
TenTonHammer: Hero: 108 Online Hands-On

Hero: 108 Online is shaping up to be a triumph, not just for teen-targeted MMOGs but for anyone that loves a fine blend of gleeful anime kitsch, innovative gameplay, solid visuals, and the entire gamut of MMOG must-haves. TenTonHammer was among the first to play Hero: 108 Online outside Gamania, and they share their written impressions plus over ten minutes of video gameplay footage in this exclusive preview.

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Hero 108 Online Review - Bright Hub

Bright Hub:
The upside for the game is that it plays out like a 3D beat-e’m-up title from the hey-day of the SNES and Sega Genesis era. The downside is that the game lacks a lot of polish that could have otherwise put it up in the ranks as one of the better licensed-property based games out there.

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Life in Hero City - Hero 108: Preview (Examiner)

There's a certain charm that massively multiplayer online brawlers possess. For the older generation of gamers, brawlers have the ability to pull us back into the arcade days of our youth; for the younger gamers, the fast-paced action is better at grabbing attention and competing with popular offline action games. There's something primitively appealing about smashing buttons, dodging attacks, and using real-time tactics to bring down an opponent. Beating things up simply is a fundamental element of fun for gamers.

With that in mind, the combination of a popular cartoon series, the joyful action sequences of a brawler, and the social elements of an MMO should prove a recipe for success - and that's what Hero: 108 Online aims to prove.

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MMOGames.com: Exclusive interview with Hero:108 + free in-game item

MMOGames: Hero: 108 Online has been in Open Beta for months. When's the official release date? Will the release coincide with the new season of the Hero: 108 cartoon?

Hero 108: We officially started the Open Beta on July 7th, and while I can’t give an exact date for the opening of the item shop, I can say that we are getting all of our ducks in a row right now and should hopefully have an update for everyone soon enough.

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