
GeoHot: Don't update your PS3, I'll make custom firmware!

Geohot Writes
"PS3 hacker GeoHot is understandably annoyed at Sony's decision to remove OtherOS support from the PS3. And in his very latest posting, he warns PS3 owners to not update and he will look into retaining OtherOS support. Likewise, he notes that he never wanted to touch Custom Firmware but if that's how Sony wants to play, then he will start looking into it. Let the games begin!"

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rajman5233d ago

Oh here we go....GeoHot vs Sony will really get Hot now

Will-UK5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

He actually said " “security concerns”. What security concerns? " does he not see what he is doing.

Hes angry because he exploited a feature and got it removed this makes no sense.

Icyhot5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

The guy is an idiot. So all Fat PS3 owners should wait for this d!ck head to make a custom firmware which is likely to cause more problems than solve and deny online play till he cracks the code... Making a custom firmware is no easy sh!t. Although he is a proven hacker, it will take months to do that and all fat PS3 owners should wait for him to do that!!!!

The guy killed Linux on PS3 and he is feeling all the users are blaming him (which is true actually) and so will now TRY to crack into the PS3 and build a firmware.... Sorry mate, stay away from the PS3, we are better off without you. Who know what Sony might remove next time due to your stupidity. Thanks for killing Linux on my PS3.

Noctis Aftermath5233d ago

Hey Geohot how about instead of aiding piracy you just F**K the hell off? if you hadn't messed around trying to exploit the system to begin with the linux support feature wouldn't have been removed.

Also how will you doing this help the playstation community? it's more likely that you will just make sony impose tighter security.

Also the linux feature was a privilege and not a right, you(yes you specifically) abused that privilege and got the Other OS support removed so just do us all a favor and do something that won't have consequences for us legit PS3 users.

WildArmed5233d ago


OMG the car i was trying to steal is locked.

TheTwelve5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

Looking at this, people still are blaming Sony for having to take these measures.

Naturally, these complaints are loudest from people who are hackers themselves or benefit from this fool's work.

Remember guys that if pirates and hackers took over, NONE of us would have games to play. People like them have destroyed and corrupted every industry they've had their hands on, in history. The gaming industry would be no exception.


5233d ago
Reibooi5233d ago

Don't Update you PS3 I'll make a custom firmware that will brick your PS3 and steal your Credit card number in one go.


Thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass...

Pennywise5233d ago

Sony VS the 13 year old... I wonder who will win! hahaha

TheTwelve5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

People who steal like this will not stop until all is stolen, and as you can see, it's their pride that drives their actions.


captain-obvious5233d ago

this guy is a dumb ass

ProjectVulcan5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

'If that is how you want to play'

Cause and effect my dear boy. YOU are the cause. THIS is the effect.

Seriously hasnt he realised yet its HIS actions that has forced this play by sony? Its his fault, Sony are just trying to keep their system secure from the piracy blighting wii and 360. By keeping PS3 pirate free they vastly increase the attractiveness of their hardware to publishers and developers, isnt that what true gamers really want, an open system might be nice but a system with dozens of world class titles is surely preferable to honest gamers? Maybe if he grew up and realise that actions create effects he wouldnt be so ignorant.

tatotiburon5233d ago

LMAO first was dark_alex (psp hacker) vs Sony and who lost?? SONY...now vs GeoHot...a custom firmware will be awesome, look the CFW of the PSP, so much to do, homebrew, emulator, app and much more....can't wait for a CFW for PS3, too bad i have a slim :(

rajman5233d ago

I will update my PS3 when 3.2.1 is out...but you never know this guy might create a PS3 Firmware Downgrader...just like the PSP has, it will be tough as hell but this guy is a hacker so you never know. I just hope he doesnt get to pissed and discover the ability to pirate games and just concentrates on bringing back OtherOS for owners

Blaze9295233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

OMFG YES! YES! YESSSSS! I love this guy! I have CFW on my PSP and all the extra stuff I can do on it because of custom firmware is absolutely fantastic. I hope he succeeds

lmao at all the comments and disagrees. You guys act like he's some amateur who will steal your info and brick your systems. You all must not really know what he's capable of.

joydestroy5233d ago

he really should stick to the iPhone. you're screwing it up for us all, mate!

