
Is Final Fantasy XIII Causing YLOD?

Numerous reports have been hitting internet forums, twitter, and other social networks, that Playstation 3 gamers have been getting the Yellow Light of Death after playing Final Fantasy XIII on the Playstation 3. The first reports started cropping up a few days ago, and recently more users have been saying they had the problem. These incidents seem to be isolated although we found others complaining about recently getting the YLOD but were unsure if FFXIII was the cause or not. The reports below are the actual screengrabs of the complaints.

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Cmen5245d ago (Edited 5245d ago )

Guess its the "superior graphics" the ps3 version has lol and guess they fixed the RROD

Edit: Fake??? why would so many people complain if it was fake?

5245d ago
Sony Always Wins5245d ago

However, I heard it was causing RROD like 33% of he xboxs get

Young Capwn5245d ago

This game isn't crashing anything but my mind from the boringness... especially after playing GOW3...

HolyOrangeCows5245d ago

Man, all of these crappy sites like Kotaku and this are doing some damage control.

Question Mark Journalism FTL.

Bot Smasha5245d ago

This is fake its obvious i can imagine rrod tho.

HolyOrangeCows5245d ago

ZOMG! A Guy on Twitter and Yahoo answers said their PS3s broke while playing FF13! What a solid case for the belief that it is causing the YLOD; an ENTIRE two people on the internet!!

Bathyj5245d ago

I resent the phrase "YLoD"

"(Insert colour) Light of Death" is an Xbox exclusive.

Its an offshoot of the M$ exclusive "(Insert Colour) Screen of Death."

AAACE55245d ago

They were probably just really old Ps3's that finally got worn out!Happens to all systems with movable parts.

@Cmen... I had a feeling I would see a comment like that! With all the hat from either side, I knew it was bound to show up when I read the title.

boodybandit5245d ago (Edited 5245d ago )

Just more negative nonsense to entice hits.
I have been gaming like a madman on my PS3 the past several weeks. Anyone that has me on their friends list will tell you. I got platinum on 3 games (Uncharted 2, Dante's Inferno and Ratchet and Clank), almost got platinum on Darksiders, and NFS Shift and I have been playing BFBC2 like crazy since it launched. I must have logged roughly 250 hours in that short amount of time on my original 60g fatty and have never had one issue with it.

This is pure crap. Hardware failures happen when they happen for no rhyme or reason. They just happen. Most of this is probably false reports just to discredit the opposition of the people claiming this is an issue. I'm sure a couple or maybe few people had issues but not worth writing articles over.

DMason5245d ago

Of course FF is going to be blamed, its what everyone is playing. Its like when people were complaining that CODMW2 gave them problems.

But in all honesty, my PS3 died a week ago. It was a 40gb fat model. Maybe earlier models are starting to develop problems.

Reflow the cpu and gpu, and youre good to go for a couple months at least.

GrandTheftZamboni5245d ago

When I was playing FFXIII on my PS3, it started raining in my area. I don't know if it was caused by the game, but it happened at the same time.

DMason5245d ago

I lol'ed a bit there. That's exactly what it is, coincidence.

BISHOP-BRASIL5245d ago (Edited 5245d ago )

I won't say those guys are lying. I still have a perfect working copy of GOW Collection that won't run on my all other games wise perfect working launch 60GB PS3 and don't matter how much I say it's true and it's happening to one of my PSN friends too, people only call me a liar...

The best of help I could find was lowering the PS3 working resolution to 720p, that got me past the 1st GOW boss but it still freeze in athens EVERY TIME. GOW 2 looks ok (but I didn't tried much, no point playing 2 before 1).

Back on topic, I have friends playing the JP version of FFXIII and heard no complains so far. So I'm not aware of the problem neigher do I have a solution... Sorry.

PS: any help with GOW Collection would be appreciated. Have tested the copy in 3 other consoles and my own runs my other 30 games fine. PSN ID: Bishop-sp, friend's ID: PIZZALOGAN

5245d ago
DaTruth5244d ago (Edited 5244d ago )

This game doesn't even stress my PS3 at all, just a quiet hum from the fan. When I dropped in GOW3, the fan sounded like a turbo jet!

I call Bullish or coincidence or butthurt gaming new fanboys!

