
Capcom comment further on Lost Planet 2 cuts

Critical Gamer writes: When Critical Gamer asked Capcom if they were prepared to comment further on the recently reported Lost Planet 2 cuts, their UK PR manager Leo Tan replied.

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ryuzu5234d ago

And like most dramas - there's really no drama at all, it's just a way of getting free publicity.

Really Lost Planet 1 was average at best, if the demo of LP2 is anything to go by this isn't a game to set the world on fire either.

Stir up a bit of controversy though and maybe the game will stick in people's minds.


StanLee5234d ago

Agreed. The game will be six hours long and make no sense like the first and people will wonder what all the hoopla was about. Really, content cuts are made during development, it's a natural part of the game making process. Dark Corners was cut from Gears of War II and when you finally played it, you realize that, yeah, it was a good idea to cut the section because it just didn't work narratively and in the game's pacing.

OmegaSlayer5234d ago

We're really getting stale.
What I, as a GAMER, would like to see, is devs that decide to wash away the shame they have on their shoulders and start to build games according to the tech.

If I were a dev with good assets, I would hide beneath a rock if my game wouldn't look even near good as Uncharted 2, or Killzone 2 or GOW3; I would consider myself a failure.

But that's Utopia, reality are MS moneyhats.

smittyjerkins5234d ago


Capcom could have just have the lost content as day 1 DLC for the 360 and put the whole game on the PS3 disc. It looks more like they want to make some extra $$$ through downloadable content and not that the 360 is holding them back.

Here's how I see it, "Lost Planet 2 episodic content. Download the last five chapters of this AAA game. Chapters cost 10$'s each. Enjoy!"

StanLee5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

That makes no sense; Killzone 2 is one of the most generic shooters this gen. It's an ugly chick in a nice dress; God of War III is the culmination of the God of War franchise and I'm positive it wont do anything drastically different than the first two games in the franchise and Uncharted 2 as gorgeous as it is, is a banal action adventure title. Get over yourself. To make a statement like that is to acknowledge that you aren't a gamer. Is Mario Galaxy not a great game? Is Braid not a great game? Is Portal not a great game? Is Fallout 3 not a great game? Is Demon Souls not a great game? Do you even know for idiotic you sound?

IdleLeeSiuLung5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

I bet they couldn't fit that content on one disc when first released, eh?

What about a second disc for Lost Planet 2? After all, there is only material cost for the second disc, no licensing fee from MS.

I guess, the choice of paying $0.20 per disc extra for material cost or profit from DLC is a hard choice for Capcom! It's ok, just don't blame others!!!

BattleAxe5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

So they are actually admitting to "hardware constraints" (xbox 360). Personally I think PS3 gamers should boycott this game. I bought a PS3 because it uses Blu-Ray and has a standard hard drive, so if I wanted to play games that were meant for DVD, I would have stuck with my PS2.

Besides, most of CrapComs games are flops, aside from Resident Evil and Steet fighter they've got nothing that could be considered "high quality".

rambi805234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

"The drama continues."

Not for me though - I'll just take y gaming $$ in the countless other directions available.

*End Scene*

EDIT - I actually like capcom because they try to support all platforms - i just don't like this recent attitude.

Rockox5234d ago

The only Capcom game I care about this year is Dead Rising 2. LP2 can go fly a kite. The demo was meh and the first game wasn't even all that good.

ThanatosDMC5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

I hope the retail version doesnt look like the demo. The demo had so many things that look like crap compared to the games we have now. Just look at the grass or the ground textures. They're so stale and the grass sometimes suddenly disappears even though it's right in front of you. The grass also has horizontal lines which is extremely weird.

Anyway, after all these delays they better make it prettier and if this LP2 is trying to copy Monster Hunter's success the first playthrough better be worth at least 40 hours of co-op fun without repeating maps or boss monsters. But i doubt it.

Makes me wonder if they added anything to LP2 after the delay or they just had it sitting there waiting for launch.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5234d ago
Lightel0s5234d ago

pointless article, capcom clarify all so theres no point in begun a DVD vs Bluray war.

scruffy_bear5234d ago

It's hardly pointless when this is Capcom full statement about the cut's in Lost Planet 2.

Darkeyes5234d ago


"“Edits to the initial concept of a game can come from a number of sources including the amount of time given to develop the title, HARDWARE CONSTRAINTS, story elements, or other factors that can detract from the experience. We are confident that consumers will not be disappointed with Lost Planet 2 and the variety of massive Akrid, powerful vital suits, beautiful environments and deep level of customization included in the final product.”

I wonder what that HARDWARE CONSTRAINTS means....

sikbeta5234d ago

Taking out BRD vs DVD, The Real Problem is that Now Devs/Publishers have an Excuse to charge [$] for DLC and that affect only Gamers

Pidgeridoo5234d ago

This statement seems to be Damage Control from Capcom. I wonder how much damage Jun Takeuchi has done to the Lost Planet 2.

scruffy_bear5234d ago

Yeah it looks like the statement is damage control from Capcom

Cubes5234d ago

Mmmm looks like there might be some more DLC planned after the games release like Assassins Creed 2. Call me cynical!!

Karlnag35234d ago

you are cynical. I can has cookie now?

Jockie5234d ago

I'm suprised Lost Planet got a sequel at all still.

I bet they haven't cut the Gears of War crossover, because thats probably the most interesting thing about the game.


Skins....don't take up that much space buddy...and lost planet sold a million+ copies...How are u surprised it got a sequel? You are surprised they are shyting on the 360

ukilnme5234d ago

I wonder if the Gears content will show up in the PS3 version. Was there an announcement about it that I may have missed?

cereal_killa5234d ago

I believe the Gears reference is only for the 360 version not sure if they ever announced anything special for the PS3 version.

TheBand1t5234d ago

Even if using Dom and Marcus is silly, imo, when you can make your own custom character in LP2.

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Immagaiden393d ago

Why mention PS5 when talking about PS3

392d ago
Magog392d ago

The load times in retrospect are unbearable but I did have hella fun playing couch co-op with my gf on the PS3 and PS2.

anast392d ago

Couch co-op is the best alternative.

Rynxie392d ago

Resistance 2 co-op was amazing! I wish they would remaster resistance 1-3 and killzone 1-3 for the PS5.

1Victor268d ago (Edited 268d ago )

Let me save you the time to scroll down no Warhawk or Starhawk, 2 of the best co-op games on PS3

mastershredder109d ago

Ricardo Irving is one of the best-worst bad guys / mini-bosses ever.


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