
Eurogamer: Retrospective: Aliens vs. Predator Classic 2000

Eurogamer writes: "So I've got myself in something of a situation. I find that I'm spending an increasing amount of time in the company of another who is not a gamer. In a world where everyone's something of a gamer, even if it's just a game of Farmville at lunchtime, or some Bejeweled on the mobile phone, this new friend plays none at all. We do not have this in common.

This means a front room that houses no tangle of game controllers protruding from the television. There's no room in the whole house possessing a heaving black box of hard drives and whirring fans. This person does not own a USB mouse. This is unfamiliar territory. I am scared."

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Phobias and Video Games Part One: The Negatives

Phobias can be debilitating, and sufferers may seek to escape into video games. But what if those video games contain the very thing they are trying to escape?

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Free PC games this week: XCOM Enemy Unknown, Payday: The Heist, AVP and more

Free PC games this week include XCOM Enemy Unknown, Payday: The Heist, Aliens vs Predator 2000, Crash Time 2 and more.

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Where The Alien License Is Going Wrong In Games

Eskimo Press: The Alien universe enjoys a large and devoted fan base around the world. Of course there are a lot of gamers that are into Alien, and hopes are always high when a new Alien game is announced. Sadly, the past years have not been kind to those of us that look forward to new games based on our favorite extraterrestrial creature.

The latest Aliens vs Predator (2010) offered some fun, but suffered from several flaws that doomed it to fps mediocrity. I don’t even have to go into how disappointing the recent Aliens: Colonial Marines was. There have been some good games in the recent years, like the underrated Aliens: Infestation on the Nintendo DS, but the best “big” games were the Aliens vs Predator PC games from ’99 and ’01.

Many of us would love to see a new awesome game based on the franchise, and we want something fresh rather than the rehashed ideas that have defined Alien games of late.

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Tzuno4211d ago

Is going to wrong developers.

NYC_Gamer4211d ago

I believe Creative Assembly will do great with Aliens

Soldierone4211d ago

The only way it does well is if it goes to a developer that wants to make a really good "horror" game. Something like what Insomniac did with Resistance, but instead of creating a new IP they want to give it up to an already established base. So they can't create anything "new" in terms of alien creatures etc....

Until then it will more than likely be stuck in generic hell.

BlueTemplar4211d ago

I think the problem with making a game around the Alien films is trying to keep things varied when you've only got one (admittedly fantastic) enemy to battle throughout the entire game, with just a few variations.

I think thats probably why the best game so far imo, is Aliens v Predator 2 as that throws a different enemy into the mix and keeps the separate campaigns short and sweet.

aLucidMind4211d ago

I would love a first-person claustrophobic, survival-horror game. As much as A:CM sucked, anyone who played it has to admit that The Raven level where you have to run from the Xenomorphs was very well-done in atmosphere and everything (it was the only level that showed the true potential the game could have had).

e-p-ayeaH4211d ago

A sort of a point and click game mixed with FPS gameplay mechanics could do the trick.

puzzles and shooting but difficult ones.

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