
Coplanet Review: Lazy Raiders

Coplanet: Keep in mind the possibility to change the buttons and analog stick to replace the two triggers. This will also be able to zoom to Dr. Diggabone, which will allow you to notice the good graphics of the game, but that is unlikely to be useful during the game session, since there will be an overview of the level.

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STP: Lazy Raiders Review

STP: When you were a kid, did you ever make your body go limp so that your mother was forced to literally drag your carcass onto the school bus? You hoped that resisting would cause the whole system to give up on you, but it never happened, did it? Prodding Dr Diggabone into action with Lazy Raiders might bring back some memories, though playing the game is fun, which is more than we can say for your mother’s attempts to get you on your feet.

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Postmortem: Sarbakan's Lazy Raiders

Gamasutra: Settled in inspiring Quebec City, Sarbakan is a fast-growing game developer with over 600 games under its belt. After 10 years of white label servicing and online gaming, leaping into console gaming was as thrilling as it was scary. Sure, we had 10 years of experience in game and IP development, but that experience was generally limited to broad audience, casual online games.

We had but one DS title under our belt, and a budget one at that. What we were doing can only be described as diving into uncharted territory with nothing but a dream. We were working with a new engine (3DVIA's Virtools), a new IP, and a new platform. We knew there would be production delays, that the risk level was high, and that the flow of the project would be hard to predict. Nonetheless, we saw this game as an opportunity to make a statement to the industry: to prove that we could make a high-quality product.

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PlayDevil: Lazy Raiders XBLA Review

It's taken a little while, but PlayDevil weren't too lazy to review lazy raiders.

Here's a snippet:

"Lazy Riders picks up this world-manipulating gauntlet and throws the player in to three treasure hunting lands. Each area has a number of different mechanics and traps, layered on top of the simple maze mechanic, and at times the challenges prove quite tricky. Most levels centre on opening gates by collecting a variety of colour-coded keys."

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