
Games That Nobody Plays Anymore: Pixeljunk Shooter

Pixeljunk Shooter isn't a revolutionary title, in fact it pretty much embodies all the simplicities we've come to love and glee about. What is though is just a whole lot of fun. There's no giant space marines with a melodramatic plot, although there is forced plot here sometimes, it's all a nice clean shooter. Try it out.

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unrealgamer585191d ago

What's that smell of fail and desperation for hits?

Oh yeah it's this article

xabmol5191d ago

I literally just played this a day ago. Got all the diamonds in world 2.

You wanna talk about games that nobody plays anymore? Lets talk about Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust. *shudders* On second thought, lets not.

Automat5190d ago

i've only played pjs a couple times after completing it 100%, but it's an awesome game.
LSL BOB is still in my backlog though... too many games being released that are sooo much better...

jack_burt0n5191d ago

I am a cheapskate and wait for the offers, trine £7.99 win

themizarkshow5190d ago

Once the DLC is released we'll be hearing all about this game again. The reason why you don't hear about it now is the same reason you don't hear as much about any older game... there is just hotter/newer stuff to discuss.

2599d ago
2599d ago

PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate PC review| PC Gaming Enthusiast

Jake from PC Gaming Enthusiast reviews the former PlayStation exclusive.

He writes:

"The ultimate edition received a major overhaul, which includes graphics. The overall artist effort truly shines on the PC. The water in each level looks like it is actually flowing, with perfectly precise physics, and subtle depth."

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LifeInNZ3155d ago

I wish they would do an ultimate edition of Monsters for touchscreen devices.

freshslicepizza3155d ago

i love all the pixeljunk games and bought every one available for the ps3. not sure if it's worth buying again for the pc


PixelJunk Comes to PlayStation Now

Posted by Dylan Cuthbert on Aug 31, 2015 // President and Executive Producer, Q-Games Ltd.:
If you know anything about Q-Games, you know that we made a name for ourselves during the PlayStation 3 era with our acclaimed PixelJunk series. Debuting way back in 2007, we were one of the first indies to cut our teeth on the newly released console. Our idea for the series was simple: rework old school gaming concepts in beautiful high-definition visuals, while keeping the easy to learn, difficult to master gameplay that made us fall in love with games in the first place.

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