
Itagaki to Appear Exclusively at Microsoft's E3 Press Conference

GFB writes: "While everyone has been wondering what the next game from Itagaki Tomonobu and his new Valhalla Game Studios will be, another big question has been whether or not the game in question will follow in the foot steps of Itagaki's past titles and be exclusive to a Microsoft console. We may have our answer."

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qface645232d ago

what's the point of the exclusively part?
like anyone is surprised by this?

TOO PAWNED5232d ago

i couldn't care less for any game of his to be honest, that said, good luck with selling 5 million on single platform, as he mentioned was his goal, let alone Japanese game.

siyrobbo5232d ago

if ive learnt anything from microsoft its this

ringo star - paul mcartney at MS E3 exclusively - multi-plat rock band the beatles

Hideo kojima at microsoft E3 - multi plat mgs rising

modern warfare 2 at microsoft E3 - multiplat game

fallout 3 at microsoft E3 - multi plat game

splinter cell conviction at microsoft E3 - multiplat game

left 4 dead 2 at microsoft E3 - multi plat game

tony hawk at microsoft E3 - multi plat (crap) game

microsoft have a habit of 'exclusively' marketing non exclusive games

Not saying that itagaki's game wont be exclusive, but him being at MS's press conference doesnt mean a damn thing

dabri55232d ago

5 Mil is a lot however if we are just talking over lifespan of the game, he may have something up his sleeve. I doubt anyone would make a lofty claim like that without something clever going on. I think, even if he doesn't meet that goal, his announcement will be worth listening to.

Blaze9295232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

sweet - the guy makes awesome games. Can't wait to see the project(s) he's working on with some of his former Team Ninja employees.

k jules5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

Your logic fails. You call L4D2 and SCC multiplat when they are showed at a Microsoft conference? Where can I get that game besides the MS platforms? Sony showed PSP and PS3 games, that is logical, considering they own both platforms. But when MS show games that are on both THEIR platforms, they don't belong there?

You can call them multiplat in a PS3 vs 360 vs PC discussion, but not in a MS vs Sony (which this is, concidering there was never a Games for Windows press conference @ E3).

Bereaver5232d ago

multiplat means multiple platforms

It has, in no way, any affiliation with Microsoft or Sony.

What he was trying to state was that all those announcements, were available on different platforms, so even though it sais that he will exclusively show it in Microsoft's show, doesn't mean that the game will be exclusive to the 360 and maybe not even the 360 and PC.

k jules5232d ago

I get that part, but saying SCC and L4D2 are out of place at a Microsoft conference (which he does) just doesn't make any sense. I refer to my PSP/PS3 @ Sony conference, Sony owns different platforms, they show games for both. Microsoft did the same with L4D2 and SCC. And Sony had also enough multiplats in the conference, like FFXIV and ACII.

But let this be the end of it, otherwise we're gonna get another 'who won E309' discussion ;).

leeger5232d ago

Hey you know what I just saw L4D2 running on a Sony Viao with windows 7 as the OS, omg L4D2 is a sony and MS exclusive joint project!
and btw Steam is coming to Mac.

Christopher5232d ago

I'm fairly ambivalent about the situation. His games for me are okay, just not good enough to care if they're only available on only one platform. For me, games like Mass Effect 1 & 2 and Uncharted deserve to be multiplatform because they're that good and everyone should enjoy them. When I think NG or DMC, I really don't care that much because, IMHO, they're not on the same level.

sikbeta5232d ago

WOW...Really? Is not a Surprise, it would be a Real Surprise if he Appear in the SONY Conference, don't you think?

OmegaSlayer5232d ago

Again, delusional 360 fanboys...

"Project Outline

Valhalla Game Studios is currently developing a big project for high definition game consoles.
We are looking for those who want to show their abilities to the world, those who want to grab a success and a victory as a professional, those who want to engrave their names in the history of video game industry and those who fight a battle together. We will welcome powerful people.


Communication ability to deliver your will and intentions clearly and quickly.
Experience in HD console game development.
Residents in Japan who can communicate in Japanese.
Age over 18"

"High definition game consoles" with an "s" as plural.

You can find this piece of news here,
on Valhalla Game Studios Official Page.

So Itagaki can be whatever he wants and release his games even elsewhere for everyone's joy
I hope he will just make a kick ass game for both consoles

Thanks for watching

Anon19745232d ago

Now appearing at a Microsoft E3 press conference near you!

