
Multiplayer.it Review: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - The Crystal Bearers

Multiplayer.it: As is the latest in a family of "simple" spin-off, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - The Crystal Bearers was rightly expected by many to be the return in grand style of Square Enix on Nintendo consoles: one motivated by hope factors palpable, like the four and a half years of development, the significant budget allocated by the Japanese software house and the great care put into the technical sector.

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Top 10: Worst Final Fantasy Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "The Final Fantasy series is one of gaming’s most revered franchises with many of its games finding themselves near the top of ‘best games of all time’ lists and simply uttering the words ‘Final Fantasy’ usually evokes images of epic quests and world class polish. But not all of the games to bear the name have been worthy of praise. Some, in fact are terrible, unplayable, ugly and obnoxious games that make you wonder how Square Enix ever approved them. So for this week’s Top 10 we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel and counting down the Top 10 Worst Final Fantasy Games."

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DedicatedDark2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

Addition of FFXIII Lightning Returns and Crystal Bearers make your list redundant.

Though I appreciate the lack of FFX-2.

And I agree with the rest.

DedicatedDark2588d ago

Wait on further thought, the inclusion FFVIII would be nice. Terrible writing, terrible story, terrible gameplay and terrible translation. And therefore a terrible game.

2588d ago
Derceto2588d ago

Any Final Fantasy made my SquareEnix. Quick and easy.

SinkingSage2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

Since when is After Years or Lightning Returns bad?
This article is garbage, the absolute worst FF, Final Fantasy XIII is nowhere to be seen.

Also, why include a game that doesn't even exist anymore? FFXIV 1.0 is long gone...

overrated442587d ago

Lightning avatar and mad about Lightning Returns being on the list!? https://www.youtube.com/wat...

SinkingSage2586d ago

Heh, yeah, how is LR on the list but not XIII? XIII is pretty bad.

2588d ago Replies(1)
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Lightning Returns: Shaking the spin-off curse

With Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII on the way, how can Square Enix dodge the curse of its spin-off titles? By learning from its past. Red Bull Gaming takes a sideways look at Square Enix's greatest mistakes in the Not-So-Final Fantasy franchise, and how the latest title can avoid making the same ones.

rextraordinaire3804d ago

Source link's not working here.

knifefight3804d ago

LOL the article calls the game "Final Fantasy XIII-3"

CLOUD19833803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

Here a link that work:


In the end there is no FF sequel or spin-off game that was good, there was some good remakes & that's it, SE must stop with the sequels every sequel they did is garbage anyway & no1 want them, SE is not Square Soft they suck at story telling, imo it will be better if they focus on new games or remakes as long they just enhance the visuals/audio/video etc & don't alter story or gameplay elements.

DragonKnight3803d ago

Final Fantasy Tactics is a spin off that's fantastic.

CLOUD19833803d ago

You can't call Tactics a spin-off this game belong on it's own category the FF-strategy main series I repeat this is not a spin-off in any way because it have nothing to do with any previous FF games like Dirge of Cerberus or Crisis Core for example.

DragonKnight3803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

@CLOUD1983: Sorry but it doesn't work that way. FF13-2 and 13-3 are sequels, not spinoffs, Tactics is a spinoff, not a sequel. It doesn't have to have a connection to any game in the main series. It's Final Fantasy Tactics, meaning part of the franchise but not of the main series, meaning a spinoff.

**EDIT** Technically speaking, FFXII is a spinoff of Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, which is a spinoff of Final Fantasy Tactics, if we go by your logic.

CLOUD19833803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

@DragonKnight W/e man I can't see Tactics as a spin-off it's a whole different category, for me a spin-off must have have some kind of relation with past FF's, FF Tactics was nothing like that u can say that this game belong to it's own category & it's the only game with this kind of battle system SE could make a new one in the future & name it Tactics 2 for example, u never know as long they could find some1 trustworthy to give it a try :)

Still I believe what I said that every spin-off (exclude Tactics) & Sequel SE did for FF was trash didn't like anything & most of them went terrible sales-wise anyway SE messing around too much & not focused on things that matters like to improve the main series or maybe create some remakes fans beg them for years now to do (FFVII gu-hu gu-hu).

DragonKnight3803d ago

You must not have played many of the non main series FF games then if you think all of them are trash.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3803d ago
rextraordinaire3803d ago

Most Crystal Chronicles games were fun.


Sound in Action Podcast Episode 5 – In-Game Remixes | WingDamage.com

WingDamage.com writes, "Games remixing games? What’s next?

After an extended hiatus, Sound in Action finally returns with an episode about in-game remixes. These aren’t bonus tracks or arrange albums. These are remixes features right in the games themselves. Highlights include the always bizarre (and long titled) Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, the little game that almost could, Star Fox Assault, and the shockingly great Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles among others."

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