@GTStreetcar: LMAO!!! Were you pushing weather control orbs in the game!

vhero5244d ago (Edited 5244d ago )

OMG first people say it causes crashing and now YLOD? 360 fanboys are REALLY jealous that PS3 got the superior version aren't they?? I know 3 people who traded in their 360 versions soon as they found out using the same old crappy excuses like the game was crap and never liked Final Fantasy anyways. Yet they had it pre-ordered since they heard about it.. It's comical but not unusual for 360 fans to stoop so low.. NO particular game can cause YLOD its a GENERAL hardware fault if any game could have done it I think Uncharted 2 would have done it a LONG time ago FOOLS.

MY YLOD on my first PS3 happened while playing the simpsons video game you think I should post all around the net saying that game causes YLOD?? I had 3 360s and 1 PS3 die on me so far since launch I do share my console with my son though so its on nearly all day.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5244d ago
math5245d ago

There are people complaining about it on Twitter, Yahoo answers, Gamespot Forums, GameFaqs, Game Trailers, must be fake...

FanboyAttack5245d ago

This was trending on Twitter.

poe5245d ago

Someone had this on Yahoo answers.

wicko5245d ago

Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the game, and everything to do with playing for extended periods of time..

Myst5245d ago (Edited 5245d ago )

*just looks at the title of the article and continues staring for what seems to be ages. Then takes a look at the name of the site and sighs*

Well first of all look at the second image, 60 GB. Now The Playstation 3 is considerably more reliable than the 360 that is a given, but the 60s seem to be fading out of existence for some. Whether or not this is caused due to Final Fantasy XIII can be up for debate, but I think it's more than likely just a coming of age type of deal for this one.

The first picture doesn't list the model they have before it went out, people really should post all the information. The model number is definitely needed in this one.

Edited for Grammar.

math5245d ago

Honestly, does it really matter what console is more reliable than others. That's not really the point here. The point is that some people are having problems with their system and some of them are finding a direct correlation between that and Final Fantasy XIII.

Myst5245d ago

It was used for the sake of argumentative purpose, though I could have done without it I suppose that I will admit. What is still missing though is information crucial information. Model number, how long they played, how long they have had it. I could certainly go search through Yahoo! Answers and various other places to find this, but why? This sort of stuff should be presented and the conclusion should be made from presented facts.

math5245d ago

I agree it would definitely be better to see a clear picture, but I don't think you actually will unless it starts affecting more people. That's when common denominators can then be found. If in fact that ends up happening.

Myst5245d ago

That is true, and something of this magnitude may not actually get a very clear picture. Then again how many people have actually been affected before this article was submitted? That's something I'm quite curious of now after discussing this with you.

5245d ago
Strikepackage Bravo5245d ago

Actually the YLOD is far closer to criminal than RROD since Sony continues to lie about the number of units effected by YLOD. 3% is pure B.S.

The YLOD issue is way bigger than what anyone is admitting, and rather than speak up about how big the issue is so that Sony will be forced to acknowledge the design flaw and PAY for the repairs via a warranty extension, moronic PS3 fanboys simply hide the truth by covering for Sony and quietly paying the money to have their units repaired.

wicko5245d ago (Edited 5245d ago )

Right and you have numbers to backup this claim?

You haven't the slightest clue about how many YLODs there have been, and that makes your claim complete BS. Even if the amount claimed was only half the actual amount or a third or even a quarter, RROD was *far* more widespread, and the proof for that is Microsoft amending their warranty agreements (which cost them quite a bit of money). You don't do that if your console meets or is below expected failure rates.

Biggest5245d ago

Karnov is right. If they keep lying, people will keep buying 60GB PS3 and then they will lose their money having to buy more and more and more. I wish Sony would just get rid of all those new 60GB PS3s and make slim models only. Hold on. Getting a message in my super secret earpiece. . .

Turns out Sony doesn't sell those anymore. No one is going to get swindled out of their money here.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5245d ago
ClownBelt5245d ago

They play non stop because the game is really good.

Take some break numbnuts.

FanboyAttack5245d ago

I agree that might be what's causing if it's at all related.

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.


The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

Einhander1972217d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus217d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda216d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B215d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981215d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot215d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda215d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot215d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy214d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 214d ago
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gold_drake217d ago (Edited 217d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay215d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12217d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay215d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183217d ago (Edited 217d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB216d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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Interview: Making music with Masashi Hamauzu

Square Enix Blog: "How do you compose iconic songs that help define a legacy? We speak to legendary composer Masashi Hamauzu about his work on Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and how to make unforgettable music."

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