Seriously, who's the big brain that decided this train wreck of a human being be a spokesman at E3. Probably the same guy who thought Jane Lynch would be the perfect pitch person for the 360. Did anyone see those commercials? Those splattered and ran down the wall onto your carpet.

Method5232d ago

k jules is just yet another ignorant 360 fanboy. Don't worry, ignorance can be cured.

The argument of "I don't have a PC, so it's 360 exclusive" is downright retarded.

That's like saying I don't have a Xbox and PC so MW2 is PS3 exclusive. It's just plain stupid.

Microsoft makes no profits off of games on their operating system. It's an OPEN PLATFORM.

That's like saying console run only on electricity is exclusive to the electric company. Therefore, all games are [Electric company] exclusive.


Rock Bottom5232d ago

You can get those games on any Sony, Toshiba, IBM, HP, etc... Computers. It's not MS exclusive.

Greywulf5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

Microsoft doesn't make any platform besides the 360 If I install windows on a PS3, it would be a microsoft platform?Just like if you dual booted a mac to run windows, Thats not a microsoft platform.

Microsoft doesn't make any money off of PC computer sales or Games sales that run on their operating system. You need SDK kits, and you buy that, but thats not the same thing as having a platform. By your logic microsoft has some part in:


Any software that runs on it, gaming is no different. Microsoft certification is just paying money to make your game meet Live requirements, thats all.

Calling the personal computer a Microsoft platform is just an excuse to use when you realize all of the 360's games aren't exclusive by the definition of the word. So this magical explanation is made.

Jamegohanssj55232d ago

No PS3 love. He's one of my favourites, but Imma cry now : v (.


Megaton5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

Seriously, this guy hates Sony more than most of the 360 fanboys here. No surprise. Nice to know the king of bad camera angles and big sloppy pixeltits is back in action...


vhero5232d ago

Who cares now he no longer owns any of the team ninja IP's he really is meaningless. Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden is where its at and he has nothing to do with them anymore.

Syronicus5231d ago

Thank god. One thing I like about Sony press conferences is that they are very professional and to have this douche at it would only sour the professionalism. MS can keep him. Maybe they can sit him next to a fellow blow-heart, Aaron Greenburg.

5231d ago
+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5231d ago
vgn245232d ago

Does the guy bleed green too!?! He even picks a marketing company ran by former Xbox employees? Come on Itagaki. You won't sell 4 million units (like he said he plans to) being exclusive to one platform.

Foxgod5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

If it will be as awesome and good looking as gears, then it will.
Remember, these guys made Dead or alive 4, and that game is still the best looking fighting game to date.
And its 4 years old, imagine what they can do now.

qface645232d ago

wait what dead or alive the best looking fighting game to date?

you joking right?

Foxgod5232d ago

Yes it is, soul calibur and tekken dont hold a candle to it in terms of gfx.

qface645232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

go look at doa4 and doa ultimate the difference isn't even all that huge

virtua fighter 5 blows doa out of the water in terms of graphics

XRider5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

Virtua Fighter does look a little bit better but the controls are hella bad.

Gue15232d ago

I actually agree with foxgod on this one. Dead or Alive it's beautiful!!!!

vgn245232d ago

I'm not arguing with the guy's output. He makes some amazing games. I'm just annoyed by the fanboyism of a professional in the business. I'd be lying if I sat here and tried to act like Dead or Alive wasn't still one of the best looking fighters ever made.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5232d ago
Omega45232d ago

Not surprising hes to MS what Kojima is to Sony. At least someone in Japan likes the Xbox, and we got one confirmed exclusive for E3.

King-Nax5232d ago

As much of a silly fanboy you are, your statement is pretty much on the spot. I cant disagree with you on that note.

Cueil5232d ago

Microsoft is probably the supporters that he had... this guy even got to use a Spartan in his game... I think that shows that Microsoft believes in him...

Vincent VII5232d ago

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

KEEP DREAMING lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

makingdamage5232d ago

You forgot the word "timed" before exclusive... :)

dragunrising5232d ago

@making damage-

If it was up to Itagaki, there never would have been a PS3 Ninja Gaiden. No multiplatform for you. (facepalm)

WetN00dle695232d ago

Ahh well, Itagaki has never really liked the Ps3 so yeah.
Who knows if it will ever hit on Sonys console. I guess we will have to wait and see.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5232d ago
Sonyslave35232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

LOL the droids actually believe Itagaki care about the ps3 lets go MS E3 is yours to win.

