Game Informer: True Crime Preview

Game Informer writes: "Activision already announced plans to reboot its open world action series, but True Crime's appearance at GDC 10 is the first time the company has given us a peek. With former developer Luxoflux out of the picture, the publisher has called upon the talents of new studio United Front Games, which is also working on the PlayStation 3 exclusive Mod Nation Racers."

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True Crime: New York City Is a Hidden Gem Lost to Time

One of the many video games that have faded into obscurity is True Crime: New York City, a title with a lot of heart but not enough support.

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eXclurel889d ago

My friend and I loved this game. The first one is always is my favorite though.

P_Bomb889d ago

Had it, beat it, regret trading it in.

Abnor_Mal889d ago

I had this game, was fun for the time. Trying to chase down Puffy and JLo in the limo fleeing the club shooting. I'm not really sure if you caught them or it was just a call on the police radio.

Gamer79889d ago

It was good, but wouldn't call it amazing.

888d ago Replies(1)
MetroidFREAK21889d ago

I've loved this game since I got it Christmas 2005. Despite the glitches, I enjoyed it a lot

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10 Hollywood Actors You (Probably) Didn’t Know Voiced Video Game Characters

10 Hollywood Actors You (Probably) Didn’t Know Voiced Video Game Characters.

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blackblades3001d ago

Plenty of them that does VO for video games and animated films like batman movies.

GigawattConduit3001d ago

Huh, didn't know Steve Carrell did video games. That feels just so weird. Already knew Magneto was in Fable 3, but it took me a while to place him.

SpinalRemains1383001d ago

Don't step on Christopher Walken's lawn.


True Crime: Why it was almost better than GTA

CVG - Since GTA first hit PS2, there's been a glut of copycat games that have tried - and failed - to capture the thrills of Rockstar's epic. Crime Life, Narc and 25 To Life should never have seen the light of day due to their criminal gameplay, but True Crime: Streets Of LA managed to carve out a niche of its own.

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DrRichtofen4697d ago (Edited 4697d ago )

I've never played a True Crime game before so this new one will definitely be a breath of fresh air. I can't wait to parkour it up, and grind some faces off

trainsinrdr4697d ago

What do you mean by this new one?

DrRichtofen4697d ago

Hong Kong..... the new was just in the news that square enix is gonna publish might come out next year. That new one.

BattleTorn4696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

ya wasn't hong kong scrapped...

and fairly early too?


rabidpancakeburglar4696d ago

Yeah this one will be great. I only played new york (completely missed LA) but I loved it.

Gray-Fox-Type04696d ago (Edited 4696d ago )

lol is this a joke of a article? sure had some nice fighting mechanics , shooting mechanics , and driving mechanics but other then that the whole game was a repititve pile of crap. Multiple stupid endings random street crimes are alls what is left after 5 hours of running and gunning and chasing. I remember this game AND WAS NO WHERE NEAR GTA at its time.

True Grime : Street Cleaners

GTA a legendary francise and pretty much untouchable with all its copycats that come out

lh_swe4696d ago

You're right, True Crime wasn't without it's faults but in some areas it was truly innovative, more so than GTA was at the time in fact.

While GTA might be legendary, it's latest outing has met with a hugely mixed fan reception, some whom think the game could get mind numbingly booring and some who thought the new direction added a more real human untouchable it is not my good chum.

Ohh and True Crime had Christopher Walken which at the time put a grin on my face :)

TyrionL4696d ago

@ lh_swe
" but in some areas it was truly innovative, more so than GTA was at the time in fact."
Well seeing as how GTA started the whole sandbox, go where you want, do whatever you want, thing, I don't agree with you. Rockstar "invented" the whole consept, so you saying that True Crime was more innovative at the time, in any area, is wrong. GTA started this shit, True Crime tryied to take a bite out of the pie, and didn't come anywere close to being half as good as GTA3, much less Vice City or San Andreas. We're all intitled to our opinions, but True Crime didn't invent or innovate shit, and since we’re giving opinions True Crime strait up sucked. I fell for that shit when it came out, and it wasn’t even a poor clone to me, they should have keep it in development for a lot longer than they did. They were just trying to cash in on Rockstar’s success, and failed.
LOL, True Crime more innovative at the time. My ass it was.

notimetobeidle4697d ago

I lost my copy but I remember liking it better than GTA 3 at least.

lh_swe4696d ago

I thought GTA III was more enoyable but I definetly thought True Crime had a leg up in some areas, I thought it was more silly fun...sorta like the Saints Row of its time.

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4697d ago

I actually liked this game alot, La and Nyc were both very good games but not better than Gta in my opinion. But i loved being able to arrest people :-) and the maps were bigger than anything in GTA, Real street names and almost perfect sized map of their counterpart.

bacrec14697d ago

Not even close, but its still fun to play.

BigWillys4697d ago

True Crime: Why it was almost better than GTA -

HAHAHAHAHAHA. I stopped reading after the title.

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