The Lazy One5233d ago

"Why the hell did toyota lock my car because I got a new muffler?"

Honestly, Sony's going to piss the homebrew community right off. How much would piracy like this really have affected game sales? it's only possible on ~15% of the consoles, and of that 15% probably only 50% have linux and probably only half of those would do homebrew let alone pirate. They shouldn't have even wasted their time on something that wouldn't even be a footnote in their quarterly reports.

young juice5233d ago

they dont need to get banned, you cant play online if you dont upate your firmware.

i would rather play online then look at the xmb all day.

sikbeta5233d ago

HA! I knew it! you see that..."da hackz for da homebrewz" My @ss! the guy wanted to make C-FW from the Beginning, he was doing this crap for the sake of PIRACY!!!

Lame dude, he not only F*cked Up a Feature that people used and Actually PAY for what they have, now he encourage people to not update and wait for a C-FW, such a pr!ck...

For The Love of God, I HOPE you never achieve that @sshole!!!

Klipz-Wish5233d ago

So if he does this wont the people just get banned from psn which is the same as not updating in the first place?

Carl14125233d ago

Wait, what? He didn't intend to get involved in CFW? So he was just going to hack it and say "Yeah i hacked it. Guess i'm finished now!"

Yeahhhhh sure, Geo

Gothdom5233d ago

Well, last I heard from him, he couldn't use photoshop properly, so I don't trust Geohot at all. Sure, homebrew is kinda cool, but the dude never delivered and Sony knew a move in advance.

Sucks to be Geohot right now. Checkmate!

TheTwelve5233d ago

The Lazy One --- your name is fitting, because only lazy people decide not to stand up against what is evil because "it's not worth it".

Here's some chips, go back on the couch.


Smkt5233d ago

probably half the people here b!tching about the otherOS feature have never even used it..

pixelsword5233d ago

the update shouldn't worry him.

5233d ago
meetajhu5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

Other OS is will not be removed confirmed


Geoff Levand is PS3 linux maintainer. I don't get it people think CFW is only for Piracy? I have 60gb launch unit. I need .mkv files support, and PS2 region protection removal.Thats all. Will continue to buy games. What Geohotz is doing is good. And Sony will not remove the feature. Its clearly a April fool scam.

LordMarius5233d ago

I hope you are right, because eventhough I dont care for OtherOS, I want a new firmware update that will add some new things, So I hope on Thursday when I visit the PSBlog i see
"April Fools, OtherOS not removed, you all get Cross-game Chat" lol

Godmars2905233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

You're half right. More like people who were exploiting legitimate loopholes to play old emulated games.

And then you have the few truly innocent victims of this crap who are/were actually using a Linux PS3 as a PC either because their old one broke or because Sony was selling the PS3 as a replacement.

Anorexorcist5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

I don't think this idiot or anyone who thinks like him will repair or replace any consoles that are possible damaged if or when these unofficial updates are installed with faulty or buggy code. B*tch and nag over Sony ditching Linux support with the new PS3 Slims and now this, mostly for the sake of using emulators to play old SNES games and crap?

Stop trying to create a coup to upsurp the man, and just go buy a freaking SNES on Ebay or something. The PS3 is for Next-Gen HD gaming. It's not like the PS3 is having a drought of great games.

Ridiculous! The nerd shall inheret the earth...one OS at a time!

I do like that photo above though. He's got that mean, serious, No B.S. grin on his face, but that stupid Jonas Brother's haircut is what washes it all out.

