
U R MR GAY: The sequel

AllIsBrawl: As we all know there seems to be a kind of subliminal message in the Mario Galaxy 1 boxart:

In the SMG logo, some words have a little star on the bottom, which are:

Which, if read like U R MR GAY, sounds like You are Mr. Gay

Now many people think it's just a coincidence, including myself, that is, however until a few minutes ago:

Same deal, certain letters have a little star on the bottom, which are:

UR MIAY? UR MI AY? no no, read it BACKWARDS:

which, if read like YA I M R U, sounds like Yeah I am are you?

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Pebz5325d ago

You'd be surprised how common sexual subliminal messages are in advertisement. This is just a textbook example, nothing to see, I mean unconsciously absorb here, move along.

Google it and you might understand better why people so easily fall pray to advertisement and buy lots of stuff they don't need and probably don't even want.

ChickeyCantor5325d ago

Also sounded like UR MAY < release date right?

But this one is awesomely done.

FFK1245325d ago

the letters backwards are Y A I R U. notice the A before the I? where in Yes I Am R U? The I is before the A.
nice try though.

Pebz5325d ago

You're looking at it wrong.

It's URMIAY, backwards YAIMRU (you left out the M).

Basically, it's based on how it sounds, so:

YA = Ya; Yes etc.

I = I.

M = am; pronounced "em", but easily sounds like "am" in a sentence.

R = are.

U = you.

The subconscious does catch all this, and much more.

hatchimatchi5325d ago

You understand how it works?

You only take the letters that have a little sparkle on them.

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How Super Mario Odyssey was Shaped by One of Mario's Biggest Flops

Super Mario Sunshine didn’t cause a splash at release, but it transformed the careers of Nintendo's brightest designers.

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Snookies122580d ago

Sunshine is one of my favorite Mario games.

2579d ago Replies(2)
Cobra9512579d ago

Same here. I don't understand the hate it gets.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2580d ago

Sunshine was by no means a flop LOL What is this guy smoking.

DarthZoolu2579d ago

All of that Nintendo is making you hallucinate.

Vegamyster2579d ago

It sold over 6 million copies and got good reviews from critics & users, how exactly would you classify it a flop?

PhoenixUp2579d ago

This game can't be considered a flop by any stretch of the imagination

bouzebbal2579d ago

Sunshine is neither a flop nor the best mario ever.
Galaxy 2 is the mario to beat for me.

Shuckylad2579d ago

Love both galaxy 1+2 to be repackaged on switch with 1080p 60fps. Please Nintendo.

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Ranking A Whole Lot of Mario Videogames (Worst to Best)

Screen Critics Shaun takes on the task of ranking as many Mario games as he can find. With over 40 games, where does your favorite come?

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The 10th Rider2583d ago

Why even bother trying to rank all of these? Mario Kart, 3D Mario, 2D Mario, Mario Party, and Paper Mario are all so different. Sure a game like Super Mario Galaxy VS Paper Mario Sticker Star is easy to compare . . . But when you're taking Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Bros 3, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe the ranking is meaningless because they're possibly the best in their respective genres and it becomes a matter of personal preference.

blawren42583d ago

Didn't you know that Mario is a genre? At least that is what some will try to push.


Top 10 Platformers Every Gamer Should Try

Screen Critics takes a stab at picking the platformers that we feel all gamers should experience at least once. Which platformer is your top one ever?

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EddieNX 2599d ago

Definitely. Super Mario Odyssey i'm looking forward to more than anything except Metroid prime 4.

FallenAngel19842599d ago

Why no mention of Tembo: The Badass Elephant, LittleBigPlanet, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, or Kirby