
Cliff Bleszinski; "imagining what Heavy Rain would be like with Natal"

The Lost Gamer writes "It would seem that celebrated design director of Epic Games, Cliff Bleszinski, has been dreaming the future of Microsoft's upcoming Project Natal device set to release later this year for Xbox 360."

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TOO PAWNED5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

I think he is dismissing Move since he had no "hands on" with it, if anything "move" seems perfect for HR. Natal takes one whole cpu from 360(it has 3) so that's roughly 33% of CPU power just to make Natal functional, now how can you have HR looking game on 360 + using natal? 360 by itself can't run HR, it would prob explode. Graphics are crazy in that game.

5305d ago
garos825305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

the character models of heavy rain were really good and their detailed representations let you know and feel how the characters "feel". that was part of the interactive experience for me, one thing that i think the xbox couldnt accomplish given that natal would drain some of the xbox's processing resources.

having said that heavy rain with natal or move would be interesting to say the least

Raf1k15305d ago

It seems he's thinking about the interaction experience of Heavy Rain rather than graphics as that's what Natal is supposed to enhance.

Pennywise5305d ago

Xbox couldn't produce the same quality graphics without Natal. So he wants to take away from graphics, make it worse when you figure in the CPU use of Natal... Then comes the question - How would you walk/turn/move? How would you get a persons attention to start a conversation? Do a tap on the shoulder gesture? They could away just change heavy rain to be a dodgeball game.

King_of _the_Casuals5305d ago

Yea, think he's talking about the little interactions and not the game itself. Things like putting on the glasses and reaching for your wallet.
I don't "think" MOVE would be able to handle that because MOVE is sensor-ed towards the wands, not the entire body. That is what Cliffy is talking about....I think. LOL

raztad5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )


You are forgetting PS MOVE is controller + Etoy. In any case it can do full body tracking. There is a rumor about HR getting a motion control patch. If true and it works well, I'm all for it.

@king bellow

I'm not a casual so you arent my superior :)

Not sure what are you talking about but EYEPET rings a bell for you? thats a real EToy app.

Kurylo3d5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

u guys are missing the point that xbox has a more powerful graphics processor... and natal doesnt take away from the graphics card. 360 can do all of their graphics on the gpu without having to try to do anything special with the cpu.

Pennywise5305d ago

Kurylo3d, Wow... you guys have been saying the same thing since the PS3's release. GPU is stronger. Where are all of these superior graphics that this card produces? Your box can't even do 720p on the high stature releases... SC:C is "exclusive" as you guys would say(pc), but yet it is sub-HD.

You have one bubble for a reason.

King_of _the_Casuals5305d ago

THANK YOU for calling me King! LOL Now bow to your superior! LMFAO!!! I'm just kidding.

But in all seriousness, I said I "think" because Sony has not shown how the Eye Toy would be integrated with the MOVE. Everything that has been shown has been with the wand itself.

And if the EyeToy "Could" do this...I think Sony would have done this already since the Eye-Toy is already out. I mean wouldn't that been the biggest "F-U" to Natal?

Lifendz5305d ago

Heavy Rain would work with Natal but I'd still prefer a controller or something tangible to use while interacting with the game. Imagine you're trying to push your child on the merry go round, your running around simulating the motion required, and you trip over something and bust your @$$. Seriously, Natal is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Idiots were already breaking their tvs with Wii motes. Imagine when they're jumping around like a maniac trying to kick a ball and wind up inadvertently kicking over a china cabinet.

Alcon5305d ago

David Cage did say that in the beginning he wanted to make heavy rain with motion cotrols (with the ps eye)... So who knows maybe he would have succeded (be it with move, or natal or any other motion control)

br41n5c4n5305d ago

Motion controls will ruin gaming like 3-d will ruin films. Its fun and cool at first, but then everything will become a cheap money making gimmick.

sikbeta5305d ago

HR is Great like What IT IS Now, no need for motion-patchs/motion-devices to play it, imagine YOU Motion-dancing like the chick...ah, way to ruin my Game....

divideby05305d ago

MS I think screwed up again with hardware..they removed the chip from natal and relying on software to do what the hardware did naively.. everyone knows hardware natively running a task is 1000x better than software trying to do it...
there is NO WAY I am gonna hook up natal to my launch 360 unless MS guarantees it will not harm my launch 360
we all know they will never do it.

MNicholas5305d ago

Never mind the technical shortcomings of the 360 and Natal, the implementation of Natal on a game like Heavy Rain (or any true 3D game, really) brings up a range of challenges.

How would you walk forward and to the left?

Stand in one place and lift your legs as if you're doing aerobics while leaning to the left?

How about running?

Would you have to run in place like those joggers you see at stop lights?

In other words, how could Natal replace something as logical and intuitive as joystick controls?

Christopher5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

Ah, the next level in marketing. Take your competitors product and associate how good it would be if it used your own product!