ThanatosDMC5233d ago

Well, for those people who dont update and follow this douche wont be able to play online... not being able to play MAG for a day now is horrible for me.

5233d ago
Death24945233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

The thing is when people try to go online Sony will disable the ps3's mac address. There for preventing any online access. Go ahead and wait for his CFW, just enjoy playing offline.

Edit: In other words, Sony will permanently disconnect your ps3 from PSN. Therefore, ensuring that you can't just log in with another account. Sorry but I have the original 60gig with backwards compatibility. You can keep your custom firmware GeeHot. I like you for unlocking the iphone because in the end it didn't hurt iphone users. This sh*t, on the other hand, is only hurting the ps3 community. There is just you, Sony has an entire Research and Development lab. I highly doubt you're smarter than Richard Marks.

MW2 pirated:
(PC) 5.06 million
(360) 1.36 million
(ps3) 0

FragGen5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

The CFW scene on the PSP is a FREAKING MESS. I would never wish that sh*t on the PS3. You can't even access PSN on a CFW PSP any more and any feature beyond 5.x is basically inaccessible. Because SONY DID WIN but, the PSP platform itself, LOST.

Dark Alex retired and CFW has been a trainwreck ever since and devs stay away from the PSP because it has a horrible rep for hacking and piracy.

I have one of my four PSPs on CFW because I can run emulators and load a bunch of CSO UMD backups onto the 32gb stick (it's so convenient to not carry a zillion UMDs... but of course this feature also enables the piracy everyone complains about on the system) so I follow what's going on and recognize some of the cool things it enables but really I am glad I've converted the others over to OFW, at this point.

There's not going to be a magic battery unbricker for a bricked PS3 either, like there is on the PSP. So good luck with that.

Thank God, this guy is going to fail.

raztad5233d ago

CFW is killing the PSP. Nobody wants to make game for such a pirated platform, sales are not warranted regardless how good the game is.

Thankfully PS3 is not PSP which is a dream for easy hacking. I have a fat PS3 and I'll be updating as I always do. You got to be really stupid to even try using a CFW that may brick and kill your system.

tinybigman5233d ago

i bought my system to play games and blu-ray, i've never even used the other OS thing because i could care less about it.

so if sony does decided to take it out its not a big deal to me.

cayal5233d ago

So basically...this moron is admitting to exploiting (illegal), potentially bricking systems (lawsuit) and more importantly Sony will just make the update compulsory.

How is he not in court?

BiggCMan5233d ago

this kid needs to be arrested. end of story.

Anorexorcist5233d ago

First he needs to get a haircut, then get arrested.

Just stop by Supercuts on the way to the precinct. It's for his own good.

kws10655233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

It's time to become infamous, geohot!

Edit: BTW, even if geohot didn't break the law so he can't be sued as a criminal case, isn't it possible to sue him as a civil case? I mean, anyone who will get any disadvantage for this update (such as using PS3 as a game console and Linux machine at the same time) will also have the right to sue him, won't it?

Proxy5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

Care to list those industries?

@1.39. You might be right, there could be a reason to sue for anyone who previously used their PS3 as a Linux machine. This lawsuit would be against the entity which removed the ability, namely Sony. Not some random hacker.

Anyways, the Linux philosophy is completely at odds with what consoles try to achieve so it this was bound to happen. There will be more indie games, and there will be more Modern Warfare games. BTW, the last indie game I had trouble with I posted on their tech support forums and the company owner and lead programmer responded to me within 5 minutes with a fix, which worked; I'll probably end up stuck with games and services like this if the big industry continues down it's current course.

MrWonderful5233d ago

The rock smells a lawsuit looming in this guys future

Christopher5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

Wait... I thought he didn't do this to promote piracy?

