
Just Cause 2 will not support Windows XP

Square Enix have just released the system requirements for Just Cause 2 and there is bad news. The game will be using specific DirectX 10 features and for this reason Square Enix have chosen not to support DX9 and thus Windows XP for the game.

morganfell5231d ago

Where have we heard that before...?

Letros5231d ago (Edited 5231d ago )

Only two times, ever, Halo 2 and Shattered Horizon, now three times, lets hope this trend continues, there's no reason any serious gamer shouldn't have W7.

ATi_Elite5231d ago

No disrespect to Windows Xp users w/ only a Dirextx 9 card. (I have XP still installed in case 7 dies)

It's about F*cking time someone had the balls to advance the software!! Do you realize PC Hardware is like 3 generations ahead of gaming software. No game renders a dual core useless. Every game can run with ease on a dual core but with that said no game makes a 4 core break a sweat. You get like 30% across 2 cores and 10% on the other two. Just to think Both Intel and AMD will release 6 core CPU's this year.

I'm glad Just Cause is Directx 10 and 11 only (yeh right XP patch being made right now) because it's high time to make Direcxt 10 the minimum requirement. Seriously make more demanding PC games. An overclocked Core i7 and a GTX sli set up or a high end crossfire set up can run two games at the same time plus two OS. (example of power reserve on high end systems don't flame me to death)

Think about it games are being ran at like 80+ FPS on some fairly high settings at 1680 X 1050, check the latest HD 5870 benchmarks or go back and review 295 GTX benchmarks.

It's far past time that the games caught up to the hardware.
No disrespect to Directx 9 and XP users but I feel DEVELOPERS and their games need to match the high end hardware that is out as well.

I'm running Half Life 2 episode 2 maxxed out at over 300FPS while streaming video. Only Stalker Arma II and Crysis run under 60 fps maxxed out at 1920 X 1080. PC games need to be more complex.

morganfell5231d ago

Not sure what you mean about HALO2. Plenty of people ran it under Windows XP. Same with SH. And it didn't take any time either. Within short order people had that problem solved. Companies like MS won't learn that you can't use a game to force an OS down gamer's throats.

I'll bet MS was kicking the walls when they saw DirectX 10 Alky running under XP.

It's like Ubisoft and this "must have an active connection to play". Watch and see how long that lasts. I give a game 48 hours after launch before Ubisoft is shown what a useless aggravation they have picked to waste their money. They are only shafting legitimate customers as the others will simply go through that protection like a hot knife through butter.

Bnet3435231d ago

Is Windows 7 gamer friendly? That's the only reason why I would jump to it. At this point I want to because I'm stuck on Vista and I don't want to downgrade back down to XP. I thought a lot of people would be mad about this but it seems folks like Panda are all for it.

evrfighter5231d ago

well even bad company 2 will be gimped in dx9 if you have the pc to enjoy some eyecandy.

The trend has started. The new gen will begin as more and more developers continue to push the pc hardware thats been released over the last year that leaves consoles in the dust.

shadow27975231d ago

Could someone explain to me why DirectX 10 or 11 doesn't support Windows XP?

I don't know much about this stuff (you don't want to know what kind of hardware my computer runs off of), but it seems like DirectX could be programmed to run on any kind of OS, as long as the hardware is capable.

So is there some kind of politics behind the reason why it won't run on XP? Or is there a legitimate reason? Obviously I mean other than they didn't want to program for ANOTHER OS, which I'm sure was a factor. But I bet 80% of the market still uses XP, so I think it would be stupid to exclude it.

Obviously it's not Square Enix's fault. If I were to blame anyone, I'd blame DirectX. But again, this isn't my area of expertise.

Seven_ate_Nine5231d ago

Good thing I use Windows 2000!
Wait... sh*t...

PS360PCROCKS5231d ago

shadow Directx9 is windows XP. Directx 10 is vista and directx 11 is win 7. It's merely an upgrade of DirectX for each windows update. Each subsequent update brings new things to gaming like tesselation etc.

trgz5230d ago

... I'm going to ask: Why should I have to pay £90 for a copy of Windows 7? It's simply far too much. Of course I am expecting the childish responses regarding the use of a pirated copy.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5230d ago
Fishy Fingers5231d ago

No Dx9 support what so ever? I havent had a Dx9 card for a long time but surely many people are still running them. It's not my place to say the 'should' upgrade, but I'm sure some will be p***ed about this.

Pandamobile5231d ago

I don't know anyone these days who doesn't have a DX10 card.

Fishy Fingers5231d ago

Ha, just thinking about it, I dont either.

Seven_ate_Nine5231d ago

I'm one of those poor saps with an ancient rig. Damn thing can't handle Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 or Logical Journey of the Zoombinis

Pandamobile5231d ago

I'm glad we're finally progressing past DX9.

Letros5231d ago

Start coding these games in DX11.

KingKiff5231d ago

No game should run DX9 anymore...

only consloes that can't handle DX10/11 need use this now outdated software.

jay25231d ago (Edited 5231d ago )

Oh thats good then about the 360 controller support :).

