
Platinum Developing Vanquish on PS3 and 360; PS3 Lead SKU

1UP: Sega and Platinum Games held a press event in Tokyo last week to show their shooter Vanquish for the first time, and when we arrived we noticed something unexpected: the game was running on PlayStation 3.

A few interview questions later, and I can say officially that they are developing Vanquish on both platforms in-house, with the PS3 version as the lead SKU.

"We're leading development on PS3," said Vanquish director Shinji Mikami. "Obviously each console has its own unique requirements and limitations, but we feel if we can create a good enough presentation on PS3, we'll be off to a good start."

Das_Bastardion5317d ago

Seems like this guys are gonna pull a Final Fantasy XIII stunt with this game

GiantEnemyCrab5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

What you mean?

Lead on the PS3 and take a giant crap on the 360 version?

Yeah, I'm not falling for that again.

PirateThom5317d ago

I doubt it.

When a game is created for both platforms in mind, crap like Bayonetta and FF XIII doesn't happen. Those games were never given any consideration for PS3 and 360 until late in development. No way the quality would be the same.

Das_Bastardion5317d ago

This guys were the developers of Bayonetta!, now im not so sure of my last statement, peharps they will pull a Bayonetta stunt again!

zack615317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

That means the game is going to look great on both platforms. :)
Edit: I doubt that will happen if it does oh well.

GiantEnemyCrab5317d ago

Yeah, just like FFXIII..

360 gamers beware.

Rikitatsu5317d ago

The PlatinumGames bash can stop now.

sikbeta5317d ago

I HOPE this Time the PS3 Version don't end up like Bayonetta, I mean is not like the game was Awful but, Both Versions were NOT equal...

U-asked-for-it5317d ago

FFXIII is inferior on 360 cause of DVD .. there is not enough space for cutscenes and then they have to copy the same textures to every single dvd for all 3 .. the result is crappy . but this reality and this is why Blu-ray is needed for games like FFXIII . it's not needed for sports games nor shooters but for story driven games like FFXIII it's definitely needed .
also I'll gladly appreciate it if you can name any other game that had the PS3 is the lead platform for debelopment and ended up like FFXIII .
on the other hand I can name a bunch of other games that had the same results mainly cause of the 360 being the lead platform

ClownBelt5317d ago

Don't bother. His brain is too polluted of fanboyism to know that.

UnSelf5317d ago

im loving the news on N4G today

THIS is the reason i joined the site

The Maxx5317d ago

Just like Ghostbusters....PS3 gamers beware.

Godmars2905317d ago

Except in that case, they lied. Like a few other devs have.

Guess we just have to wait and see.

The Maxx5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

The Ghostbuster devs lied? About what? About Ghostbusters being developed on the PS3 first? Do you have a source? This is the first I have heard of this. What other developers lied?

Aquanox5316d ago

Come on, don't act like a droid. FF is the very only case of a lower res port just because the was a "last minute" port. This one is being planned for both from the beginning so there's nothing to be worried about.

Remember what happened with Bayonetta though, and that wasn't a late port.

Godmars2905316d ago

What's the difference?

There's evidence with Burnout Paradise that multiplatform titles can be done equally well, just as PS3 to 360 titles can be bad for the 360 because of lack of space. And then you've got the Orange Box which Valve either did or didn't port, and Bayonnetta, which Sega had to do because PD couldn't be bothered.

So I say wait and see.