@JOY below: I just wished we would be _shown_ how they could be better rather than just hearing it over and over how better it could be. I'm not on board with either Natal or PSMove yet, but I was impressed with many of the things from GDC. I want to start seeing that with Natal rather than just hearing figure heads talk about it.

JokesOnYou5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

As micro has said before multiple times Natal works both with & without a standard controller it all depends on the game involved.

"I think we’ve got the best thumb-based controller ever created,” Mattrick told Edge. “We’re not going to take anything away. There will be controller-based games. What we’re really doing is adding to our platform; when I think about Natal, I think of it like a Guitar Hero controller—it fits the experience better. There will still be games that use the controller, games that use only Natal, and games that use a combination."

“Think, you could be playing a game with a controller and have your character react when you instinctively duck out of the way of an explosion, or the ability to throw a grenade with a gesture. I don’t think of Natal as taking anything away, I see it as adding more"

"We'll have games that are specifically designed to work only with Natal - not just arcadey games, but real, hardcore, triple-A titles," Kipman enthused.

"Then you'll have some games that are essentially a hybrid - games that work both with the controller and with Natal.

"Why is that interesting? Think about a first-person shooter where I'm using the controller but I'm doing facial tracking by just moving around and looking round corners."

-I guess sony folks are just bitter because more devs seem to be excited over Natal than wii-move. lmfao


Leio5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

Then they´ll have to downgrade the girl, to feed Natal
- Why would anyone want that :/ ?

I prefer the sexy and detailed girl thank you.

Blaster_Master5305d ago

Imagine Heavy Rain with Natal? LOL! It would ugly, laggy, and stupid because there aren't any buttons or controls.

OmegaKulu5305d ago

FYI, Natal will lock out 1 of the 3 core in order to reduce lag(how much memory usage is unknown atm), so you only get 66% of CPU to work with.

evilmonkey5015305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

A:worse than using heavy rain with the pseye/move.
Has he played this game? Does he remember that it uses um...buttons?


Pew pew pew....lol

4Sh0w5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

Yeah as gamer's we always want to "see" for ourselves, but everything created/dev'd always has a period where it starts out being more "talked about" before we see it in true form. I don't think microsoft should rush to show more than what they already have just to make the impatient happy, I suspect they'll show something when the games are at the level they are satisfied with and thus ready to be shown to the public= E3 is huge which is why most projects are focused on having something great to show at that event.

However I can completely understand skepticism prior to Natal being shown with true games= "I'm not sure about Natal yet, until I see something worth being excited for", sounds perfectly rational to me but at the same time people who say Natal can't do this or Natal can't do that and make final judgements about a product that hasn't been fully unveiled like I see some folks on n4g(not you) do not make any sense at all to me VS gamers who are just generally excited about the concept or potential of what Natal has to offer based solely off whats been shown so far and microsofts "talk about it".

Move is a more conventional motion control device (if thats possible) and was initially reported to launch this spring I believe, however its due out this fall same as Natal however considering the above points I think its safe to say with microsofts more unconventional approach with Natal they aren't ready to show any real early dev'd games yet, either way I doubt they are totally lying and aren't working on anything to show off what "they say" Natal can do, so really its not a question of IF their will be games shown and not just talked about= Its just a question of HOW GOOD/well will those games showcase the Natals tech?= As a gamer I hope both Move and Natal will show us some great stuff at E3.

Gradient5305d ago

We are not 3rd graders Microsoft, we do not want to shoot at thin air.

EvilBlackCat5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

Is going to suck anyway! for me this game is sooooooooo boring.

YUP i say it... get mad at me send me messages, disagree, and report me as a spam but you cant change my judgement abut this game PERIOD. Im not like you biased gamers getting hyped by the media and at the end just try to convince your brain and others with your comments that you love the game.

What if NATAL get a wand and a nunchuck? because you all can't deny that is possible.

goflyakite5305d ago

How do you even walk when using Natal?

Eamon5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

Suddenly you have a PHD is electronic engineering and have extensive experience in assembly language and designing CPUs. Also, you've taken part in the design of Natal and the Xbox 360 AND the Playstation 3. Not to mention, you were also the head engineer for the engine of Heavy Rain.

Sigh... It's funny how you 13 year old nerds don't even read the article and automatically talk about the graphics. CliffyB was mentioning the interaction gameplay. SHOWS how this current generation of idiots only care about graphics.

jamesgtaiv5305d ago

What is up with that picture? LOL. It looks like it came out of one of those fireman calendars.

On topic: Well I dont think we PS3 gamers have to think about natal. We have our dildo coming and its going to be 50 times better than that shovel. Besides, natal uses too much CPU power for a game like HR to even run.

