. If PS3 can play games like GOW3 and UC2 without any installation, virtually ANY game can be played on the PS3 without installation. You can play GOW3 from start to finish without the game loading even ONCE apart from initial load (which is masked by into cut scene)...

DVD might be enough for this gen FOR THE 360, but not for the PS3. PLAY B3YOND 6.8GB stupid DVDs. Even PS2 DVDs can store more than 360 DVDs lol. Bububu TEH COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES lol!!!!

Godmars2905284d ago

This argument is done until the PS4 and Xbox 720. Though if MS stays with DVD9, don't go with BR or some cloned tech that isn't BR, they're stupid.

kaveti66165284d ago

No, it's not. It takes a lot more memory memory to store high definition data than standard definition data. So all those high definition textures in video games take up space, not to mention high definition cutscenes. The DVD-9 that the 360 implements actually provides the developer 6.8 gigs of space to use because of some security thing that is completely unnecessary because anyone can hack the crap out of the 360 and its games.

The developers who want to fit their entire games onto one disc will either make a smaller game or compress textures. Compressed textures can then be upscaled by the 360's upscaler but that presents problems such as artifacts and less detail in textures.

Developers who spread out the game over multiple discs are not doing it just to have uncompressed textures. The size of the game itself including all of the features, audio, cutscenes may be a factor.

For the first few years of the 360's life cycle, the size of the disc did not present major restrictions because the architecture was designed around an algorithm called procedural synthesis. Procedural synthesis is an advanced compression method.

But the problems are seeping into the public media after developers like Rockstar and Capcom have complained, and Epic has spoken about having to cut content.

With Blu-Ray, developers can include high definition textures, lossless audio, uncompressed stuff basically. But even Blu-Ray games have compressed textures in some areas because Blu-Ray needs multiple copies of the same data so the reader doesn't have to backtrack to stream data to the CPU.

All in all, Blu-Ray is a stepping stone from DVD. It's more space for uncompressed, high definition data. But, in the future, there will need to be even larger optical storage mediums. 1TB blu ray seems like more than enough, but there will need to be even more space needed.

In real life, everything is in high definition. There are no blurry textures in the universe. If you want to see that level of detail in video games, we're going to need a hell of a lot of space.

The Wood5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

my eyes are maxed out at a blurry 520p.....especially after....??? ...maybe my left is a bit higher..

But yeah..The movies needed a larger medium so why wouldn't the games industry benefit from a larger medium like every other gen prior.

Im still surprised some people STILL downplay the advantages of blu ray. They almost cling to the term 'needed' so they can disprove it by saying look at mass effect 2, 20 days straight of gameplay ∴ blu rays not needed. The terms they should be looking at are 'benefits' and 'progression'

saint_john_paul_ii5284d ago

all I have to say is devs dont have to limit their dreams because of space when it comes to blu-ray.

Godmars2905284d ago

Just when they make multiplatform titles...:(

MIDDLE_FINGER_U5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

That's so 15 yrs ago disc swapping I cant believe that this is still an option in this day and age. Thats like getting up to change to tape two when watching SCARFACE.

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Eonjay12h ago

I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

Redgrave11h ago

This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.


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TheNamelessOne7d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv726d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

5d ago