***Care to list those industries? ***

Really? Music, movie, and video game industries have all been affected by hackers. Hackers created Napster to distribute music. Hackers created decrypters to break DVD encryption to make digital versions of movies. Hackers are the reason why we have many forms of DRM rather than a single format for all players. Hackers are the reason why Microsoft stopped allowing third-party memory devices. Hackers are the reason for many of the things we have to deal with today with music, movie, and video games, all of it leading to more money being spent to combat people who pirate things because of hackers.

MEsoJD5233d ago

is what if he found another exploit??? Is Sony going to remove that too. The fact that I spent $600 for my 60gb ps3 and will have a feature taken away because Sony is supposedly afraid of a hacker is ridiculous.

I just think Sony could handle the situation better.

JD_Shadow5233d ago

First off, if this guy wants to battle, then this whole thing will NEVER end, and it will only hurt the gamer in the long run.

Both parties are doing this wrong. I think Sony should look at the hack and see what they can do to take advantage of the situation. Ask him how he did it, what he was trying to accomplish, and then go from there. This is the one place I don't agree with Sony with: trying to kill ANY homebrew from ever getting onto their systems. They should use this to instead start a PS3 game mod community, sort of like what you see out of Valve games and World of Warcraft (hell, that could REALLY get Valve's attention if Sony starts doing THAT).

We should take this as a lesson for both sides here.

IdleLeeSiuLung5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

I agree.

What if they found an exploit in PS Home. Are they going to remove that?

Imagine if MS started removing features from Windows as soon as people found exploits! You would be sitting on a brick instead of a PC right around now and a pending lawsuit coming MS way.

If you sell a product that is popular expect it to be scrutinized, but don't hurt your customers. Sony are doing just that, by doing this!

I find that my MGS4 Limited Edition PS3 that I paid $650 being downgraded as time goes by. What happened to future proofing?

Sony hands down is introducing a new trend in the gaming industry, offer a bunch of features to justify a high price tag and them remove em later citing high cost or security concerns....

Redempteur5233d ago

he is a funny guy ..

but i don't care if there is a firmware update , i will update
because i need to play online .

Also that's sad for linux on PS3 but the linux people will be able to use linux on Ps2 or maybe on PCs ..

Either way i haven't seen anything serious made by this guy on ps3 except that potential memory overdrive

Pillage055233d ago

@the people backing CFW on psp....you do realize that piracy completely ruined the psp for anybody who actually was willing to spend their money on the system. Games aren't being made for the psp anymore because nobody makes any money off of them. How could you possibly support this for the ps3.

HolyOrangeCows5233d ago

So people would seriously rather use some stupid homebrew crap than play great games online? Morons.

Do something productive with your life haxor nerds.

ActionBastard5233d ago

I've got a launch PS3 60GB and give a sh!t about Linux on my PS3. I've used Ubuntu and YDL on it and have yet to see a practical use. Outside of playing roms. That said, there are people that DO see a practical use for it and this douchebag has just ruined it for them. Not Sony, the company that needs money to continue operations. This guy, for sheer enjoyment, took something from fat PS3 owners. And the gaming media, Linux posers and MS fanboys have the audacity to blame Sony for PROTECTING their platform. PS3 slim owners can't install Linux and do they care? Nope. Why? They're playing PS3 games. And they seem happy.

zoks3105233d ago

We all should know this about Geohot, the man is a thief, people like him are the reason why people lose their identity over the internet, people like him make it so your credit card number (or information) can get stolen the next time you shop online.

This man have already forced Sony to punish 25 million fat PS3 owners!!!! just for his greed and lust to steal. Gehot is sick in the head and needs help, he should be imprisoned for what he has done.

jjohan355233d ago

Even if he was successful at creating a custom firmware, what happens if Sony updates its firmware and blocks the custom firmware from accessing PSN? Everyone will have to sit around and wait for this kid to release updates and patches to his custom firmware? You guys actually think he will do that as regularly and as quickly as Sony does? Get real. Everyone will end up being blocked off by Sony, while sitting around and waiting for this kid to release updates in between his homework assignments.

