
GamerDad: BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Portable Review

2009's most impressive new 2-D fighter, BlazBlue, is now available on-the-go via the PSP. It has everything the main console versions had, and then some. But is it worth buying the game again just to have it wherever you go? Read on to find out:

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BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend to Feature Extended Story Modes

Arc System Works Europe and PQube have today announced that the forthcoming BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend, currently in development for PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita (PS Viat) and Xbox 360, will include the original ‘Calamity Trigger’ storyline, making this latest release the complete BlazBlue story to date. This re-telling of the original story will include new and remastered scenes for both existing fans and to help introduce new players to the BlazBlue universe.

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Tanir4533d ago

awwww even as BB is my fav fighter, it just isn't enough new content for me to drop 40 bucks. maybe if they delayed makoto, platina and Valk for this game then i would have, but i will only be missing 1 new character and can just youtube the story while i play SCV.

make a true sequel and i will buy!

Redempteur4533d ago

Same here , having CT & CS i don't have enough in this one to buy it again ...

Snookies124533d ago

Hell yes! I was already going to get this, but they just made the deal so much sweeter! I was kind of sad trading in my Calamity Trigger after I got Continuum Shift, now I don't have to worry about it. XD

PS: Blazblue story is quite awesome.

Razongunz4533d ago

never played blazblue, but this stuff is great, i was planing to get this allready so yay.

Friendly_fiend4533d ago (Edited 4533d ago )

my penis clicked the mouse 4 me


Blazblue Deciphered: History of the World

GameXplain Says: "The Blazblue series is not like most fighting games. Where Tekken, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat are all based around fighting tournaments in order to bring their menagerie of fighters together, Blazblue tells a wholly different story. It is a complex tale filled with many foreign terms and a web of interpersonal relationships between the fighters, there for those who want to become immersed in this crazy world. For the gamers who just want a solid fighting system and the ability to challenge other people online, Blazblue has that. There may not be as many characters as Super Street Fighter IV, but none of them play alike. Fighting enthusiasts can spend hours trying to master each one, but it's the story that gives Blazblue a truly unique flavor for many. Even during combat the dialog between characters gives a sense of relationships, story, and even past events. The original game had a tale that even casual fighters could get into though its labyrinthine natur...

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Dash Reindeer4764d ago

I need this cuz the game made no sense to me

Kalowest4764d ago

The story in BB is not hard to follow.

Redempteur4763d ago

it isn't ..
but the world itself goes way over the casual fighter mecanics.

Kalowest4763d ago

The story in BB is awesome, and comical (kaka calls Litchi "Boobie Lady", and picks on Noel Vermillion for being flat-chested.)

Eternalb4763d ago

Looking forward to what they do with CS 2 on the 3DS.


The Art of BlazBlue

As a development studio, Arc System Works has long been known for its ability to vividly depict wild and imaginative characters on-screen. Be it in short animated sequences or in the middle of a dramatic round of combat, the art team at Arc Systems Works has always been ahead of the curve. The infamous Guilty Gear series set the scene for some of the most stunning 2D artwork the videogames industry has ever seen, and this year the BlazBlue franchise crashed onto videogames consoles in Europe, proving not only that 2D games still held a place on the current-generation hardware, but that they could shine just as brightly as any 3D attempts to recreate real-life.

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knifefight4896d ago

Just got this for PS3 over the holidays. Fun game.

Warprincess1164896d ago

lol i bet some of you guys
thought you were gonna see half-naked
anime girls when you clicked on the link.

Quagmire4896d ago

This coming from someone who has a pic of a half-naked Twi-fag as their avatar.

AssassinHD4896d ago

I am not going to lie. It crossed my mind.

Baka-akaB4896d ago

For some think related to a game with such gorgeous art , you really picked crap (worse fanart crap) for the headline pic

kevco334896d ago

It's not fanart! This image is included on the BlazBlue 2011 calendar!

Acquiescence4896d ago

Haha, nah just kidding.

*shifty eyes*

Redempteur4896d ago

Boobs and blushing girls .. it was all to help this getting approved faster !!

kevco334896d ago

Phht... You obviously haven't read the reports on this article! This was the third (and tamest) image I used!

Baka-akaB4896d ago

it certainly isnt the first image that pop when you seek blazblue art at the very least .

You werent searching for tame art

Redempteur4896d ago


no i didn't

because i read the reports when i have something to report

i have nothing against some litchi - taokaka "artwork" i just don't remember this picture from the gallery mode of both games OR the official manga

midgard2274896d ago (Edited 4896d ago )

um baka that is official art lol, u shud see the crazy offical art they have for the game, rachel grabbing noels breasts, both in lingerie, and a bunch of other wierd kinky ones. just that they are in japan artbooks and calendars only

example attatched below


Baka-akaB4896d ago (Edited 4896d ago )

i've read his post . Didnt notice when i only got the art featured in games (with still some ecchi stuff mind you) . besides it's quite ugly and generic compared to most of the art of the game

But that's not my second point in the second post . He could have easily pick anything else among Blazblue art beyond that . It's no wonder some reported , it's done for hits