Campy da Camper5231d ago

You really prefer a controller to m/k? I was like that on my very first game (from console to PC) due to it being like an extension of my hand. Then, I just broke down and started using a good laser logitech mouse and keyboard and man-o-man are my kills so much more accurate.

I can never go back to controller (for PC).

Bnet3435231d ago

Fighting games, racing games, sports games, I'm guessing you don't play either lol?

multipayer5231d ago

Sure a mouse and keyboard is the obvious choice, but when sitting 13ft away from a TV... It's just easier and cheaper with microsofts wireless controller reciever. I get rumble in most games, can hook up to 4 controllers to the reciever, no keyboard in the crotch. I can live with having slightly sluggish aim, just like you can live with having sluggish movement!!! HAhAHAHAHA *realises name is slugboss* ...

shadow27975231d ago

I absolutely hate m&k. I don't care if it's quicker or more accurate, it doesn't feel right to me. Shooting is not that easy. And keyboards have way too many buttons, I hate having to find the right button that I'm supposed to be pressing.

If I ever had a PC gaming rig, I would most definitely use a controller. It's just a matter of preference for me. Controllers are built for playing video games, after all.

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Knushwood Butt538d ago

The Yakuza Games

Haha, yeah, currently over 100 hours into Yakuza 0. Considering going for 100% and well on the way but may not get there. Cat Fights are a real chore.

blackblades538d ago

I use to be a trophy hunter, was getting around 20 to 30 platinums a year. Had a saying of Play-Beat-Platinum, play and enjoy the game like there wasn't no trophies, beat it and at least get 50% then look at them and see if I'll platinum and platinum it. I think death star was a pain, the servers was ending so i had to rush and play that for awhile none stop. NGs2 was hard because of that online trophy but easy if you had the partner that can do it for you while you grab the enemy attention. Grinding idk, death was grinding last one I had to grind for platinum literally 1 trophy needed was dungeon travler or something vita gave up on it. After that I stop trophy hunting get like a 1 platinum a year or 0.

Knushwood Butt538d ago

Yeah, if I enjoy a game I usually go for the platinum unless there are some unreasonable trophies in there.

For Yakuza 0 I've invested too much time in it to give up just yet and most of the content is good fun, apart from Cat Fighting which is broken and dull after a couple of fights.

DarXyde537d ago

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 was literally the last platinum I got on PS3. After that, I went into PS4 kinda deflated and getting them where it felt appropriate.

I genuinely HATED that platinum, but it was a personal challenge I took upon myself. It was a lot of "get 1,000 kills with [insert weapon]" and it got to be a bit tedious. Master Ninja really pissed me off, but the WORST which you alluded to was that bloody Gold trophy for missions that you needed to do online because the AI was useless and got wrecked in moments. I jumped on the game a bit late so I struggled with finding a partner for at least 1.5 months. After that, I burned out hard with trophy hunting. I still came back for games I really enjoyed (Bloodborne, Dark Souls III, Nier: Automata, and a few others that escape me) and low hanging fruit that was just a bit time consuming and I didn't want to buy new games at the time (Final Fantasy XV). Total, it becomes clear where I taper off since I've only plat'ed 33 games since there inception of trophies which really isn't much.

Screw Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 lol. That game was pure nightmare fuel.

blackblades537d ago

I say never force getting a platinum, its not worth the trouble definitely if it costing you to waste time on chore like grind. Those brainless design trophies.

hotnickles537d ago

Dead rising was the worst one I’ve ever tried. I haven’t tried it with the modern console “rest mode” but the 360 didn’t have that.

Duke19537d ago (Edited 537d ago )

Was GTa4 the on where you had to collect a shit ton of pigeons around the map and there was no help in finding them?

roadkillers537d ago

Yep. I’d say GTASA was more difficult since there were so many collectibles

Profchaos536d ago

The saving grace was that there was only on average 50 collectables with the two exceptions being graffiti and oysters from memory horseshoes and photos were capped at 50 each.

But for me it was all the other grind that was way more painful in SA like the car export lists which even with guides took way longer than collecting stuff

iivGHOST537d ago

There was a guide book that came out with the game that had all the pigeons in it. I actually still have it

Chocoburger537d ago

One of the more recent games I got a Platinum in was Killzone: Mercenary for Vita. What a crap game, that requires so much terrible grinding.

Awful game, awful experience.

outsider1624536d ago

Oh man..wish i could get a vita. I've been trying to get a preowned too(in my country) but no luck.

CantThinkOfAUsername537d ago

I can vouch for Just Cause 2. It was the reason I quit achievement hunting. 86 hours in, the game bugged on me during one of the last side quests (it failed no matter what I did) and my save file got corrupted. Wiped it off my drive and never looked back.

SonyStyled537d ago

I downloaded the ‘complete edition’ or whatever it was called for $2 about 7yrs ago in hopes of trophy hunting it for a platinum. It always sounded fun and I would like to commit time to it but not enough for a platinum trophy

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