DOMination5305d ago

All these people moaning about how the 360 will lose power with Natal obviously haven't seen Halo Reach - probably the best graphics in a game so far and it might be using Natal.

erathaol5305d ago

Cliff Bleszinski has a playstation 3? WHAAAAAAT!


Lightsaber5305d ago

I cant believe that anyone would actually think that the 360 couldnt do HR graphics. The HR movie has zero gameplay in it it nothing more then one long rendered CG cut scence. Calling HR a game is laughable at best.

Adding Natal to it would actual make it feel like a game at points.

otherZinc5305d ago

No one on the 360 wants friggin Heavy Rain!

MNicholas5305d ago

It's all rendered in real-time and with fully navigable environments. From a technical stand-point, it's very good.

It stands alongside Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, God of War 3, R&C, and the upcoming GT5 as a bearer of genre-leading technical virtues.

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nix5305d ago

don't worry. please MOVE on.

PirateNinjaBunny5305d ago

How would you move(ie walk, turn, etc...pun not intended)? What about the 'thought hints'? Other than that I could kind of see it. But I also wouldn't want to sit there screaming JASON!

Yeah it's a nice thought and sure they could probably manage to put it together, but honestly I think at least a few buttons are required.

Double075305d ago

How would the striptease scene work I wonder? xD

Lifendz5305d ago

lol. Good stuff. I'd love to see that article: "Not only do the chars in Heavy Rain get naked but YOU have to get naked too!" Heavy Rain, not for children and do not play in front or near children.

divideby05305d ago

"Cliffy" just being a suck MS .
this dude is a bozo..

look at Ted Price and look at "Cliffy"
Ted is a true PRO.."Cliffy" is a wanna be celebrity, who cant polish Ted's shoes when it comes to being a professional.

when he grows up he will aspire to be like Ted Price ( I recall they are close to the same age)

unknownhero11235305d ago

it would be the most disturbing scene in gaming ever. that's for sure.

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1233605305d ago

i haven,t seen a working title or alpha based game yet on natal,lots of clips and lag feasted demos yes.even those have had to be in perfect lit enviroments to get them to work,wait for e3 i suppose but ea seem to have very little interest,its not like you have got to patch the game like move its a complete rebuild,very exspensive at that.

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Please stop comparing video games to movies

"Many video games catch not only great commercial attention but remarkable critical attention as well. We have seen games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us Part II, and even entries in the Metal Gear series described as fantastic interactive experiences, even heralded in the same way as Hollywood's greatest films.

I would suggest that not only is this an unfair comparison but also a harmful one. Video games, by their very nature, are an intricately different medium and should be weighed against one another rather than another form of media," Phillip writes for GF365.

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Fist4achin1411d ago

Yes, please stop. They're better than most hollywood drivel nowadays.

BLAKHOODe1411d ago

I think Hollywood films will becoming increasingly more like video games in the future, especially as the world embraces the "new normal" from the pandemic. It makes sense, as games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales showcase just how realistically we're reaching in graphical capabilities, as well as showcase extreme action sequences in spectacular ways. And as time goes by, it'll get easier and cheaper to produce such "art", as well as create new star "actors" that never age, never die, never complain, never gets involved in scandals, etc. Technology is amazing and we're only just getting a taste of what it'll eventually be.

sourOG1411d ago

No. Some games are like movies.

medman1411d ago (Edited 1411d ago )

No. For the money spent, a quality game provides far more entertainment value than a quality movie. Especially when looking at what is going on in the world, and how a studio can attempt to pilfer from consumers by charging 30 dollars for Mulan via streaming. Ridiculous. There is no comparison....games all day.


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ClayRules20121568d ago (Edited 1568d ago )

Have you played Detroit? While it’s my personal favorite, I fully understand many preferring Heavy Rain more. I’m glad you enjoyed Heavy Rain too.

bouzebbal1568d ago

def. one of my top 3 best experiences on PS3

ClayRules20121568d ago


That’s awesome to hear! What’re the other 2 best experiences?

akaFullMetal1568d ago

Great game, need to get started on Detroit soon.

ClayRules20121568d ago

Glad you enjoyed the game! Yes, Detroit is a masterpiece of a game, and their best work to date “in my opinion”

ClayRules20121568d ago

Wow, 10 years...and yet, still one of the best/most emotional/thrilling gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

So grateful to Sony for believing in Quantic Dream’s vision for this game, and giving them a chance. I’ll never forget David Cage saying “We want to challenge the player, but not with the controller, but mentally, with their decisions of “How far would you go to save someone you love” Well, they broke my emotional gamer heart lol.

My teenage son refuses to play this game, because I’ve told him in little detail the emotional impact it had on me all those years ago. Maybe one day he will.

Z5011568d ago

Still have my origami crane they teach you how to make when you're installing for the first time.

C-H-E-F1568d ago

it's been 10 years? wow, that was so fast, I feel like this console gen went fast as well although it hasn't. I really look forward to the PS5 this holiday season though.