
Free game with new Psp go promotion

"This should make the PSP Go's price tag a bit easier to swallow. From now until March 21, new North American PSP Go owners that add a PlayStation Network to their systems will be eligible to receive a free game from the PlayStation Store: either Assassin's Creed Bloodlines or LittleBigPlanet PSP. After the registration process, SCEA will e-mail a special code that enables the free download."

Homicide5271d ago

Still not worth it, and didn't AC get bad scores? No wonder they're giving it away.

D4RkNIKON5271d ago

Get rid of the "or" and it would be a deal.

Saaking5271d ago

I don't want a PSPgo at all. I don't see the point of it.

ThanatosDMC5271d ago

Ass Creed on the PSP was terrible. I still regret buying it. There can be three enemies max and it's extremely easy to kill or loose them. Loading sucks. They should have copied how Spiderman 3 streamed the whole city on the PSP. The sad part of it all is that there was a lot more things happening on screen in Spiderman 3 compared to Ass Creed.

Everyone is bound to pick the LBP promo code, if they know how this Ass Creed plays.

fox025271d ago

That's what you'd say if it was Microsoft doing it.

you guys would never do that.

specialguest5271d ago

No one wants the PSP Go. I have my original PSP Fat and I don't plan to upgrade at all.

Megaton5271d ago

How about dropping the price instead of giving away a free turd to compliment your insanely overpriced new gadget?

There was a very accurate description of the PSP Go a couple months back in an article I saw here. Something to the point of; "The PSP Go is what you'd get if you turned a facepalm into a gaming device."

execution175270d ago

i don't have any complaints besides just getting rock band unplugged, and i prefer the go over the fat psp, button layout is better no fingers covering the screen and it kinda hurts my wrist having them spread so far apart compared to the go, and i just leave my DLs saved to my PS3 so if i need the space i can delete it off the go, and yea load times aren't as long as compared to UMDs which is a given since their stream off the memory card

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5270d ago
GunShotEddy5271d ago

LBP is good, but that doesn't nearly offset the cost of a PSPgo.

5271d ago Replies(4)
5271d ago Replies(4)
Unicron5271d ago

NO ONE go to the open zone.

Xbox sh1theads spoiling Heavy Rain.

kingdavid5271d ago

Fk this. Ive given the bots a fair chance on this site but this is just blatant pathetic behaviour.

Totally not cool at all.

Megaton5271d ago (Edited 5270d ago )

Happens every time a big PS3 game is almost out. They spoiled Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 for me, though I really don't mind spoilers in general. They TRIED to spoil MGS4 but they were too retarded to even get the ending right, and spammed N4G with fake spoilers.

I willingly watched the ending to Heavy Rain already, so I what's what, but it's a colossal d!ck move to spoil it for everyone who doesn't wanna know. Especially for a game that is so incredibly story-driven.

The 360 fanboys here really get on my nerves sometimes. They're just as bad as the PS3 fanboys, if not worse. Some spend their whole life on N4G to get first comment on anything positive about the PS3 in order to derail conversation in the seemingly modless Gamer Zone. Of course that's followed by the constant flow of tears about N4G being a Sony site, while they spend their time making sure it's anything but. If they can't find anti-Sony FUD to submit, they'll just write some themselves, and use their army of multiple accounts to jam it through pending, rules be damned. Their final act, the spoiler bit. Happens to every PS3 exclusive with a story.

The PS3 fanboys did it with Gears 2, which was just as lame, but it seemed to be payback for their effort to spoil MGS4. You didn't see anyone pulling this sh*t for Mass Effect 2.

tehReaper5270d ago

I think it's just one fanboy from what I've seen. I don't remember anyone doing it for KZ2 but I remember a few doing it for R2 and Gears2. I don't see how some people can hate on a brand so much and resort to this.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5270d ago
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Review: Jeanne d'Arc - Long Awaited Strategy RPG Remains Divine | Push Square

Khayl Adam: "With the release of the game for PS5 and PS4, which features up-rendered graphics, quality-of-life features like rewind and quick save, and custom video filters, there is now no excuse not to play what has rightfully become something of a cult classic. Level-5's take on the historical Hundred Years War that raged between the kingdoms of England and France in the 15th century is a creative one, and we're glad to report that the wait has been worth it."

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PlayStation Plus Just Quietly Released the Most Overlooked Tactical RPG Of All Time

Jeanne d'Arc is a brilliant hidden gem that released on the PSP in 2007, and now the tactical RPG is finally available again through PlayStation Plus.

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

One of my favorite PSP titles of all time. This is probably my favorite Classic title to hit the PS Catalog yet. I had already bought it on Vita though as part of the PSP store, so I got it for free here to keep. That was quite generous of them, considering the HD overhaul and trophy addition. It would have been worth buying again. Every jrpg fan should try this out on PS+ catalog.

solideagle9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

can we not buy it separately? it seems its only for premium

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

No? It shows up on mine as owned "Free" bc I bought it years ago.

If you have a Vita, I suppose you could still buy it, if it's still on the store there?

*edit - yep it's still there! $9.99 is a steal for this remaster. (of course free on PS+ catalog is amazing too! This is one I like owning though) You should be able to buy it there on that link on your PC.


Here's a reddit post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/JR...

shinoff21839d ago

It's 10 bucks. Go over to the ... on the game page. It should let you buy it

9d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic9d ago

You can buy it separately, I had to use the PS app to find it on the store (the web store is so dysfunctional), I thought the game had skipped the aussie store, lol.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
BinaryMind9d ago

@OtterX - Yes you can buy this game without owning a Vita (like pretty much every other PS classic on PS4/PS5). I bought it yesterday on PS5. It also costed 10 USD.

BinaryMind9d ago

Yep, you get both the PS4 and PS5 versions if you buy it too.

jznrpg9d ago

Its a great one and I’m going to play it via the Portal. Summoner PS2 also got trophies which is cool

MeteorPanda9d ago

Nothing beats ff tactics: war of the lions in my heart.

gold_drake9d ago

nothin beats Shinging Force 2, i mean, no contest haha xD

shinoff21839d ago

Shining force 2 was the first tactic game I ever played. Loved that turtle.

Lionsguard9d ago

Shining Force 1 had the more memorable characters imo.

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Yes! Final Fantasy Tactics is still my favorite tactical jrpg of them all!

TheColbertinator9d ago

Valkyria Chronicles is my #1 always

gold_drake9d ago

its rly good, playing right now actually ha.

Einhander19729d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I am playing this too, it's my first time. I really enjoy games like this and I'm having fun.

They also added Summoner which I do know quite a bit about it's also really good.

Great month for PS+ all round.

Edit: I hope Sony sees the popularity of this style of game because i have for years (since PS3) been wanting and saying they should make spin off games of their popular series but in different genres.

I have always wanted a tactical game from games like Uncharted, TLoU or Horizon (or any franchise really, I also think they could make a cool card battler Slay the Spire type game.

And they could make games like this quick and cheap compared to what they normally make.

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Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core Reunion And Remnant II Are Joining PlayStation Plus - Report

No More Heroes 3 and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous are reportedly being added as well.

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