HSx95233d ago

Side note: SONY is technically pissing off a lot of consumers with this downgrade. And if anything PSP Games aren't being stopped because of piracy, I don't see XBOX360 dying, PC GAMING is still funner than most consoles too!, developers probably just cant find making PSP games fun due to it's specs.

Ravage275233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

this is one of those times when you need assassins and ninjas.

And @tatotiburon & blaze
stop acting stupid, you KNOW what 99.9% of people do with custom firmwares.

duplissi5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

@The Lazy One

i would venture even further to say that of that percent who have fattys that maybe 5% have linux.
i have an orginal 60, and ive always wanted to install linux but ive never got around to it, and im the type who has to hack/flash/jailbreak/root/cfw every device i have simply because i enjoy doing so. personally it wont really affect me much if sony does lock out other os- sure ill be upset but really was i going to use it?

execution175233d ago

then why would i want to mod my PS3, don't want to risk getting banned when i'm having so much fun on MAG

commodore645233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

Seemingly, we have exposed another double standard in the ps3 fan community.

When Sony removed PS3 backwards compatibility, whose fault was it?
... Sony's.
Did the ps3 fans explode hate all over N4g over this?
... Nope!
Did the ps3 fans blame Sony?
... Nope!

When Sony removed Linux OS, whose fault was it?
... Hackers(?)
Did the ps3 fans explode hate all over N4g over this?
... You betcha! The hate of George Hotz is downright abusive.
Did the ps3 fans blame Sony?
... Nope!

It seems like the ps3 is losing features, yet no one ever blames Sony.
Weird, huh?

5233d ago
5233d ago
NaiNaiNai5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

keep going bro..

I bet your will release a CFW that allows something better to be run. :D just like my PsP, Iphone, Xbox, Ps2...all modded with CFW and guess what. I still bought my games. but being able to do extra cool stuff is always a perk.

People who disagree need to break there chains and stop being good little pets..

IdleLeeSiuLung5233d ago

If you in contrast go to the PS3 blog and read the comments about this you will see how upset people are.

The blog currently has 2000 comments from about one day and the majority is upset about removal of features.

Check out it for yourself:


mythamp5233d ago

I am now confident that most of the ones here replying that GeoHot is an idiot/ass**** who screwed us out of linux/other os feature must be Sony's own online paid PR team.

Sony sold the SLIM along with the FAT, suggesting that the "special" thing about the FAT is that you can install the OtherOS. Why should we not be upset at Sony? I honestly dont think GeoHot can do a jailbreak type thing with the PS3 but the fact that they are willing to screw their customers for a possible hack is just a kick in the face for its FAT customers.

Why fight the losing fight, ms clearly knows 60% consoles it sells gets modded, 3rd party devs are still making games likes nuts, check out this years lineup.

Eddie201015233d ago

If someone just wants other OS support just for hacking and doing other things the system was not intended to do, then they do not deserve any sympathy. Sony and game developers are in the gaming business to make money, and have a write to protect that business, if they don't we will eventually get fewer games and no real gamer wants that.

The linux support was not that great and it runs very slowly on the PS3,you couldn't access the GPU either. If your a Linux enthusiast, then you would probably want to use a PC that can run it properly and without limitations.

evrfighter5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

sweet, I'll give his custom firmware a whirl.

This kid is single handedly embarrassing Sony. I'm all for giving corporations the finger.

seeing as how I don't play online on consoles and can give a rats a** about trophies...If it means I get to download ps3 games...

Suuuuwweeeeeeeeet :D

N4Flamers5233d ago

Some people actually defend this rocky horror picture show reject. If this news is true he just screwed over all the people using the other OS function.

