
Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon R Outed By Illustrator

Siliconera: Kazuyoshi Yaginuma mentioned on his bulletin board he finished the ending illustrations for Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon R… a game that Namco Bandai hasn't announced. Whoops!

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kevco335178d ago

Pokemon Black and White? There's so much news and rumour about on this right now, I don't think there'll be anything left for E3!

Meryl5177d ago

knights in the nightmare for psp looks cool:) i might have to check it out

kraze075177d ago

Handhelds have been blessed with a lot of great JRPGs this gen. Can't say the same for consoles. We could definitely use more JRPGs for the consoles.

Omegabalmung5188d ago

WKC EX edition? I thought it would be WKC 2.

vhero5187d ago

It is I guess this is a sort of a GOTY edition since Japs dont use the GOTY edition as in reality it never won GOTY and neither did borderlands/batman etc..

Redempteur5187d ago (Edited 5187d ago )

i don't think so .. there is clearly more characters (on a party ) and area not in the first game ..
also i see the princess annonced for the sequel so i guess it's from the sequel.what's the point of making new monster and areas when you're working on the sequel of your first game already ( not as a patch i mean )

Myst5188d ago

A pretty nice look into RPGs in this issue, I already see at least four games that I would get. Still need to pick up another DS as well and get a lot of these games.