
XboxGaming: Vancouver 2010 Review

"Sadly, much of what makes the [Winter Olympics] event an entertainment spectacular has either been drastically marginalized or is missing entirely in Vancouver 2010: The Official Game of the Winter Olympics"

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Let's Play - The Achievement Hunter 2014 Winter Olympics Part 1

The AH gents and lads compete in winter sports and represent their countries in The Achievement Hunter 2014 Winter Olympics games.

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PSX Extreme: Vancouver 2010 Review

PSX Extreme writes: "It seems that every time they try to do a game based on the Olympics, everything falls to pieces. The last attempt – centered on the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing – failed miserably due to ridiculous mechanics, clunky and sometimes impossible control, lackluster technicals and an almost complete lack of pageantry and theatricality. The latter is part of what makes the Olympics great, if we've already forgotten, and while Vancouver 2010 still lacks that, Eurocom made good strides in righting many of the past wrongs."

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Microsoft's Games on Demand Gets Aggressive

Microsoft's Games on Demand service for the Xbox 360 and Games for Windows – LIVE has had plenty of negative press since it's arrival, yet Microsoft have persisted and continuously updated the catalogue on both formats. Over time, both marketplaces have evolved into competitive consumer outlets, while always maintaining the boundaries of later than retail, and slightly more expensive. Microsoft's promise that the service wouldn't tread on retail's toes seemed to be holding true. However, only three months after the launch of Games on Demand on Games for Windows – LIVE, the parameters seem to be changing.

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josh143995316d ago

i like the idea of games on demand, i still prefer getting a physical copy but games on demand is convenient sometimes. Its got two problems though and that is the games are overly expensive considering its most probably cheaper to sell games on demand. The other problem is that i only have a 20gb 360 hdd and they expect me to buy a 120gb hdd for a stupid price.

mjolliffe5315d ago

I do love having the actual game in hand, walking out of the store, but at times getting a game on demand is very convenient :)

JoySticksFTW5314d ago

Still expensive for 120gb (considering that you can now get 1TB hdd for that price). You may very well have to eBay it.

Isn't MS coming out with a new 250gb hdd? Hopefully they will lower the price of the 120hdd if they do

Good Luck in your search!

Tony P5314d ago

This is exactly the timing you want to offer... but geez, the price. At the very least it's better than paying premium six months later like a jackass.

kevco335314d ago

This is amazing news! I think GoD gets some really bad press but it's actually a really quick and decent service. I think most of the people who knock it are just those who haven't actually used it...

dragonelite5314d ago

There are 2 stories i think.
You can make GoD cheap because you have no storage space cost no printing and case costs. But if you make it to cheap most will go for Games on demand and retail stores will close down because of low demand.
And to be fair consoles are sold at games stores so fewer stores means fewer places to sell you platform. Because from what i heard retailers take a loss with console sales but go break even or even profit with the software sides. Unless of course sony and microsoft want to start their specific retailers i believe microsoft already has just like those mac stores.

Dorwrath5314d ago

I love the idea of games on demand.

My disks gets scratched and stop working after time, so this is awesome. My new 250gb hard drive will be well used.

Two things. Microsoft need to allow you to use your own purchased hard drive or lower the prices and increase the size of their hard drives in line with buying your own.

GOD need to be cheaper $29.99 and $14.99 for platinum. Also released on release day, not a month later. I for one would have purchased the download version not the disk.

Finch5314d ago

Yea if games came out on release day and lets say at Midnight the mourning of. Oh boy there will be alot of games i would end up getting just because i dont want to wait until mourning!

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