
Military: Alien vs Predator Review

Military writes: "Now here's an interesting nugget of postmodern cross-cultural cannibalism. Alien and Predator are, as you probably know, distinct science fiction film franchises which, after a series of sequels, appeared to have exhausted their appeal. At risk of provoking an attack of the geeks, I think the two strands were first brought together in a comic of the early Nineties. The resulting marriage has enjoyed so much success that a bunch of video games built on the same premise punctuated the rest of the decade before Hollywood got in on the act in 2004."

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The History of Horror Video Games Part 2

In the first part of our series we took a look at the inception of horror games. Now we delve deeper and see how they evolved throughout the decades.

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Aliens vs. Predator, Kingdoms of Amalur, Sonic Unleashed join Xbox backward compatibility

"Ever since Xbox One backward compatibility was announced, gamers have been asking for a few high-profile games. While the majority of requests revolve around the Call of Duty franchise, the Aliens and Sonic franchises have been other hot series. Today, Microsoft announced that Aliens vs. Predator, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and Sonic Unleashed are now backward compatible."

FTLmaster2128d ago

Aw, man. Loved AvP back in the day.

XbladeTeddy2127d ago

Kingdoms of Amalur was brilliant. Never did get a sequel because all the crap that happened after with the IP.

AK912127d ago

Any 4K upgrades on any of the titles?

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Aliens vs Predator Might be Xbox Backwards Compatible Soon

It looks as though the 2010 first person shooter, Aliens vs Predator might become a Xbox Backwards Compatible title soon based on its revamped Xbox Store product page.

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FTLmaster2186d ago

Been playing the shit out of it on PS3. Hopefully this gives the game another lease of life. Such an underrated game imho.

Blastoise2186d ago

Infestation mode, so much fun

AK912186d ago

Hopefully that game is underrated

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