
Game Revolution: Hero: 108 Preview

Once upon a time, there was a land where humans and animals lived in peace and tranquility... until this one douchebag named HighRoller came along. He was such a huge pain in the ass that he got himself banished from the Eastern Kingdom and went away to the Hidden Land. One day while festering in his loathing for humanity, he was hit by lightning and gained the ability to talk with animals and became the most evil Dr. Doolittle since Eddie Murphy.

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Hero 108 Online Review - Bright Hub

Bright Hub:
The upside for the game is that it plays out like a 3D beat-e’m-up title from the hey-day of the SNES and Sega Genesis era. The downside is that the game lacks a lot of polish that could have otherwise put it up in the ranks as one of the better licensed-property based games out there.

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Life in Hero City - Hero 108: Preview (Examiner)

There's a certain charm that massively multiplayer online brawlers possess. For the older generation of gamers, brawlers have the ability to pull us back into the arcade days of our youth; for the younger gamers, the fast-paced action is better at grabbing attention and competing with popular offline action games. There's something primitively appealing about smashing buttons, dodging attacks, and using real-time tactics to bring down an opponent. Beating things up simply is a fundamental element of fun for gamers.

With that in mind, the combination of a popular cartoon series, the joyful action sequences of a brawler, and the social elements of an MMO should prove a recipe for success - and that's what Hero: 108 Online aims to prove.

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MMOGames.com: Exclusive interview with Hero:108 + free in-game item

MMOGames: Hero: 108 Online has been in Open Beta for months. When's the official release date? Will the release coincide with the new season of the Hero: 108 cartoon?

Hero 108: We officially started the Open Beta on July 7th, and while I can’t give an exact date for the opening of the item shop, I can say that we are getting all of our ducks in a row right now and should hopefully have an update for everyone soon enough.

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