He's the guy who spikes the punch, once its discovered no one can drink. I have soda BUT WHAT IF I WANTED SOME F--ING PUNCH LATER. I would blame the jerk who spiked it for the lack of diversity.

cayal5233d ago

"Are you guys that idiotic that you get mad at the hacker for doing what he does and trying to find new ways to use the ps3. Why not get mad at Sony for removing the feature, a feature you already payed for. Why not get mad at sony for not fixing the Other Os feature so the exploit no longer exists. "

As a fanboy, you must be mightly pi$$ed at the 360 for banning the accounts of those who hacked the 360. I mean, it was Microsoft's stuff up in the first place, right?

lol you 360 fanboys are so pathetic.

cayal5233d ago

"Sony sold the SLIM along with the FAT, suggesting that the "special" thing about the FAT is that you can install the OtherOS. Why should we not be upset at Sony? I honestly dont think GeoHot can do a jailbreak type thing with the PS3 but the fact that they are willing to screw their customers for a possible hack is just a kick in the face for its FAT customers. "

How do people not get this?

Here it is. Clearly so even the slow people can understand.

Sony removed the feature AFTER THE HACK WAS RELEASED.
Therefore causation is on this loser who hacked it.
If this moron didn't hack this feature the OS FEATURE WOULD STILL BE AROUND.
Sony is PROTECTING themselves from potentially LOSING MILLIONS of dollars.
If you had a $100 in change in your pocket and someone found a way to get in your pocket and take some of that change would you let him? No you wouldn't.

y0haN5233d ago

I enjoyed this thread. So many Sony fans don't understand what they are talking about.

commodore645233d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

@ ^^^

I agree, yohan.

Some ps3 fans are getting so verbally abusive and angry toward George Hotz, that i fear for their mental health. Some of the ps3 fans are even threatening George Hotz with physical violence!

Maybe some anger management therapy is in order for them?

I am just glad that these posts are part of the public record, where insecure, angry ps3 fanboy outbursts and threats of violence against George Hotz showcase the undeniably questionable character of certain individuals.

Using a public forum to abuse and threaten people online, is against N4G Terms of use, as well as being illegal, even in Canada, and even against a hacker like George Hotz.
Threatening physical violence is never acceptable and is simply a red flag for the police, as it should be.

I'll be bookmarking this page, as I have a few others.

morganfell5232d ago

He isn't some mystery man behind an unknown IP. He's a snot nosed punk kid with an ego and his alligator mouth is going to get him into trouble. I can't wait for Sony to swat this fly.

It's funny because he is going to keep yapping and eventually make a legal mistake and Sony will bury him for the rest of his life. He will end up not being allowed near electronics other than a microwave and a TV for 20 years.

RumbleFish5232d ago

Cool! I will immediately buy a Slim and wait for him to finish his custom FW for my 60GB and my 80GB. I have to buy a third PS3 anyway to play GT 5 on three displays.
This is good news. I hope he will succeed!

mythamp5232d ago


I guess you have some trouble understanding the concept of "BUSINESS"
Sorry I cant waste my time teaching you, maybe when you reach bus101 you will learn.

Christopher5232d ago (Edited 5232d ago )

***When Sony removed PS3 backwards compatibility, whose fault was it?***

The consumer market. They weren't willing to pay the extra money for the technology when Sony was already losing money on each PS3 sale. To blame Sony for doing the right thing in getting their price point to the right level is a bit naive on your part, honestly. If you had a product that no one was buying, you would have done the same thing. You can't blame yourself for getting a product out there that people are willing to buy.

***When Sony removed Linux OS, whose fault was it?***

Sony's. They should never have offered a feature that could have possibly lead to this sort of security circumnavigation. It's still a fiscally sound decision to remove the feature, but they should have foreseen this prior to the release of the PS3.

***Did the ps3 fans explode hate all over N4g over this?***

Honestly, when don't fanboys of the 360 or PS3 type not explode all over N4G? 90% of the articles on the site are pretty much made just for that, which increases the hits to N4G and lines the owner's pockets with lots of money. This site isn't really so much about news anymore as much as it's about keeping people on either side of the fence arguing with one another.