U-asked-for-it5316d ago

" Last minute " ..?
WTF are you talking about .. ?
the 360 FFXIII announcement is over a year and half old now .. where's the last minute decision you're talking about .
and yea you are right Bayonetta wasn't a last minute port .. BUT it was made by SEGA ( another developer ) plus by bringing bayonetta to the argument .. you're only proving my point that the 360 shouldn't be a lead platform unless there's no PS3 version of that game ..
and the irony is : PS3 version sold more while being the inferior version
and it seems that Platinum games have learned from their mistakes and made the PS3 the lead platform for development for their next game Vanquish

The Maxx5316d ago

I understand the point that you were trying to make, however there is a BIG difference between being lazy and lying.

pixelsword5316d ago (Edited 5316d ago )

Not exactly:

It's NOT because the 360 couldn't handle what FFXIII was as a game, it's just that to put it out on so many discs would have cost them a lot more for what was worth for them. In the end they just cut-up the game, had to make engine adjustments specifically for the 360, AND compress it to the point of making the game sub-HD for the 360 just to make it fit on those three discs. The limitations of the DVD format is what is holding back the 360, not the hardware NOR the developers.

Because of the DVD, FFXIII was not only delayed over a year with all of those changes but game also under-performs compared to the PS3 version.

You can easily say that Blu-Ray is not needed in SOME situations, maybe even most situations concerning most multi-platform games, but you can never say that it's not needed, and you cannot say that games like Killzone 2, GoW 2, Lair, Motorstorm, MAG, or Uncharted 2 can be duplicated successfully on the 360 because you should have seen BETTER games than those a year ago already because of the easier to program hardware of the 360 plus the year head-start of the 360. Unless you want to factor in the Cell processor; but that's another story.

As a matter of fact, and I could be wrong, but has there ever been a game that was over three DVD's? If so, what was the game? I can think of one off of the top of my head: Lost Odyssey: and they must have learned that four discs were not the way to go for a reasonable profit margin.

morganfell5316d ago

You can only say Bluray isn't needed when publishers feel that both SKUs must be as similar as possible. This will inevitably lead to the PS3 version being crippled down to last gen DVD standards.

DaTruth5316d ago

The reason 360 to PS3 ports are bad is because they port over the compression too. The Cell is designed to stream uncompressed large textures from the Bluray disk! The Ps3 was not designed with compression in mind; why would they have compression in a game on a system that has no need for it!

When they port over a game from the PS3 to the 360, the PS3 version has no compression and it runs good and then they compress the 360 version and it runs good.

The ported over compression is the only factor of PS3 ports running worse than their 360 counterparts!

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5316d ago
Sevir045317d ago

Just don't cut it for me. Plus this game looks to have plenty of motion blur to it. Almost making me sick...

FanboysWillHateMe5317d ago

You're missing out big time, especially for 2010. Yeah you got your exclusives, but why settle for just that? You guys really think you're too good for multiplatform titles huh? LMAO, who are you?!

raztad5317d ago


Chill out buddy, it's not like you buy the games for him. At $60 each you have to be quite selective or just wait for some to reach the bargain bin.

BeaArthur5317d ago

FanboysWillHateMe...yeah really, what the hell is the matter with you? He doesn't like multiplatform games, who cares.

DaTruth5316d ago

I also feel the same way about multiplats! For whatever reason, Ps3 exclusives are of a higher calibre. But this quarter I am only buying one exclusive(GoW3) and two multiplats(FF13,Just Cause 2). FF13 is a very high quality game and Just Cause 2 just seems like a ton of fun and I like openworld games. I couldn't get MAG because circumstances in my life cuts out unpausible games; I just didn't like Heavy Rain's demo and Yukuza3 was a big disappointment.

It's not a fanboy thing; Most of the time, Ps3 exclusives are just better and when that's not the case, we will buy the multiplats! It just happens to rarely be the case and even for me it is down to personal opinions and circumstances this quarter!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5316d ago
raztad5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

At least this is a start. Bayonetta was close to be unplayable on the PS3.


"CLOSE to be uplayable" was what I wrote above, keyword CLOSE.

I didnt. I dont like to waste money on sub par ports, but many reviews stated the framerate drops a lot and frequently. Isnt that true?

Rikitatsu5317d ago

talk about utter exaggeration, did you even play the game?

