
Can Yakuza 3 Succeed?

Yakuza 3 is set to release stateside on March 9th. Goozernation asks will gamers buy Yakuza 3 when God of War III and Final Fantasy XIII are also available? The Yakuza series are good games, why haven't they sold well in the West? What could Sega do to make sure this game can succeed in the United States? Will gamers ever see Shenmune III?

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unchartedgoty5326d ago

i like the cagematches, the whole jap style of this game, the tekken fighting, so yes i see this ga,e selling 5 million first day jk, maybe 300k, then 5 million in a lifetime, this game is big in japan.

raztad5326d ago

Sega shoot itself on the foot releasing Yakuza 3 on march. It's like they want the game to fail.

himdeel5326d ago (Edited 5326d ago )

...Heavy Rain, GOW3, and Yakuza 3 all of the day GOW3 drops. The only reason I'm getting all three on the same day is because I've been putting a bit away on Heavy Rain preorder for a while but decided not to pick it up today when I found out yesterday afternoon that Yakuza drops the week before GOW3.

I don't think Yakuza will sell well here and really wish they would've just release the JP version with english dubs. It's really a niche game. However I'm really excited to be purchasing 3 single player games in one month.

kube005326d ago

I like the series, I'm just worried that it won't sell here due to the other games coming out at the same time.

George Sears5326d ago

It's Sega, of course it won't. This company is usually the one that dissappoints me the most when it comes towards there corporate decisions. They just don't know how to market a game properly nor how to keep a fanbase towards there products when it comes towards new IP's.

Just keep on riding Mario's back.

spunnups5326d ago (Edited 5326d ago )

They released it at a horrible time. I've never played Yakuza, but would like to. Problem is, I already have a backlog of games i want to play like Bioshock 2, FF13, God of War 3 and the Collection, Borderlands, Heavy Rain and a few others. Yakuza will unfortunately have to wait.

TehCell5326d ago

it def wont sell with a 60 dollar price tag.
id buy it for 40. 20 would be wonderful.

raztad5326d ago

Do you have a PS3? Yakuza is not a xbox game.

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Fluke_Skywalker226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger226d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff2183225d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia225d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.