***Did the ps3 fans blame Sony?***

Do fans ever blame what they're supporting? This isn't unique to PS3 fanboys. Though, you wouldn't admit that, being that you support their competition.

nycredude5232d ago

Damn that guy looks like uber dork! Just give it up already you attention whore.

DelbertGrady5232d ago

OtherOS is a last gen feature ;)

Viper75232d ago

Thumps up for GeoHot, hope he will manage to make Sony regret their decision.

Hackers are not to blame for the removal of "other os", its purely retarded decision on sonys part. I mean the new hack allowed Ps3 linux users to play what? Quake2 instead of Wolfenstein?

I will not be installing unofficial firmware tough, but I could care less if some others will.

Dude4205232d ago

When an article comes up saying that Microsoft banned modder/hackers so that they can't use an Xbox anymore, PS3 fanboys think it's some conspiracy theory that MS is doing that so they get more Xbox sales. MS is just trying make these modders/hackers pay the price and that's a good thing, but these fanboys simply don't give a crap about and it's easier for them to poke fun at the xbox (haha! easily hackable!).

Then when a hacker gets through the PS3, all of sudden hackers are punks and should go to jail. Then it's all the hackers fault for making Sony remove a feature blah blah blah.

This crap is so one sided it's unbelievable. I don't like hackers either but please guys, don't be hypocrites.

MmaFanQc5232d ago

gtfo ass nose, i dont care about your bs.

Pwee5232d ago

Fcuking hell GeoHot have to ruin everything lol.

Couldn't give a shizz about OtherOS tbh.

+ Show (77) more repliesLast reply 5232d ago
MexicanAppleThief5233d ago

So he's annoyed at the problem he's created. Yep that perfectly makes sense.

BBCnewsrocks5233d ago

The same people will also complain about Sony banning their PSN accounts on their hacked systems.

Figboy5233d ago

you're the Mexican Apple Thief!!

how can you be against what GeoHotz is doing!!

you steal APPLES!! now nature is going to drop apple support from the world and it's all YOUR FAULT!!

anyway, i agree. GeoHotz is a tool. he's actually upset because his arrogance and ego and illegal behavior DARED to produce repercussions!

HOW DARE Sony protect their product from potential ruin due to the piracy that would inevitably ensue from a hacked PS3!


SeanScythe5233d ago

sigh.... dude just crawl under a rock and stay there. Is that his real picture? If so he looks like something that belongs under a rock.

Will-UK5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

That is a real picture of him holding a iphone after he hacked it.

EDIT: another picture of him on his twitter


ClownBelt5233d ago

He's like "Is this all you've got?"

Blooper625233d ago

He needs to get punched in the mouth. I hope his Playstation catches on fire and burns his arms off

mastiffchild5232d ago

I don't get it he,like, says "well, now you are tasking steps t stop me I'll do what I was always going to and start CFW! It's YOUR fault!!"-BS. Why even start if he didn't intend CFW? And why start CFW without a thought of piracy in your head? 99% of people who want CFW will be prepared to use it for piracy if the opportunity arises and being banned from PSN is BIG risk they'#re asking people to take, imo.

Also, if he SAYS "I'm doing this" and it's not legal, isn't that an invitation for Mr Lawyer? It's a free world and he can do what he wants but I reckon he'd have been better not letting his ego run his mouth for a minute or two and also stopped to ask whether EVERYONE was going to support him over this as the bare fact is that practically NO ONE used the other OS anyway. I've got a Fat and a Slim and I STILL won't be risking one waiting for someone to bring in CFW for PS3. These days it's crap on PSP anyway and on PS3 the risk is too big and as I never want to support piracy the need too small-I can emulate what the eff I want on PC anyway. What is the point if we aren't looking at piracy down the line? And if we are do we really wanna support that~?