ClownBelt5317d ago

I'm pretty sure he didn't. He goes what other people or what journalist reported.

Mr_Bun5317d ago

Did you play that game before the patch?
I spent more time waiting for it to load than I did playing it...the only thing that didn't need to load was the god awful soundtrack.

van-essa5317d ago

The game wasn't on par with the X360 version, but I beat it (PS3 version for controller) then played Darksiders later. Despite it's "issues" Bayonetta on PS3 is still a much better game than Darksiders and many other games out there.
So saying it's "unplayable" is just ignorant, but comming from a blind fanboy I wouldn't expect much anyway.

raztad5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )


Would you care to elaborate why I'm a blind fanboy?


I understand that. Still my comment had absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the game itself, but the PS3 port. In many last year posts I said, I would get the xbox version if I was a multiconsole owner. That's the console where Platinum wanted Bayonetta to be played.

I heard about the loading times and the patch, but still the awful framerate drops (falling down to 20fps when things get hectic) and screen tearing are very well documented. This is not subjective, the technical flaws are all over the place. Go to Digital Foundry for an indepth analysis.

Thanks Vile for you nice response.

It doesnt feel nice being bashed by kids like van-essa for no reason.

/end replay to Vile

BTW. The very reason of this article is to assure PS3 owners they wont be getting the shaft yet again with the new game. I'm glad for that.


Ok, I understand that everybody has bad days, hope you do better. Sorry about calling you kid above.

I did play the demo, and it was playable, but as I already replayed to Vile I consider Bayonetta PS3 got no love from Platinum and it shows clearly.

VileAndVicious5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

Personally with Bayonetta the Only issue I ever had with it was the extreme amount of loading it did. The recent patch fixed it though other than that-
It is a very enjoyable game with an excellent combat system and control scheme.... Never quite understood all the hate. I have ALWAYS been a HUGE fan of everything Devil May Cry BUT I was massively disappointed with DMC4.

Bayonetta was a great game for what it was. I think alot of people are a little TOO harsh on the PS3 version though. Good game though not quite as polished as its 360 counter part.

@ Raz 2

I agree completely. And I think that Platinum probably never intended on releasing a Ps3 version anyway. I think that originally it was to be a 360 exclusive until Sega steped in and probably pointed out the game is "very" japanese. And Japanese games just dont sell very well on the 360 (Proof by the amount that Bayonetta sold on the Ps3 in spite of the inferior port.)
Also Kimiya has stated many times in interviews that he wanted it to be in direct competition with God of War 3.

But yeah I hear where your commin from.

van-essa5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

"Bayonetta was unplayable on the PS3 (nice stealth edit though)". How could you know when you didn't even play the free demo.

"I dont like to waste money on sub par ports, but many reviews stated..."
If it was an exclusive you'd say the reviewers were biased, or that we can't trust reviews (that's what you do, just read your own comments), etc.

And I'm sorry if I offended you with my previous comment, I shouldn't have responded to you the way I did, just having a bad day that's all.

Shendow5316d ago

I had the game preorder for PS3, got half way done with the game an got to the point when you find out how to transform, problem was it didn't tell you how or did anything like what I seen people done.

It was missing the active part to it, so you could get pass the part, now my file has over 10 death from me just trying to jump a cross.

So it is true the game is close to being unplayable with that problem, but last I heard, it got fix. Thing is, I sold that game because I didn't have the money to finish paying off my other games I got preorder and a lucky girl has been wanting that game.

DaTruth5316d ago

Standards for unplayable are subjective. He would have a sad life if he based his standards on your opinions. He'd be playing something that was unplayable in his opinion and getting no enjoyment out of it because you thought it was playable. We can't waste our lives renting every game in existence; That is why we frequent this site and let the reviewers do the life wasting for us(they get payed to)!

In the short; Each man should play what he considers playable!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5316d ago
Biggest5317d ago

Why do I see Gears of Halo in this? I don't think I'm excited at all.

