
John Woo Presents Stranglehold (PS3) Preview

It's no secret that John Woo Presents Stranglehold has been a crown jewel in Midway's plans for next-gen since its first E3 trailer two years ago. Four years after Max Payne 2 soaked up so much of the influence of John Woo's heroic bloodshed masterpieces, the famed film director has attached his name to the interactive sequel to his 1992 classic "Hard Boiled." The game's almost finished, and Gamespy was lucky enough to get hands-on with three new levels that show off both the best and brightest of the game, and the small features that they hope get a little fine-tuning before its August release.

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HaKeRsCanRotINHEL6296d ago

this one should be killer. :)+ The CE gets a remastered Hard Boiled, SWEET.

Rant vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
PLEASE restore my BUBBLES. I've done nothing wrong and just because I support the PS3 my BUBBLES should NOT have been taken from spite! Thank-you.

Adriokor6296d ago

Bubble for you, I lost mine the same way.

HaKeRsCanRotINHEL6296d ago

I see some immature idiot has disagreed with us, probably the same person who took our bubble/s.

BitbyDeath6295d ago

+ Bubble to both of you, i'm sick of seeing Sony fans losing bubbles for no other reason than being a Sony fan.

They should make it so that a reason needs to be added for taking away/adding bubbles and have it heavily monitored by the mods/admin here.

CrazzyMan6295d ago

bubbles for you =)

p.s. i lost my lost bubble after these 2 post:
only these 2 post were made in that day, on another day i already had 3 bubbles. =))

i mean, people agree with what i say, but some Xfanboys just gives negative feedback..
p.s. ofcourse, bubble is just a virtual thing, but it`s more comfortable, when you have 3 or 4 atleast. :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6295d ago
MK_Red6296d ago

I hope they fix the problems and bugs. This could be a really addictive arcade shooter and if the bugs are gone and control is smooth, I may end up playing it for months! John Woo rocks and so should Stranglehold.

brodels6296d ago

something tells me that this game needs a wiimote

Bathyj6296d ago

Not a Wiimote. A fragFX. Control issues gone.

Karibu6295d ago

It doesn't, but wiimote needs PS3 or X360 for this game though :)

xg-ei8ht6295d ago

Exactly the same way i lost mine bubbles.

From guess who, xboys noless.

But i'm guessing after e3, they'll be so much ranting and raving from xboys, they'll lost quite afew as well:0

UrbanJabroni6295d ago

See, some of the other guys on this page got positive feedback since they were quite polite when they asked "why are my bubbles gone?"

Using "xboys" in your sentence doesn't really help your case.


10 Most Underrated Third-Person Shooters

GF365: "Here are our picks for the ten most underrated third-person shooters that you might not have played before or even known about."

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neutralgamer1992514d ago (Edited 514d ago )

Actually great list TBH I agree with all 10

I hope one day we get some remakes for the following

The saboteur(with a proper remake and quality of life features this game could be great)
Scarface world is yours
Binary domain ( such a great game with great story)
GUN(this needs a remake)
Space marine 40k(such fun time)

Would also like to suggest adding the mercenary series even the 2nd game which is disliked by many is a fun time

cthulhucultist514d ago

I recently finished Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and found it to be very enjoyable.

The game respected the lore and the gameplay was quite decent.

The color palette was a bit underwhelming (backdrops and setting) and recycled but I think that it deserved better.

Here's hoping for an amazing sequel

Vengeance1138514d ago

Space Marine II !! My most anticipated game of 2023! Woot


Best Games Based on Movies

GF365: "These are the best games based on movies. Every entry on this list will be a great video game adaptation of popular movies."

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HeliosHex624d ago

Best game based on two movies that were never made goes to robocop vs terminator.

Owlbert624d ago

Did you play RoboCop Vs terminator... pretty sure it was on the mega drive) genisis.

HeliosHex624d ago

Yes played it on genesis for the blood. Snes had a version but I think the blood was censored not sure. I just remember genesis being the go to system for games with blood.

Owlbert624d ago

Alien isolation...ftw,it is definitely one of my top games,I played it again a few months ago ✌️


John Woo’s cult-classic action game “Stranglehold” returns to PC thanks to GOG

Stranglehold, a thrilling action game co-created by the famous Chinese director John Woo, returns to digital distribution on PC today. After years of being lost and unavailable, the game comes back to life thanks to the efforts of GOG.COM and the title’s publisher.

Fishy Fingers1765d ago

Definite lack of Doves in games this gen.

TGG_overlord1765d ago

True that...Good thing that I still got the whole "Max Payne" series in my game collection.

TGG_overlord1765d ago

With no doubt, so this release sure made my day.

isarai1765d ago

Hmm, the thought of playing this through HDMI on my 4K TV through my rig sounds worth another playthrough of this gem. Especially at $10.

TGG_overlord1765d ago

I don't have a 4K tv or monitor I'm afraid :S But I'm going to pick up the game anyways ;)