
Bright Hub Review: Yakuza Lords on Facebook

Kayar writes: "Yakuza Lords, made by LOLapps, Inc., is a crime lord game on Facebook with a Japanese theme. You start at the bottom just after a rival Yakuza lord betrayed your father. As you rise in power, you clash with other Yakuza families, then other mob organizations in cities around the world. Slowly you uncover the conspiracy that killed him and track down those responsible, until finally you can have your revenge.

Yakuza Lords is a button clicking type of game, not a Flash game. Presumably it's done in PHP and javascript. There's a choice of three character types: gambler, street samurai, and tycoon. As in every other button clicking crime lord game on Facebook (Mafia Wars and its clones being the most well-known), there's really only one correct choice - the one that recharges your ability to do jobs the fastest. In the case of Yakuza Lords, this is gambler."

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Glamis5242d ago

Great review. I wonder if this can compete with Mafia Wars?

gonzodamus5242d ago

I hate to admit it, but Facebook games have captured my attention. I may have to give this a try :p

jpymai5242d ago

I echo Glamis' comment above. Mafia Wars already seems really prevalent in my FB list of friends.

Galaga Master5241d ago

While I'm not a fan of mafia wars (or any FB game for that matter)but this one may be worth a shot. At least its a franchise I recognize.

Axll5241d ago

Nice article. All these Facebook games are getting very interesting.