Daft thing is Sony could(dunno about the should in this case)shut the guy up easily with a few pence and a BS job title so I'm wondering why nobody has if the guy's as talented as he clearly thinks he is. Thing is, I worry even more when someone act as as this guys has because it really looks like he's taking Sony's self protecting business decision to heart. The gfuy's an ego with a keyboard and that's NOT attractive-I'm not even mentioning the friggin piccy!

Wait for this guy if you like, hey, even blame Sony for removing a service when it's becoming a risk to their business and your gaming if you like but don't get stroppy when/if you get banned or your consle bricks as a result. I still imagine that sayiojng yu plan to break the law isn't the brightest thing he could have done either-how do you get away with that? If I said "I'm robbing this and it's your fault!" and then it goes missing aren't I going to jail? IDK, just seems like either the hacker has a different law system or the guy doesn't care.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5232d ago
PimpHandHappy5233d ago

i will let Sony update my system...

Nitrowolf25233d ago

how the F is he gonna get it so it can stay Online???

Gue15233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

Maybe that's why he is a hacker while you're not? Do you even know how to make a calculator on C++? If not then the explanation about how he will do it will be a waste anyway....

Nitrowolf25233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

yeah i guess i am no hacker
but i certainly know allot about software and ect, but the GEO hack is something i am not willing to risk doing
but anyway i expect online bans once he gets this running up

EDITED: just a bit, but i guess if it can be done on PSP/360/wii then i guess it can be done for the PS3.
this is something i will not risk doing

WildArmed5233d ago

Well all i know is that you can proxy the ps3 so you can go online even though u have a firmware from 07.

But I'mma take that firmware.. you know it's April 1st update so maybe they'll include a surprise update? XD

Pennywise5233d ago

Why would anyone use custom firmware and potentially fry your machine(brick) or get banned permanently from the PSNetwork?

This little jerk ruined a feature for some users, now he wants those same users to use his firmware instead of Sonys? Come on people... use your brains :)

Redempteur5233d ago (Edited 5233d ago )

well i know how to make a micro chip do some calculs

i know some C, pascal , a bit of asm , java , php ,html et many script languages from all around ...

Let me tell you something simple ..custom firmware on ps3 is nowhere like the thing on psp .. first you can say that the loophole what found early and that because the psp was portable , sony had A LOT of difficulties to find an efficient solution ( no internet because portable ) also the ps3 is way more complex by design ... that's why there is no attempt to really hack the ps3 physically ( no chip i mean ).Also ps3already recieved many updates to patch the loop they found themselves ...

That's why linux is the best choice to try to attack the system unfortunatly the ps3 is an online console and with online ( xbox live proves it ) it's easier to patch the holes once they are found or ban since you're connected to their servers.
That's why you don't release anything until you have a working work around method ... but this guys hasn't anything like that .. sure he toyed a little with the memory in linux mode ... but that's it .. the simple fact that sony can just patch it ..just shows that he hasn't reached the places that really matters ..
With psp hackers had accès to the main core, the flash 0 and so on since firmware 1.50 ( quite early ) , they had " all the keys " ..that's why it tooks so many attempts and so many changes to the psp motherboard to finally limit the damage (4 editions of the psp later )

The reason i think this guy in a joke on this case is :
-because he released something with no true work around method probably only for fame.
-because sentences like "'ill make custom firmware " is just smokes and mirrors ..who would ( or can ) make this when you don't have an working method to lauch whatever you want ?(WHERE IS MY PS3 hello world ?) how many devhooks before dark alex went with custom firmware ?
On the wii , how many tries and updates on the twilight patches before we were able to get accès on the main system ? the twilight hack on wii was annonced 4 months before the release .. and why was that again ??...so they could learn the wii and do whatever they wanted afterwards , preventing nintendo from just patch it ...

in this case i see nothing ..but smokes ...
why would he make a custom firmware when he can't even launch what he wants on the console ?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5233d ago
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Sonyslave323h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6027h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro246h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro246h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


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