Forbidden_Darkness5232d ago

Actually every PS3 fan knows Itagaki loves MS unconditionally and couldn't care for his game, especially after the lameness of NG2 (compared to the first). Have fun with your Ninja Natal: Rise of the Red Rings of Death

MyLightKilzTractors5232d ago

"lets go MS E3 is yours to win"
you do realize its a press conference??
so now your press conference is going to kick my press confrences ass
hahahahahaahaha------ fail

avengers19785232d ago

Who is this guy? and why do Droids care?
Both NG games were on the PS3, but honestly with the library of exclusives PS3 has who cares what this guy does

boysenberry5232d ago

Old news. Everyone knows that Itagaki has Microsoft's you know what up his a*s. Enjoy hyping up games that are in development for years and end up being nothing but average Xbox fanboys! Sony is going to dominate E3 2010!!

AngryTypingGuy5231d ago

AWESOME!!!!!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!!!! THIS IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF OUR LIVES!!!!!! THIS IS...uh, can someone tell me what games this guy is responsible for? If it's a bunch of JRPG's, then who gives a crap. If he can make some incredible shooters or adventure games, then sweet.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5231d ago
XRider5232d ago

If his next game is like Ninja Gaiden then I'm sold

XRider5232d ago

Must be some Ninja Gaiden haters sneaking about. Maybe I should have said "if his next game is like God of War or Devil May Cry" my bubbles would go up.

qface645232d ago

if the devil may cry game has nero in it then nah youd get bubbles down

XRider5232d ago

You're right DMC4 wasn't the best in the series. I still have it in my PS3 collection though. Never played the 360 verson of DMC not sure how it is. Ninja Gaiden is better played on a 360 IMO.

IdleLeeSiuLung5232d ago


Play NG2 like it was meant to be played with more enemies on screen and much more punishing difficulty designed by the original game designer.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5232d ago
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7 Game Endings That Made Us Go Wait, What

OX writes: " Ideally, the end of a game delivers a satisfying last bout of gameplay and wraps up the narrative. On occasion, though, a finale is so left field that they could be having Coachella in the right field and you wouldn't notice. Take these bizarre endings, for instance. "

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Null2982d ago

Where is fallout 4's ending with SHAWN?


Dead Or Alive Evolution of Body Physics - 1996 - 2016

A video which looks at the evolution of the Dead Or Alive characters and the inclusion of body physics over the years.

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Imp0ssibl33036d ago

This is all for science,folks!

timmyp533036d ago (Edited 3036d ago )

Yeah. This is reaching incredible heights I mean just look at this man.


https://giant.gfycat.com/Sm... << =O

Eonjay3036d ago

As a... man of science... I must say, that second pick is an amazing technical achievement... Thank you Japan. Thank you very much for being you!

blackblades3036d ago

Second image makes me want it now.

Black0ut3036d ago

Almost bought DOA 5 on sale the other day lol. You can obviously see what the 'attraction' to the game is X'D

blackblades3036d ago (Edited 3036d ago )

Extreme volley has better physics then doa5.

Black0ut3035d ago

so in other words, better boobies then? you learn something new every day.

DivineAssault 3035d ago

DOA is an amazing fighting game. The chicks are just a bonus.

TheCommentator3036d ago

The age affecting boob physics was present in the original DOA as well. When said that you were 99 years old, their boobs were just ridiculously funny to watch.

AgentSmithPS43036d ago

This looks better than I expected, it'd be a PSVR seller if it ever supports it.

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Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 Vs Xtreme 3 Head to Head (2006 vs 2016)

A comparison video looking a the differences between the 2006 Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 and the most recent Xtreme 3 on the PS4/PS Vita.

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vanity293037d ago

And people said it looked the same. Soft engine ftw

zackdollars3037d ago

It's the same game with some texture and lighting improvements. The same polygon and skeletal models. The same stages and re-used assets. Typical Japanese game development. Tecmo should be embarrassed.

lfc_4eva3037d ago

Some dodgy looking tan lines on number 2 ;-)

Bytor3036d ago

The boobs don't bounce around anymore.