VileAndVicious5317d ago

I think once we all see actual gameplay well see the difference. I trust Platinum games they some pretty awesome stuff.

I actually think they are one of the few game design studios left concerned with making fun and innovative games rather than just a profit (ahem- Activition)

You guys do remember Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Resident Evil and Devil May Cry dont you!? We need more developers like Platinum.

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zaanan163d ago

Not a single Reistance? Fuck this article.

mastershredder163d ago (Edited 163d ago )

Starhawk over Warhawk?...... Dude, NO ONE should listen to you.

Odd choices for "best" more like you settled as these being the "best" that available to you at the time, cause a lot of these blow or were average to poor performers that ended up in bargain bin.

Missing too many great sci-fi titles here. The Void, The Resistance Series, Killzone 2 and 3, Enslaved, man.. there were so many, this is redicu-list.

FreeckyCake163d ago

Nobody should listen to you either with that attitude.

OtterX163d ago

I agree that Starhawk shouldn't be above Warhawk, however I must say that Starhawk multiplayer was incredible for its time! Many people wrote it off bc the single player was quite terrible, bc it was basically 1 huge tutorial for the multiplayer. But I can tell you never spent any significant amount of time in MP. It was doing incredibly tense base building w air, foot and land vehicle (and mech!) combat long before Fortnite was ever a thing.

I bet it would have been much better received if it had just ditched the story mode all together. So many people like yourself completely wrote it off based on reviews by reviewers that let the criticism of single player weigh heavily on their scores. I bet you didn't even play it.

Friendlygamer163d ago

The riddick games are some of the best stealth titles ever, highly underrated

YourMommySpoils163d ago

What games? All recall plating was Escape from Butcher Bay.

Friendlygamer163d ago (Edited 163d ago )

There's also the less acclaimed 'assault on dark Athena'

( also, not saying this to you specifically but there's both resistance and killzone games on the list, it's amazing how even something so simple and innocent as a game list can be turned into misinformed vitriol here lol )

jznrpg163d ago

Glad to see Resonance of Fate. Enslaved was pretty good too. I’m sure there are others nobody has listed but I’m too tired to try and think of anything


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Leeroyw477d ago

Titan fall 2 was chefs kiss. For those of you who haven't played it go ahead. Brilliant. With each level being creatively different.

Yui_Suzumiya477d ago

Island, Steins;Gate Elite and Soma.

MadLad477d ago

Soma is an epic experience.

jznrpg476d ago (Edited 476d ago )

Does ISLAND have English subs ? I can’t find a copy that says it has English subs for PS only the Switch version which I rather not buy .

Love Steins Gate and Soma

shinoff2183476d ago (Edited 476d ago )

FRom what i could find. Nothing with English subs.

Yui_Suzumiya475d ago

I own a physical copy on Switch and it does have English subtitles so it's all good on Switch and Playstation.

Yui_Suzumiya475d ago (Edited 475d ago )

My bad. Steam and Switch have English but PS4 and Vita only have Japanese. Sony doesn't mess with many visual novels which is why I only own a Switch OLED and laptop for all my games.


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neutralgamer1992511d ago (Edited 511d ago )

Actually great list TBH I agree with all 10

I hope one day we get some remakes for the following

The saboteur(with a proper remake and quality of life features this game could be great)
Scarface world is yours
Binary domain ( such a great game with great story)
GUN(this needs a remake)
Space marine 40k(such fun time)

Would also like to suggest adding the mercenary series even the 2nd game which is disliked by many is a fun time

cthulhucultist511d ago

I recently finished Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and found it to be very enjoyable.

The game respected the lore and the gameplay was quite decent.

The color palette was a bit underwhelming (backdrops and setting) and recycled but I think that it deserved better.

Here's hoping for an amazing sequel

Vengeance1138511d ago

Space Marine II !! My most anticipated game of 2023! Woot