
GameStop: Nintendo Sells The Most New Games

Kombo writes: "the latest annual report of GameStop's vendor relations revealed this week that Nintendo publishes the largest portion of new games they sell by a sizable margin. This is another sign of Nintendo's uncanny ability to maintain strong game sales and how it has changed the balance of market share in the industry."

"23 percent of GameStop's non-used games are Nintendo-published titles. The closest competitor is Sony with 17 percent of the share. From there it goes down to Microsoft and Eletronic Arts (12 percent each) and then Activision with 11 percent. These five companies make up 75 percent of GameStop's new games business."

"In 2006 things were very different. Microsoft held the top spot with 14 percent, and collectively the top 10 made up only 65 percent of GameStop's new games business. Today it's 85 percent. It is very possible that Nintendo is the shifting force in those numbers."

"Every publisher today worries about their games sales eroding into second hand market after most new sales taper off after opening month. This is a problem that Nintendo has consistently avoided."

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eagle215194d ago

1. Nintendo
2. Sony
3. Microsoft
4. EA :)

Gr815194d ago

Aint it? There's actually a simple answer to the question: Nintendo understands value. I still get the urge to play Prime 3 or NSMB or Kart, Brawl is nearly an everyday thing. You don't sell back Nintendo games because you know you will want to play that game again.

The list goes on, really. Look at the VC. I just played through ALttP not too long ago, that sh!t is a masterpiece, Super Metroid, again, another game that like wine gets better with age. How many HD games get played like that? One look at the sales charts tells us an obvious answer.

I used to think it was only analysts like Pachter and Divninch or some other candy ass that was out of touch with the mainstream gamer. But its actually many of us on these very forums that are. Particularly the HD crowd. In fact, everything the HD crowd seems to loathe always seems to be a big hit haha. Mario Kart Wii 20m Wii Fit 20m Resort 15m NSMB 14m lol. And the things they like tend to be pretty meh. Uncharted 2 3m Mass Effect? about the same.

I feel its like that movie a Bronx Tale, where this guy would bet on horses and the gangsta's knew that if they bet on the same horse as this guy they lost. LoL.

Mahr5194d ago

I don't really get why so many people on this site seem to want Nintendo to go third party the way of Sega. What, and change the headlines of all those editorials to "Only Nintendo games sell on non-Nintendo systems"?

bacrec15193d ago

A really valid point arius. I never feel the need to trade in those games because of the quality.


Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel

When the first footage of Over Jump Rally appeared online, it rightly caused quite a stir. Created using Unreal Engine 5, it offered a tantalizing glimpse of what a modern-day Sega Rally could look like, complete with super-realistic car models, breathtaking environments and – of course – the trademark Sega Blue Sky.

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darthv729h ago

Oh man.... this looks so damn good.


Scandalous recruitment standards in a Polish studio. A strip session in the background

Adrian Chmielarz, a famous game creator, revealed shocking details about recruitment in one of the Polish development studios. He shared a story on his Facebook that sparked community outrage among both players and industry professionals.

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gold_drake1d 9h ago

i dont see how that is so outrages.

Eonjay7h ago

"A woman looking for a job in gamedev was asked by the recruiter for a naked sauna session as one of the conditions of employment."

I don't know...

purple1015h ago

but they do sauna all the time in Finland, Sweden all those countries, right>>? hehe

CrimsonWing692h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Ok, say no and find a different job?


Yes, that's Kara in season 4 of The Boys

Been watching season 4 of The Boys and find Firecracker's face familiar? As a gamer, where you know her from might surprise you.

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Nerdmaster17h ago

I did have one of those "where do I know her from...?" feelings.
It's funny how a different hair style changes a person. I saw some pictures of her with short or blond hair and it made me remember Kara, but making her a redhead AND with long hair, just bugged my brain.
Here's hoping her character survives until the end of the show (even though her character is a horrible person).

just_looken16h ago

No doubt homelander will get pissed and show her his appreciation.

Episode 3 i was expecting a bitch slap death but it never happened he was zoned out then.

Would it not buy the boys still comedy she fight's back with that lame finger snap power he is like bitch really then just takes her out with one hit LOL

bloop5h ago

Thank you. Couldn't remember who Kara was and was too lazy to open article.

Tankbusta4010h ago

The only image from the show in my mind is the multiplying dudes eating each others butts in the sauna

VariantAEC10h ago

Valorie Curry is her name... not sure why that's not even in the short summary. Why is this gaming news though?

ZeekQuattro6h ago

I couldn't for the life of me remember what I remembered her from and then I saw The Tick in her acting credits. That's why she looked so familiar. I loved that short lived Amazon show.

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